What Scientists Really Think Of Elon Musk's Plan To Colonize Mars will blow your mind!

What Scientists Really Think Of Elon Musk’s Plan To Colonize Mars will blow your mind!
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What Scientists Really Think Of Elon Musk’s Plan To Colonize Mars
” This will be Mars one day”
SpaceX founder Elon Musk has long dreamt of making life multiplanetary by building a fleet of reusable Starships to enable humans to build ‘Mars Base Alpha’, the first permanent colony on the Red Planet.
Musk envisions creating a self-sustaining civilization on Mars within 20 years. “I hope there is a self-sustaining city on Mars in 20 years!” he said recently. He has said on multiple occasions that he would like to “die on Mars.”
But can Musk’s dream really come true?
Let’s see what Scientists Really Think of Elon Musk’s Plan to Colonize Mars.

Since SpaceX’s founding in 2002, Musk’s ultimate goal has been to be capable of returning astronauts to the Moon and building a colony on Mars.
In fact, Musk was disappointed that NASA had not returned astronauts to the Moon since 1972 and had not landed any humans on Mars so he devised a philanthropic plan to develop rockets and reignite public excitement for space exploration.

When he founded SpaceX, he had the idea of launching the first plant on a rover to the Red Planet, however, the company has not launched this plant to Mars yet, but has since achieved so much towards that goal. SpaceX has developed the world’s most reliable Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy rockets and is capable of reusing the first-stage. SpaceX also returned human spaceflight capabilities to the United States in 2020 while NASA had not launched astronauts from American soil since 2011 when the agency retired the Space Shuttle.
What Scientists Really Think Of Elon Musk’s Plan To Colonize Mars will blow your mind!


21 thoughts on “What Scientists Really Think Of Elon Musk's Plan To Colonize Mars will blow your mind!”

  1. The best option is to stay on Earth where the almighty leaves us, it's a reason why the almighty put us on Earth, why people wanna go somewhere that is a billion times worse than Earth damn ppl are that dumb

  2. Of course the complete fraud like Neil deGrasse Tyson would certainly be suggesting an almost out right demanding the taxpayer money be stolen for this unimportant and unfulfillable project. Neil deGrasse Tyson is a fraud in a government waste stooge

  3. When it comes down to simple reality there will never be human colonization of Mars This is a simple fact of physiology and physics There is not enough gravity on planet Mars to ever facilitate human colonization There will never be any way to terraform Mars to the point where there can be open surface colonies because there will never be enough atmospheric pressure even if you converted the entire atmosphere to oxygen The partial pressure of oxygen at the surface would still not sustain normal human life and if you put humans there for any length of time inside containment tunnels or structures with supplied pressure supplied breathing gas and all other essentials they would very rapidly either die off from physiological deformities and degeneration due to the low gravity or they would have to mutate massively physiologically throughout every system and of course with no longer be human beings as we know them period this is pure simple fact of physics and physiology period There will never be long-term human colonization of Mars period

  4. Just wait until we are a threat to other forms of life once we get past our immediate solar system. Right now, if there is other life out there, I assume they do not feel we are a threat because we cannot get to them. Once we travel further away from our home, we become the unknown variable for the rest of the universe. 🤔

  5. DeGrasse' Tyson's opinion regarding "only governments" should undertake such a project shows his propensity for government controls of everything without explanation. It is a very dictatorial statement, to say the least.

    If you listen to him talk you will either think he is so brilliant normal people can't understand such brilliance, or . . . he has a gift for the longest line of bull shit that says nothing about anything, so in the end there is nothing to disagree with, it is all alphabet soup.

  6. Today the goal of colonizing Mars soon may seem impossible but the new technologies, new innovations and new inventions to get us there is the exciting part to me. Just look at the new rocketry as only one example, that has been produced toward that one single goal that has affected all uses of rockets. Musk is so far ahead of the rest of the world that The US Congress is trying to contain him so that the government doesn't lose control of space missions. Too late!

  7. Ugh, I hate Cox :/ … I think Bezos is correct not Musk. Space stations. In science you isolate an experiment. On Mars you have to address 1000 details around the experiment. Dust, gases, this, that. In space, we begin with vacuum and fill it with our isolated experiment. Our space station or giant wheel or whatever. … I don't like Tyson either. He cancelled Pluto. You can't trust someone that doesn't like dogs!

  8. If Elon hadn't have bought Twitter, and given free speech access, Tyson would have LOVED him! "Great Man!" " Visionary!" Oops, he won't castrate boys whose pedophile teachers convinced was a girl? OFF WITH HIS HEAD! "Fool!" "Unrealistic!" Tyson is a political a-hold.


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