What Women Don't Realize About Feminism

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50 thoughts on “What Women Don't Realize About Feminism”

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  2. Around 4:40: If women are getting all these compliments and validation for fake photoshopped selfies and digital art, they're easily gonna become addicted to the attention and "red carpet treatment" – especially if they don't receive that AMOUNT of consistent attention in the real world… That's gonna be so hard to give up!! Genuine attention in the real world CAN be addicting! Imagine what it's like for regular everyday women living out their fantasy of being treated like a professional swim suit model on the reg….

    That's the new way to boost or completely build their self-esteem or self-confidence today. At least that's what some of these women admit to. And their long-term BFs/potential BFs are NOT supposed to feel insecure, worried or threatened by all this potential constant competition?? How much more difficult will it be to build a genuine trusting relationship for them?

  3. I’m Australian and none of this social media shit is a thing down here.
    If I ever did meet a chick and she was really into any of this crap I’d just go home and have a wank instead of putting up with her.

  4. Here is the problem I have with hypergamy. If a woman is looking for a man that is such a provider and protector and supplier then why is it that they prefer chads who are more interested in themselves and will not provide anything. Chad's are the opposite of hypergamy.

  5. What women today don't realize about feminism is that life for women wasn't always as it is today.
    Women don't realize they owe feminism EVERYTHING. Feminism provided them with the freedoms and autonomy they have today.

  6. Rich I think you're wrong for suggesting she should get off social media if she wants a relationship with the guy.

    Men should not be interested in these kind of women that using their social media in this manner to begin with.

    She qresent him later and label him misogynistic n controlling.

    Let these w0men be the 304s they feel theily are.

  7. It’s really regrettable that Feminism has evolved into such a polarizing entity…as a young, timid, wallflower in college, I thought Feminism was great…it encouraged women toward a career drive to put their talents to good use (she gets to express her masculine energy) and they advocate for body autonomy and reproductive rights. These things are important, but they’re only a piece of the puzzle…women are socialized to think men will find success attractive. Women don’t think that embracing their beautiful feminine energy and the differences we have from men are of any value in this society…I’m guilty as the next lady. I feel powerful when I know I’m killing it in my job, but that’s not the energy my husband wants to come home to, or at least it seems that way.

    The man-blaming aspect of Feminism is pretty toxic, and the reality is that there are just as many conservative women (if not more!!) fighting against reproductive rights as there are men…it’s politicized, so it will forever be a shit show. I do believe Feminism still holds value in keeping the law out of a woman’s body, and I think men do benefit from having more cultured and intelligent women to choose from…not just an airhead housewife. Rich has a daughter, and I’m betting he would like her to have some focus, intelligence, and direction as she moves on into adulthood, but also a realistic look at what she really wants for herself…does she want marriage and family…that is going to require her to understand both her masculine and feminine energies and express them accordingly.

    I wish feminine qualities and energy were more valuable and not the the eye-roll in every situation. Feminine women seem to be perceived a certain negative way anymore…it’s not taken seriously, especially amongst men. It’s palpable in a room full of successful men and women, from a very young age, you’re talked down to, brushed aside, etc. I think that’s why women are so hell-bent on the career card to feel a sense of competence and power. It’s nobody’s fault, but that sense of being the undervalued and unheard little girl clearly seems to be a common theme driving women to success anymore. Feminine energy has power too…it’s just different.

  8. In one of his talks, David Deida talked to women about how they have officially become better men than they can find these days…and he then said, “ok, now welcome to loneliness”. He added that he doesn’t know what women expected when they got to the peak of their success, but it’s not what they thought. Women can do whatever they want, but will it make them truly happy or fulfilled? Maybe she needs to chase that career to figure it out.

    I wouldn’t know… I went into a very low-paying career, but I loved working with my clients. It was nurturing others and was very fulfilling in that sense…I never cared about the shitty pay. My husband hated that it got in the way of our family time though. I haven’t figured out the balance yet. Stay at home motherhood is not it either lol…it’s pretty thankless tbh. I love my babies, so it’s a gift to them. I’m not sure what men want in terms of career in their partner, but I will say that everyone needs to feel that sense of accomplishment and success, regardless of gender. She’s not going to probably feel accomplished as a stay at home momma, so let her find her happy medium ❤️✌️

  9. Leave the women and children behind ,
    When they become prey , they’ll miss us ,
    In the meantime make another litter with another clan far far far away ,

    I can walk down the streets at night in Afghanistan or Mozambique ,
    No problem , we are the monsters ,
    However they look at it , they lose ,
    They lose .

  10. Treat a boyfriend/girlfriend according to the level of value they're providing for you. People are just applications to fill individual wants. Love, family and long relationships are not possible for what is now valued. Too much to risk for too little gain any other way

  11. Feminists are like forked tongued snakes. They say one thing but mean another. For example, these say they are helping woman then they will demonize mothers by saying you can be more than a housewife changing dirty diapers. This was going on in the 1980's when I was a child and it effected my mother. She basically went on strike and didn't raise me. Feminists also teach woman to be like men. It's rare to find a nurturing woman. My mother wasn't.

  12. 7:48 MEN DON'T WANT WOMAN WHO ACT LIKE MEN! I like intelligent woman, but she has to be a nurturing woman for the children. My mother wasn't nurturing. She acted like Judge Judy. In fact, she became a judge latter in life. She also resolved problems like a lawyer. Blame instead of compromise. I'm 49 and my brother is 51. Neither of us ever got married. I wonder why? LOL

  13. Women don't need men except for farm produce, petrol, natural gas, coal, electric power, road repair, mining, heavy equipment repair, construction of all kinds, home maintenance, clean water, computers, communication systems, auto repair, waste disposal, sanitation, national defense, police defense, engineering everything, air traffic control, pilots of all kinds, & more. 
    Women can make their own way sitting behind desks & not doing anything productive (thanks to government).

  14. Government is the new father? Let's kill him! Yep, we need to overthrow the system guys! The current system was created in order to destroy Western Civilization via destroying the White man, not because "they" wanted more consumers.

  15. Had this video in my queue list. Was listening to this as a podcast. I swear to god, for a moment I thought that Rich was talking to Jordan Peterson. The texture of the voice is so similar!


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