What The Actual F… Where Is The Champion Rebalance?? Raid: Shadow Legends

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24 thoughts on “What The Actual F… Where Is The Champion Rebalance?? Raid: Shadow Legends”

  1. I'm on the verge of quitting Raid. Ironically, because I was already a big fan of the Monster Hunter games, this collaboration made me bored of Raid and got me hardcore back into Monster Hunter. 🤣 Thanks Raid

  2. I think a big part of the OG leggos needs buffs just look at the newer epics and rares having way better kits. No leggo should be garbage level! Also theres a need to reevaluate the champions and where they were inted to be used in the first place and are no longer used specialy some epics like example like Lordly legionare being made for Fk but is actually useless but also champions from the past like Jareg and Speculcher need to be updated into 3turn cooldown since 4:3 team arent a thing anymore, or players go unkilable or traditional 2:1.
    Most of the Free champs suck Yaga, Athel and after Dark Kael all Doom tower champs also suck

  3. They need to spend the next six months doing nothing but updating all these old features and interfaces and buffing as many champions as possible then do slight nerfs to balance the game out. It just feels like the majority of this game is stuck in 2018 like 130 energy and not having separate team set ups for every different mode in the game on top of the 15 that you can use anywhere. I wish they would try to do some of this at least because it would make the playing experience so much better for everyone and it would drive in more money to the game instead of just figuring out what’s the worst possible pack you can make, and still make money.

  4. I actually know why she is pullable now……during the 2nd artifact enhancement they had a server maintenance that cut off the last 30 minutes of the event and screwed a bunch of people from getting the 10 pieces of the fusion and couldn't finish the fusion because of it. The server dropped at 4:30 and came back up at 5:00 as the event ended at 5:00 anyone finishing the event at the last stretch got screwed….I know cuz I was one of them. I was farming spider to get the last bit of silver to upgrade some gear and as soon as I went into the character menu the game went down and when it cam3 back it was too late. I was completely bullshit and sent a message to support and basically got a middle finger and an apology saying there was nothing they could do. A little later got a message saying she was going to be pullable now so I could still get her. This was like the 2nd or 3rd last event to the fusion so I got completely shafted all the resources used to do the friggin fusion…..so that's why she's pullable now cuz i was not the only one who was screwed a d complained about it


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