What the Bible Really Says About Sex and Gender (According to Scholars)

Bible scholars say the Bible says this about sex and gender.

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Dr. Bart Ehrman, Jeffery Siker, Dan McClellan, and Jennifer Wright Knust come together to answer the question: What does the Bible say about sex and gender? We also discuss what scripture says about marriage, family, divorce, homosexuality, desire, and more. From Leviticus to Romans to Genesis to 1 Timothy, the Bible has a lot to say about these topics. Here, experts take on the challenge of unpacking it all.

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32 thoughts on “What the Bible Really Says About Sex and Gender (According to Scholars)”

  1. I love these interviews because so many evangelicals love to pretend that their particular theological position is the only valid one as well as being the consensus across the board. If you ever want to talk about the intersection of religion and climate change I recommend reaching out to professor Timothy Beal 🖤

  2. 1:34:48 yeah I can see how that verse can both be used in a liberatory context and in one that deferres any liberatory goals to the afterlife. It doesn't matter that I own you or that you're s second class citizen or sick and poor. One day in the future we will all be equal. So no point working for equality in this world. Or hey god sees us all as equal so we need to work towards thar equality in this life to become more like God

  3. What it really says: gender doesn't exist. Sexual orientation doesn't exist. Gender identity doesn't exist. There is only the binary sexual ontology. And what you do and how you feel must be submitted to the objective reality of what you are. Your feelings and fancies are irrelevant to the facts, because these are corrupted by your sinful desires and depraved mind.

  4. Sodom is the constellation of the Scorpion and is the fourth son of Ham. Sodom is Canaan. Canaan is obligated to feed Shem (winter) and Japheth (spring). Ham (summer) feeds himself.
    Scorpio represents the harvest which is to be shared with all and not to be hoarded for the few. Gomorrah is the constellation Sagittarius which denotes the beginning of the rainy season. See Zeus and Hermes visit Philemon and Baucis.

  5. Coming from a pan enby Christian,
    Regardless of what the Bible truly says, good or bad, regardless of whatever of the billions of interpretations that anybody can come up with.
    It. Should. Have. Nothing. To. Do. With. Legislation.

  6. What the Bible says is irrelevant. The fact is that most legitimate studies don't support the idea of transsexuality being inherently biological. If it isn't inherently biological, it's just some bullshit that was made up and is therefore not real.

  7. Although I appreciate this insightful discussion of the topic, my takeaway is this: the biblical passages does in fact condemn same-sex acts as a vice. I don’t see how devout Christians can just stop calling homosexuality a sin. Let’s accept it. The Bible is against it.

    Now, why should I care what the Bible says? Why should I take it seriously or as authoritative? Let’s stop obsessing about what ancient people thought and believed thousands of years ago and let’s focus on making our modern life easier and better.

    I also want to point at a few things I think were poorly explained or debatable. The Greek pederasty was not between an adult male and a child (pre-pubescent). It was between an adult male and a teenager or young adult. (I’m not justifying it or anything. Just getting the facts straight).
    Also, Paul’s authorship of the Pastoral epistles (1st, 2nd Timmothy and Titus) is highly disputed. But again, why should I care what Bible said or believed in?

  8. 25:21 philosophy major here: Greek Pederasty relations were more based on social hierarchy, regarding who was the top and who was the bottom. Socrates, for example, would not have been topped by a sl8ve boy.
    I think that was briefly mentioned here, but the explicit context adds more interesting ramifications for Paul’s take in the bible 👀

  9. 19:30 This video is irritating me. Everytime this guy says “well again context is everything” 😤😡 what is he talking about “ be careful of modern context on biblical narratives” when Christian’s are constantly using old world context to fit into a modern world.

    The worst part is him trying to say that because the word homosexuality didn’t exist then, that it can’t be speaking on homosexuality at all…. What is this guy talking about?

  10. "2nd in creation and first in sin" just tick me off because its so dumb to think men came first. When somebody asks "what came first, the chicken or the egg" nobody ever says the rooster. But if you think about it from this male ego-centric patriarchal view, do they even think the woman has a part in it or do they just think their sperm is like cake batter that any old oven can bake into a cake. Seems like they'd have to acknowledge that the kids often take after their mothers, but knowing them they probably thought it was just her female sinfulness that corrupted the child with her image in the womb, as an act of rebellion and property theft against her husband, and if the baby looks to much like her get the stones out

  11. Clarifying that I’m atheist first and correct me if I’m wrong but. God didn’t even write the Bible from my understanding. It was written by various people(some of whom may not actually exist) who claimed that god told them to write this book. This book is oozing with human biases and many contradictions on this subject are likely due to separate writers. The implications of the book being written by people who*claim* to be told through god could easily mean any part of the book can be discredited because of an unreliable narrator so to speak

  12. Wow, Drew, just an incredible video! I have learned so much. Thank you so much for putting in the effort to do al this research and interviews. This is truly something I would never be able to do myself. A big thank you.

  13. "If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them." How can you possibly argue that the bible only means that one of the men are acting "unnaturally". Its pretty clear that both of them are equally guilty here.

    If you want to argue that the bible's rules on sexuality are outdated and are no longer useful after the invention of the condom/sexual protection, then make that argument. But dont try to rewrite the Bible to fit your worldview. From an evolutionary point of view, biblical sexual morality makes total sense. A promisuous society that practiced sodomy without sexual protection would spread disease among its people and most likely collapse.

  14. Jennifer is a babe. I loved her perspective on these topics. Fascinating insights I hadn't heard before – brilliant. Sewing machine in the background – inspiring. Quirky cross-stitch on the wall – fantabulous. (I can neither confirm nor deny that I knitted while watching this awesome video.)

  15. This is such an amazing video – literally every minute was amazingly interesting and informative, in a 2-hour video. Thank you so much for making this! I definitely want to attend that online conference now

  16. I always find the historical context so fascinating. I was taught at Baylor that the passage in Corinthians addressing women's head scarves had a specific Greek context. In Greek culture, married women wore a light scarf while unmarried women did not. It was culturally understood that married women not wearing a scarf were looking for an affair. So, the importance of wearing a scarf in church was a prohibition on adultery, not modesty.

    Similarly, there are interesting differences found in Galatians that aren't found elsewhere. Galatians was written to churches found in Galatia, a province that had been home to Gallic tribes for 300 years. This required some differing guidance compared to what was given to Greek churches.

    Super interesting stuff as far as I am concerned.

  17. politics, that’s how all this gets messed up and fumbled around. scholars and experts aren’t pushing for anything or don’t feel “attacked” like the ppl who use it as a weapon. classic conservatives reacting to things in front of them they don’t like. sorry if this was a mess for the comment section. great video i learned things and i like that 😁

  18. I really don’t buy this arsenokoitai being only a thing between man and boy, it feels like a massive reach, i’m pretty sure Paul knew quite well that some arsen koitaied regardless of age..


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