What's The Future For Lost Ark? Allcraft with Stoopzz

Stoopzz’s Youtube: http://Youtube.com/Stoopzz_TV
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Stoopzz’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/Stoopzz_TV

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/richwcampbell
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RichWCampbell
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/richwcampbell
Discord: discord.gg/MmxNtt4

Asmongold’s Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/Asmongold
Asmongold’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/Asmongold
Asmongold’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asmongold
Asmongold’s YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCQeRaTuk

Edited by OdinDuh:

#LostArk #Asmongold #Stoopzz


38 thoughts on “What's The Future For Lost Ark? Allcraft with Stoopzz”

  1. 1:05:00 "Citizenship" in Lost Ark = Soloing Guardian Belganus in Tier 3.
    This is totally true. Didn't soloed Belganus means you are either non-DPS class or non-citizen of Lost Ark.
    (edit) Support Class can solo Belganus after they geared up properly, but much much more effort necessary.

  2. I'm really enjoying Lost Ark. Having a blast. The story telling is vastly inferior to FF14 but the combat and dungeons just at iLVL 500 is already superb and IMO (just my opinion/personal preference) much better than FF14. The world building and graphics are on par. I'll see how things goes but I plan for now to come back to FF14 for the story releases but my grinding will be in Lost Ark. Good thing no need to grind to enjoy FF14's best in class story telling.

    If anyone made it to the ship sailing and continental travel part. They would realize this is One Piece, and the arks are one pieces. My avatar uses 3 swords as a DB so she is the female Zoro. How cool is that? The story is not well written (def seems to get better as it progress though, just like ARR to HW) but the world itself is immersive and bursting with charm.

    When I was younger, I played a ton of Ragnarok Online where it was an ENDLESS grind. Some of my fondest memories along with FF11 (also an endless grind) and burning crusade. For me and some people, the grind really vibes with us. We do not like our grind being invalidated with the next expansion. We WANT the endless hamster wheel because it is meaningful and rewarding, again IMO, to climb on top of a very high ladder. Not talking about high parsing etc. Talking about personal power, iLVL achieved by the neckest of beards. Praying that the P2W won't get worse, as that would be a deal breaker. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt for now, since the talent and dedication of the team is very apparent.

  3. I love when millionaires that have barely been playing the game get all the free shit that the loyal customers were not even told about being available for sale. I love these guys but that is the most entitled take I have ever heard about why long term loyal fans that actually make financial sacrifices for the game in some cases, get upset about a bunch of millionaires getting thrown items that the devs say are sold out.

  4. Imo their definition of P2W is bad. They say that even if you don't buy stuff in Lost Ark, you will still reach endgame but slower. How is that different from WoW (which is P2W cause of the token)?

  5. Hello everyone,

    If you were to die today, are you 100% sure that you would go to Heaven? It is simple to get saved and know that you are going to Heaven when you die, so why wait? Please read below:

    I love our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, with all my heart and I want to tell you about him. We are all sinners who have come short of the glory of God. God cannot allow a single sin into Heaven because he is a Holy God. The punishment for sin is Hell, and we are all sinners. God does not want anyone to go to Hell. God loves us so much that he sent his only begotten son to die for our sins. His son, Jesus Christ, took on all of sin when he died on the cross for us. Jesus Christ’s blood washes away ALL of our sins (past, present. and future). Believe in your heart that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead on the third day. This gift of salvation and eternal life is a free gift of God. By the grace of God, we are saved by faith alone, not of ourselves or our works.

    None of us know when we will die. Having faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and getting saved allows you to have this gift of eternal life in Heaven. Repent. Put your faith in what Jesus Christ did on the cross to save you. Trust in Jesus Christ to save you. Believe in, trust, and have faith in the Gospel, the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

    If you are sincere about this, say a prayer to God about it!

    A couple of resources:

    Check out "How to Get Saved" and "The Gospel" by Robert Breaker on YouTube, and check out "How to Get Saved and Be a REAL Bible-Believer" by Gene Kim (REAL Bible Believers) on YouTube.

    Some verses from the King James Version Bible:

    Romans 3:23

    23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

    2 Corinthians 7:10

    10 For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.

    1 Corinthians 15:1-4

    15 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;

    2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.

    3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;

    4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

    Acts 16:30-31

    30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?

    31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

    Ephesians 2:8-9

    8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

    9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.

    Please let me know if this message has helped lead you to Jesus Christ and your salvation. Thank you for your time.

  6. I'm glad people are starting to realize that game A doesn't need to die for game B to be successful…

    EDIT: Checked just for fun… 11:00MST on Feb 20th, 1.15 million players currently online in Lost Ark through steam… Holy shit.

  7. Regardless, the thing that ppl have different approach to games. Hate it or no.

    A bad design is a bad design and they should be mentioned out before someone start to question it. This is the experience of all mmo veterans that know too well about the genre.

  8. "Pay to Win" does not mean you get fucked over when you don't pay. It means that whatever you do, someone who spends money gets better gear and faster than you. And you will never compete to someone who spends money on shit. So the payer wins.
    If you are competitive, even in PVE. You will be less equipped than a wale. Thats Pay to Win.

  9. funny how the biggest whales are always talking pay to win and how it doesn't matter lol, i guess for me the thing is that it makes your real life RNG and circumstance influence your ingame achievements.

    asmon isnt buying stuff.

    but every time you see someone with sick gear. u wont think "wow that guy is skilled/badass, to have gotten that set"

    50/50 they just swiped dad's credit card.

    when the novelty wears off, cosmetic rewards and prestige/showing off, start to matter more, which are two of the things that basically are meaningless in this game.

  10. The AWS argument is rather weak. Because for that the software still needs to support the scaling possibilities inside the framework Amazon offers. And to me it looks like that this is not the case with Lost Ark.

  11. When Stoopzz said he's not trying to pay $50 to read a book, in reference to FF14, I felt that. Like seriously, A-FUCKING-MEN okay lol I love FF buti hate questing solo cause its just too long and too much for me, fuck all of that loll

  12. Fun Facts: The backwards F is the Korean consonant for "k," and doing that symbol multiple times is the same as "lol" (kkkkkkkkkk)
    The Japanese equivalent is wwwwwwww, which comes from the Japanese word "Warai" (to laugh)

  13. All the whales realizing "paying to win" really doesn't mean anything besides bringing your item level up to only unlock the ability to do certain content. They are gonna go into content literally naked with no cards, no gems, no engravings, no good stones, no runes. The only thing they have is item level. You need to see it from a different perspective. In this game, YOU HAVE TO interact with the whole game. And that's where I think the game is gonna last because you're doing hard content and you're doing chill fun content back to back. It's not always hard nor is it always chill. It's done perfectly. And they did admit they made a mistake to keep releasing end content too much in KR. So now they are gonna focus on horizontal content which is sooooo good. I want to chill in this game. Like how ff14 does. With the minigames and little quests it got and fishing and stuff. This is where you play the actual game and not just skip stuff.This is why I let this game slide. I don't condone games with these f2p models but it's done right. I thought the Mari shop was p2w but it's there to balance out the f2p players and paid players. Plus it benefits us f2p players when we start making more gold in the end we can convert to crystals "freely" to help us with mats and stuff. I genuinely think this game will last for awhile. And I mean awhileeee.

  14. FTP players are basically minimum wage workers in Lost Ark. It's a second job that never really achieves anything when all your progression is invalidated by someone that can buy progression in a day, vs months.

  15. Dude I love islands, I’m taking my time and I’m T2 you’ll naturally progress over time just have fun guys my alt should be in T2 tomorrow I just farm islands and events and dungeons lol the quests are good too.

  16. 40:10 okay than why dose game's are designed in that way? like going really slow to get in end game if you don't pay.
    i think the demage has been done already.
    i saw the games(like LA or Genshin or whatever) and i thought "well the game's looks great. i want to play that raid myself!"
    than when i fucking play the game. it takes fucking forever lol.
    i mean can't you see? are you that fucking blind? why ubisoft single player games are selling gear set and skins?
    oh~ you can farm currency? that's right! but it takes like 3 month for one gear set. i rather pay to get that shit.
    actually you know what? i rather just stop play that shit…
    multiplayer games are even worse. i mean look at the halo infinite. it gives you nothing when you don't pay.
    and when you even pay for the battle pass… what the hell is that progression man. of course! you right man. they selling levels for bp.
    enough is enough. thanks for your stupidity rich man. now i have to grind for every single shit in game.
    and than i found retros and indie games. they cost like nothing and hell lot fun.
    now i'm really thanks to you. great job.

  17. WoW players are really deep in the denial that they don't realize WoW is a p2w game too. I know this because I bought 5 WoW tokens to buy the base legendary gears multiple times for M+ and raids.


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