What They Found In Australia Shocked The Whole World

With a diameter wider than Moon and land so exotic , Australia is also a home to many groundbreaking discoveries … whether the uncanny beings found at unexpected places or mysterious land revealing the creepy ancient truths …
Get your self ready for these bizarre discoveries made in Australia that shocked the whole world ..!!!

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16 thoughts on “What They Found In Australia Shocked The Whole World”

  1. Bull Sharks give birth up in the River Systems/Estuaries…… above the salt water line, above the brackish mix, and up into the
    real fresh water. But Tiger's have been caught in brackish water(mixed salt/fresh) & then the Whites which are caught right
    in the tidal sections of rivers….. I saw some 14ft Whites caught in Australia a few miles up from the Ocean but I bet you guys
    have stories about them going further up? It sounds scary but we have a bigger chance of being struck by lightning than a
    shark attack. But the idea of it is scary…. peace

  2. This is a garbage video. Why is Angela Merkel (former German Chancellor) shown at 1;13 as an emergency worker?
    Half of the footage here is not even in Australia. Crap video, crap channel…hi from Australia πŸ–•


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