What Starship Troopers Looks Like Without Special Effects

A slow-motion ballet of shattering spaceships, an army of arachnid warriors — and the surprising effect that wasn’t CGI at all. Here’s what “Starship Troopers” looks like when you strip away the special effects. Would you like to know more?

#StarshipTroopers #CGI #SpecialEffects

The Tanker Bug | 0:00
Johnny’s victory pose | 1:38
The Klendathu base | 2:14
Alien animatronics | 3:25
A CGI mindscan | 4:38
The Rodger Young | 5:34
Digital space destruction | 6:57
Stop-motion wreckage | 7:53
Carmen’s shuttle escape | 8:52
Carmen v the Brain Bug | 9:56

Voiceover By: Anderson Stinson

Read Full Article: https://www.looper.com/1370021/starship-troopers-without-special-effects/


19 thoughts on “What Starship Troopers Looks Like Without Special Effects”

  1. This is a fun movie, in the same class as "Streets of Fire" and that flick with the giant underground worms that pulled their victims down under….??? Sorry, I can't remember the name at the moment. I'll think of it as soon as I close out here….lol

  2. This is nice to see😊 Without special effects. How they filmed it and how. Really nice. Stop-motion wreckage is great😃Digital space destruction great too😃


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