What Ukraine Needs to Win.

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This is my first fan requested video regarding the war in Ukraine. People asked me what Ukraine needs equipment wise to turn the war decisively in their favour. And so I decided to give my take.

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23 thoughts on “What Ukraine Needs to Win.”

  1. while i do agree the F16 would be a great platform for the ukrainians, I think a much better platform would be the Eurofighter typhoon. it would be a shorter logistics train, allow them to continue using the metror missile in air defence, and give them large amounts of the capabilities of the F16 while also giving giving them a high grade a2a fighter, especially if equipped with the new enhanced modifications which make it even longer ranged(better for loiter not distance, that way they can be of better use in the CAS, interdiction roles), and massively more agile at higher and lower speeds. additionally it would allow the ukrainians to stick with dual engine fighter that's highly aglie like their existing aircraft rather than the radically different beasts of the gripen and F16. it would also mean a shorter lead time for pilot training as most of Europe especially the UK(already training their) and Germany could offer major training assistance.

  2. The biggest thing I hear on the ground that could screw them is they use our equipment like Russians use theirs. Ours are designed for a smaller squad who identifies a critical target and marks it which our weapons are specifically designed to work with. But legion fighters are saying their requests are denied and are instead used on blanketing the Frontlines.

    Maint of our Artillery is paramount too. Fire it too much and bye barrel. Same with smart rounds which cost me the taxpayer funding this an arm and a leg to produce.

    I see improvement of this but they need to get that together and minimalize waste. They have all these great targets within range but they just pound some farm field with a squad in it not even engaging them.

    Like shock and awe has been achieved, listen to intercepted cell calls of Russian soldiers. Check now use them where it counts on big money targets.

  3. That speech by chrurchill is one of my favorites, although I disagree I think we are seeing the end of the war in Ukraine and may be seeing the beginning of a third world War or at least a nato vs Russia war. I dont think Russia will be able to mobilize enough men fast enough to make a difference and will have to resort to drastic measures. If that happens we may all be drawn into thus conflict. šŸ˜’

  4. It's interesting that people are so confident in the Patriot, which has mostly just shot down friendly aircraft. It has killed SRBMs/IRBMs but I believe only one hostile combat aircraft has ever been shot down, and that was by the IDF a few years ago.

  5. So Ukraine has already received some old A-10 warthog airframes the army and air force decided didn't meet "standards" and was "donated" to ukriane for them to train with to go with the flight sim they have built. (Laughs in American brrrrrrrt)

  6. All the modern US systems, whether Patriot, M1A1, or F16 requires many months of training to learn to use them and/or to keep them working. But if we'd started this in May the first classes would be close to graduating now.

  7. bro, this video was like super, super, yeah real fucking super good dawg! I really enjoyed watching it, many thanks for the 55 minutes of quality distraction bro!! šŸ¤“šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ kudos!!! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘

  8. All the more reason to keep Putinā€™s ā€œUseful Idiotā€ā€¦Donald Trumpā€¦OUT of the White House. If he, or his toadies gain power, he will again try his very best to appease Putin while throwing Ukraine under the bus.

  9. Why are F35s not in realms of possibility? The case for closing the sky could not be more clear. The degree of obfuscation by the so-called collective West will be judged by history and risks itā€™s own demise.


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