What Surfing Taught Me About Leadership | Rick Hansen | TEDxRexburg

What keeps us engaged in the work we do and inspired and motivated by the leaders we follow? If you think it’s things like the incentive of rewards or the advancement of a career, you’re not alone – but, according to recent research that’s not the case. Unprecedented data shows that disengagement and indifference in the workplace around the world are at an all-time high, and the reason is that leaders don’t know how to inspire their teams to see and realize their potential. Rick spent 10 years as a teacher and professor and 20 years in executive leadership. Originally from Southern CA, he is an avid surfer focused on teaching leaders how to motivate and inspire the teams they lead. He is passionate about leadership and the positive impact leaders could and should have on people. With a diverse background domestically and globally, he understands how to move the business forward where motivation and inspiration become the competitive edge. Whether it’s the companies he’s owned or transformed, he uses surfing as a metaphor to inform how he leads his teams and organizations. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


33 thoughts on “What Surfing Taught Me About Leadership | Rick Hansen | TEDxRexburg”

  1. My Boss the Surfer Dude. No, my Leader the Surfer Dude. No, my Leader of Navigation. Yes that sits with me much better. To overcome what life has put before us, finding that thing, a go to place, navigating the landscape, finding flow! Its a continuum to practice daily. The key I hear here, is in the lens you're looking from. If you stay where you are, indeed you'll get more of what you are.

  2. Surfing and yoga come hand in hand for me – the challenge of finding balance, whether on the waves or with limbs touching the ground, it is a belief that keeps us from initially finding the balance but once we have found it, it's always within grasp.

  3. I don't know about this one… surfing definitely isn't for everyone but I can appreciate the subtext of this, that overcoming the challenges of something uncontrollable gives you the kind of inner strength and confidence to be a great leader.

  4. It's pretty spectacular what happens when we step in to a space where we just have to get out of our own way. That inner sense of knowing we're able to achieve the goal is so powerful, especially with an activity like surfing, where everything goes silent and your body just knows.

  5. Oh man less than two minutes in and I'm a mess. That feeling of 'it's just me and this thing' is so powerful because there's no external uncontrollable things standing in the way of you conquering whatever that thing is. Just beautiful


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