What Would You Do? – TheFirearmGuy

What Would You Do? Should I give up the CZ Shadow 2?
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32 thoughts on “What Would You Do? – TheFirearmGuy”

  1. If you’re looking to sell or trade it TS2 in the future then sure go ahead with the trade now I’ll admit dollar for dollar I think you’re getting the better end of the deal, and you also said you can acquire the shadow 2 easier then coming across another TS2, but you said it yourself “do you need it?” If you want it bad enough go for it but if you feel like you don’t need it then I say just stick with the shadow 2

  2. I would hold what I got and use the 500$ to buy ammo so the ones you do have don't become stupidly expensive paper weights at the end of the year begining of next when all the election crap and all the other chaos you know will insue when either side don't get what they want, and ammo dissapears in the next ammopocolypse.

  3. You are trying to rationalize a $100 difference for an item your heart wants? Why?
    Think about it this way: how much is worth to you negatively the amount of times you'll be kicking yourself for being "practical" and missing the trade?
    Let's assume a loved family member asks you for $100 right now, for any reason, you'd be with your wallet out in a second, right? So, you deserve at least the same treatment.
    Trade to your content, sir.


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