What Scientists Found in Russia Has Left People Speechless

Russia is a country steeped in history and full of wonder. And for people outside of Russia, there is also a sense of mystery. It’s the largest country in the world, spans over two continents, and has 11 different time zones. And as we’ll uncover, it is also home to a number of mysteries happening too. Here are 15 unsettling discoveries in Russia nobody can explain.

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27 thoughts on “What Scientists Found in Russia Has Left People Speechless”

  1. Looks like the skull is that of the Extraterrestrial that looks like a praying mantis that has been talked about and seen in during abductions and contact E's yep its looks like

  2. I'm in Minnesota and at 13 me and my friend had northern lights form 30 feet above our heads and looking up it was a spiral cone like a tp made of green light it was a night ill never lose

  3. The gutless barbarity and self-delusional stupidity of the Russian people leave me nearly speechless. Of course they will never win in Ukraine; they don’t even have the backbones to take ownership of their own failing country.
    Destroy Putin. Exterminate the invaders. Slava Ukraini!!


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