What We Know About Life On Mars [4K] | Zenith | Spark

Early in the life of the solar system Mars appears to have had Earth-like conditions. Planetary researchers have been targeting Mars to gain insight into how our own planet developed.

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48 thoughts on “What We Know About Life On Mars [4K] | Zenith | Spark”

  1. Well done, although the "life" suggestion is similar to the expeditions. If we find it it will be from Earth. We are alone in the universe. The odds of any life existing elsewhere are close to zero – as evidenced by all experimentation and observation. The idea is useful in fundraising.

  2. Nothing because we've never searched below the surface, there is a temperate zone under the entire surface of earth that stays at an optimal temperature… I hypothesize there is also a similar effect under mars, best part is no one knows and I may be right.

  3. If NASA is "trying to unlock the secrets of the red planet" they aren't telling anyone the results. Multiple missions to Mars yet NASA has no interest at all in running a simple biological test? They clearly know there is life on Mars. It's inconceivable there is no interest in an answer to the biggest question of all. The question, incidentally which is alleged to be one NASA's prime objectives

  4. Everyone knows there no air on mars right…why do so many people still want to go there…I don’t get it. You can’t terraform it because it doesn’t have a magnetosphere, it will always be to cold because it’s to far away from the sun…leave it alone or sent robots.

  5. Earth was in a state like the rest of the planet Genesis 1:2 and jesus said to it to rearrange and created everything so we could live here. And thats exactly what he is going to do will all of the planet. He is going to transforme them so we could go there.

    About the Millions
    in Huge Cities 🏙
    Survivors had to after
    Two massive thermonuclear
    Air bursts destroyed surface
    Cities and the Atmosphere
    Causing permanent nuclear
    Winter long after the dust
    Clouds settled leaving behind
    The Antarctic conditions
    Found there today.
    They know the location of
    The Cities spotted using
    Infrared Photography able
    to see geometry and structure of buildings, roads
    and streets much like a city
    On Earth the Size of Los Angeles as seen from a plane
    From the Heat Emitted.
    Water flows beneath the
    Surface and doesn’t evaporate as it does on the
    Surface. They discovered
    That Phobos, one of the most foreboding and scary
    Looking Moons in the entire
    Solar System has Geometric
    Partitioned Hollows inside
    Indicating it is Not a natural
    Moon. When Russia tried to
    Land on it. They were prevented by a Cigar shaped
    Craft almost 20 miles long
    and two miles in diameter
    That either crashed or
    Captured the Probe to end
    all functions. Any landings
    on Mars are in spots that
    Have ruins and if allowed.
    Mars being called the God
    Of War for reasons based
    On Truth and Fact
    Maybe the Ancients witnessed the Two Explosions
    as Two Bright Flashes that
    Were seen on Earth. The largest Bomb was calculated
    To be the Size of the Empire
    State building dropped from
    Space. Since that happened
    Millions of years ago, are
    The Attacker’s Descendants
    Still around? Do They pose
    a Threat or was it an extreme
    Act of self defense?

  7. if they are saying some stuff is that old, like maybe billions of years ago etc, where are all the bones of animals and life forms? people say the earth is millions or billions of years old and that dinosaurs roamed the earth millions of years ago and we are able to find their bones near the surface or not so far underground. this is just a waste

  8. Mars get hits by to many Meteors and Asteroids! Until it get a Atmosphere, for a shield. Its the only place we have to go to! If we destroy our beautiful world, we live in! I Love Earth! What God has Made for us > Its so prefect

  9. I cannot believe we spend billions to visit a frozen dry dead wasteland, we can hardly live at Antarctica, but we want to go to Mars that is way more deadly, it's not going to happen, there is going to be at best one research base, forget the Martian cities fantasy.

  10. We can only send animals & probes survival here for humans impossible kept away because if we find a way to,humans will selfishly start fucking all planet up with mining, then catastrophic weather changes due to global warming.


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