What this MAN DID will make you question humanity | The Cary Stayner's Case

“In this chilling true crime story, we delve into the disturbing actions of Cary Stayner, a man who terrorized Yosemite National Park in 1999. Over a span of several months, Stayner committed a series of gruesome m***er, leaving a trail of fear and uncertainty in his wake. This narrative explores the details of his crimes, his troubled upbringing, and the shocking events that led to his eventual capture and confession.”


44 thoughts on “What this MAN DID will make you question humanity | The Cary Stayner's Case”

  1. Is this the Styner who's brother was kidnapped and held for years? Then escaped when his kidnapper took another younger child. To avoid having the child repeatedly raped as he had been, he escaped with the child and went to a police station.

  2. Scuba evil man poor women they hadn’t any chance . Never open your door unless you call front desk first to really know ? And they would notify there clients there sending someone because of a leak ? I😢😢😢😢

  3. Stumbled accross your channel, well narrated without annoyingly loud music, well researched. My thoughts being with those left behind after these horrific deaths

  4. This case is always upsetting. First of all because of the victims and their families and the horror of that.

    But the case sheds light on how psychopathy may be worsened by environmental factors. The abduction, the fact that he was stewing in imagery of sexual domination and control during his puberty years, the feelings he was having during his brother's absence. I think that he had some predisposition towards psychopathy and I think that the effects of his brother's abduction worsened the outcomes for everyone.

    To be clear, I am not calling for compassion toward him. I would like to point out that one of the interesting features of psychopathy is that the psychopath is aware that their actions are wrong. In a legal context, this means that psychopathy cannot be grounds for an insanity defense.

  5. Unknown in England what a sicko & I’m a serial killer er I’ll say fan but hope u all know interested in Yosemite nature park been there years ago beautiful place but this may worry tourists

  6. People, If you’re with a group of people, even a small group of people, & someone with ill intentions towards you all starts attacking y’all, all of you need to jump this person all at once!

  7. Just horrible! Cary’s younger brother was kidnapped at the age of 7 by a child molester. He was found years later and went on to have a good life until he was killed in a hit and run. Unbelievable that the older brother would turn out to be a serial killer.

  8. Cary Stayner has four murders of innocent women under his belt. He is sentenced to death – just like the other 700+ convicts on death row… that sit safely and comfortably as Governor Gavin Newsom fecklessly ponders how to convert San Quentin’s death row into a “justice center” where NO CRIMINAL is put to death and NO VICTIMS or their families are given justice as California state law allows. I’m safe in Texas now, where at least I can protect myself if someone tries to rape me again.

  9. My takeaway from all these rabid animals has always been- never allow any pervert peeking in your windows. SECURE your windows at night. The importance of this is immense! AND don't believe anyone! EVER!

  10. His younger brother Steven was a hero who escaped when his predator kidnapped a younger boy to victimize next. He didn't want what happened to him to happen to anyone else so he escaped with the younger boy and his his abductor was caught. Hulu has a documentary about all of this called Captive Audience.

  11. My God. How can such sick, demented cruel ppl even exist. It makes me question the very xistence of an all noing God. Maybe it happens when he takes a break bcuz if he knew, he cudnt let this happen.


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