What’s driving Germany’s far-right AfD resurgence?

Eighty years after the invasion of Normandy and the eventual defeat of Nazi Germany, the far-right is resurfacing with alarming force.

Nationalist parties are surging in politics across Europe, including Germany, where polling shows one in five people now supports the far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party.

Dawna Friesen reports from Berlin on how immigration is one of the biggest drivers for those shifting sentiments. She also speaks to members of Identitäre Bewegung (Generation Identity), a far-right group that Germany’s domestic security agency has classified as extremist.

For more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/video/10543293/growing-fear-about-rise-of-far-right-in-germany

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26 thoughts on “What’s driving Germany’s far-right AfD resurgence?”

  1. I love how no matter what its always played a the far right lets be honest what brings this kind of crap out is the immigrants who constantly play the race card just to get there way yes there is racism but it is and always will be everyone else never the immigrants themselves this is what is pushing anger and hate witch eventually leads to the racism you see here. In this video.

  2. Never mind global news trying their best attempt to be north Koreas favorite media outlet.

    Global, what's it like being the media arm of fascist movements?

    Who was it that forced banks to freeze bank accounts?

    Oh right. Trudeau. An actual fascists. Now he wants to control more of our private media.

  3. You failed to mention that the Chancellor now wants to expel certain groups after an attack left one police officer dead and four injured. Global never tells both sides of the story only the side that suits their Far L***t narrative.

  4. This video barely touches on why, exactly, so many Germans are turning against immigration and being drawn to the AfD. Here's one incident for context:

    "During the 2015–2016 celebrations of New Year's Eve in Germany, approximately 1,200 women were reported to have been sexually assaulted, especially in the city of Cologne. In many of the incidents, while these women were in public spaces, they were surrounded and assaulted by large groups of men who were identified by officials as Arab or North African men. The Federal Criminal Police Office confirmed in July 2016 that 1,200 women had been sexually assaulted on that night."

  5. It will only spread across the whole of the continent. immigration led to the UK leaving the EU. People see streets where the main language on banners, shop fronts and the spoken language is something foreign too their host country. It's a shame but it's also a reality.


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