What The Bible Says About Racism

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41 thoughts on “What The Bible Says About Racism”

  1. This is an honest question and thought… How can the Bible be the cure for racism when it communicates that God choose one group of people above all others?

    If I believe that God choose my people and gives special favor to my group, isn’t that the beginning of me potentially believing that I can take from other group?

    Why would a loving and just God choose one group of people above every other group of people that has existed in human history?

    I can’t square that.

  2. Myron is making me think he’s trying to keep his white cohorts pleased. Why should we forget about black history or the month of black history, when white and the Jewish people have not forgotten about the horrors of Europe. It’s been in text books in school ever since the beginning of America. Slavery and indentured servitude also the holocaust. We can’t allow them to wipe out history or our story. Forget where you’ve been and your bound to repeat it…!

  3. Serious question I've always wanted to know "Where did white people come from?" We know that Adam and Eve were Black like the Father. Was it part of the punishment placed upon Cain, was it the off-spring of the women having babies with the fallen angels? Or, was it something else? Seriously things I've heard and wanted to know. Also, were there other people here when Adam and Eve were made? Some say first to be made, simply means first in the garden. And lastly, what is the history behind the spiritual warfare between black and white people in America, and essentially, around the world? Is it true that it goes back to Jacob and Esau/ Cain and Abel (essentially a spiritual jealousy, regardless of whether conscious or subconscious)?

  4. Also, is it true that our literal thoughts are mass? This new idea that everyone is sharing of manifesting offers that statement to be true and suggests that mass starts in our minds and we manifest it to this rhem. I just wanted to know, are our thoughts mass and do we operate on radio frequencies?

  5. Man, you are different Myron! I hope I get to sit in on one of your teachings before you blow up. You are changing my mind rapidly! I had to get a children’s Bible so that I could understand it but you break it down in layman’s terms! So simple!

  6. The firmament is still there, The water is still up there, plasma is the 4th state of matter. Up is up, not relative. Toss out what they taught you about “space” and you see how the most high, is above us. Spinning earth ball in a vacuum=lies

  7. I was always taught that the firmament was a canopy of water that was above the earth that was broken up and rained down upon the earth causing the Great Flood. Because that was not a normal rain…40 days and 40 nights covering most of the Earth…had to have been a massive rain to separate land creating countries divided by vast water. And that the water above the Earth during that time filtered the rays of the Sun and that's why people like Methuselah lived so long back then. But once that canopy was broken, man started to age faster and die younger.


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