What Remains of Edith Finch – A Masterful Narrative on the Beauty (and Brevity) of Life

Losing my 13-year-old daughter to suicide continues to shift my perspective on the world around me, including my experience …


35 thoughts on “What Remains of Edith Finch – A Masterful Narrative on the Beauty (and Brevity) of Life”

  1. This game takes me back to going home; my father had just taken his life, my mother was a basket-case, and I was the only one capable of wandering around in that old house. It's a heavy place, full of memories you wouldn't trade.

    Edith Finch is very similar, I think. Wandering around an old home, wondering what could have been, and how you would've done things differently.

    I miss the old place, but I wouldn't go back. Even if it was an exercise capable of unearthing more memories from before my head injury.

  2. I've been resonating a lot with your content. I was in a really dark place some time ago… Games are often neglected as form of art, although less now than before. I would like to recommend two games. I'm not sure if you'll be able to play them as they're quite obscure for their respective consoles and to my knowledge were not released anywhere else. If you find a way to play them I highly recommend them. They're Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon. It's a post apocalyptic game that deals in themes of loneliness and abandonment after being the last human alive. It's beautiful even if it was released on the wii. The other is Folklore an action RPG/ adventure game on the Ps3, that also have a theme of grief and memories. Thank you for sharing your process with us. ❤

  3. In a landscape of ai generated reviews, and clickbait phoned-in video essays, this series is truly such a breath of fresh air.

    Each game you’ve played so far is one I played in the fallout of losing my father. He died due to Alzheimer’s at a young age and as his only child, it was on me to take care of him as his mind and body faded away. Edith Finch was a cathartic experience for me as it felt like I was able to tap into a family lineage I myself no longer had access to in my own life. My father became sick when I was 15 and I never heard many stories or knew really any of the people he grew up around.

    This game is a masterpiece and thank you for putting a spotlight on it.

    So many people use video games as purely entertainment alone. But there is value in healing through these stories and I’m so glad that you’re doing this series

  4. I don't usually leave comments but I discovered your channel on my recommended fee, through your Omori video and ever since then I've subscribed.
    I assume you hear this a lot but I am truly sorry for your loss.

    I recently lost my dad, and to make it worse: on my birthday. I absolutely had a terrible relationship with him and hadn't heard from him in years up until recently when my uncle contacted me about his passing. To this day, I've struggled to come to terms that I really won't ever see him or speak to him again.
    Even in living I don't think we would've ever had a good relationship again, but now I won't ever know if we truly would've made amends.

    I just wanna say thank you, because you've taught me it's ok to mourn. You've taught me it's oki to cherish whatever precious memories I've had.
    You've also taught me that I am worthy of living despite my down days and whatever thoughts I may have.

    You're videos have helped me so much, they feel like a hug from a comforting friend. Thank you for videos and the message it comes with it!

  5. Another beautiful, heartbreaking video. This content is touching the hearts of so many people who need it. I hope it’s helping you as much as it helps others ❤️

  6. Games that discuss the intricacies of life are special. I recommend you check out Nier: Automata. It's my favorite game of all time and I'd love to here what you and everyone else here takes away from it.

  7. Edith Finch is a game that I can relate to very much, in the aspect of my family having so many secrets and stories that I wish to find out and finally pull everything together. It is hard to imagine my own family as some of the Finches, they share so many parallels.

    This is a beautiful video, made me cry a little bit. All my love.

  8. Walter’s segment made me lie down. I can’t really explain why it effected me so deeply. But of all the Finches Edith learned about, Walter’s when I realized there really was a villain in that game

  9. Hey man. I don't know if you will read this, but thank you. Not only are these videos so high quality, they are also filled with so much love. I can truly feel the love you have for your daughter, despite her passing, and the love you have for both life, and everything it brings. Though I haven't had any thoughts about harming myself, i still find myself in an odd place in my life, a stressful one, one where I feel so emotionally exhausted. One where i feel so endlessly ruined. But these videos inspire me. They show me how powerful the human spirit can be. How perseverance is so powerful. Once again, I've never thought of harming myself, and I am so, so sorry that you have to experience the grief that comes with losing a daughter at such a young age, but, if it helps, in some way, in any way, I know that this message will be worth it. Thank you. You inspire me. You let me see how beautiful life is. And I can't appreciate you, and your presence, your love for your daughter, may she rest in peace, and your love for life enough.

    Thank you.

  10. Thank you for these videos. While i may not be in the group going through grief like this, its good to hear you discuss this. I hope I never have to deal with grief like yours….but if i ever do, i will make sure to keep your words in mind. It helps that you've paired them with 3 games that I've very much enjoyed and have also resonated with me.

    On another note, this game connected two dots with Blue Danube and the bathtub scene. I cant hear that song or see the clips without having to fight back tears….

  11. I lost my dad to an overdose last june and one of the ways I've been healing from it is with the game undertale. I really recommend it, but i really think its important to look into the "villian" (chara) more than the general fandom does.

  12. This is honestly probably the single most moving video I've seen. I've watched your past few videos since your video on omori randomly showed up (I dont think ive watched any videos on the game so I dont know what posessed youtube to present this to me) and it was beautiful. I've loved what I've seen and whilst the other videos I warched were equally as amazing this one just tore my heart strings in a way I could've never anticipated.

  13. This is a great game. 7 years makes it seem so recent, yet 2017 feels so far away…

    Btw, have you heard of Before Your Eyes before? It's one of my favorite games of all time (the other two have connections to loss as well, ironically) and an amazing yet sorrowful examination of life.

  14. Hey! I was one of the people who recommended Edith to you! It was nice to see my comment up on the screen lol. I’m so happy to see you play it. I love your videos and im so glad we have people like you in the world. It helps people contextualize those uncomfortable feelings. I know it sure helped me. I mentioned it in my previous comment but if you’re still looking for recommendations then Before Your Eyes is definitely one I’d recommend for you. It goes into how time flashes, and it helped me a lot in connecting somewhat to my grandpa who passed away two years ago. Keep up the amazing work!

  15. Thank you, for another wonderful gaming with grief video. This games storytelling, and the way you see things from your perspective are incredibly captivating, so I just wanted to say how much I appreciate these videos, and hope you continue putting these types of videos out.I also hope that things are starting to look brighter for you and your loved ones.

  16. I am so glad to see your videos again good sir and I will admit, this got me emotional just like your Omori video did. I severely underestimated Edith Finch and I know I definitely won't be ready if you ever play Spiritfarer.

    I hear so many good things about it, but I have lost so many loved ones (including my older brother) recently and knowing what that game entails makes me nervous. Thank you for carrying on your daughter's legacy in such a beautiful manner. ❤

  17. Thank you for making these videos. I just lost my mother yesterday and I don't know how to start. I've spent the last 24 hours crying my eyes out, and I just finished a 4-hour video call with my dad, since he couldn't be here to keep me company. I don't know how to process any of the emotions I'm going through, and I feel like there's nowhere else for me to go from here. It was very sudden. One moment here, and the next gone. I still call out for her and expect to hear her voice answer out to me, but I'm alone in our home. I don't know what to do with myself or where to go on from here. She was a bright and lovely woman–universally loved. I wish she'd gotten to see me grow up and move out. Seen my younger brother reach his double digits. I just wish I'd gotten more time with her. Your videos make it easier to process my grief. I don't feel so alone now. I know mama's in a better place now, and she won't hurt anymore. Thank you for taking the time to share your journey through grief and coping through art and video games. I truly appreciate it. I wish I could have shared these videos with her. I know she would have loved them. She was always a kind and caring woman, and a better mother. I'm glad to have had her in my life and to know that she's always proud of me no matter how I'm doing.

  18. Im loving these longer videos. I watch and listen to them while I'm working.

    What Remains of Edith Finch is nothing short of a masterpiece and I'm so glad you got around playing it.

    Could I recommend a couple more games? Detroit Become Human and Red Dead Redemption 2 are incredible games and you should absolutely check them out. ❤

  19. This is one of my favorite games. The way the music and story is played felt so comforting to me while at a low point. I probably played it 20 times in one month. It makes me happy to see others (you!) finding comfort and enjoyment in it, too 🙂

  20. Hey, I'm a 16 year old girl close to your daughters age, and I have been with suicidal thoughts for a long time,, but from the bottom of my heart your videos made me rethink my whole view of sucide and grief. Your videos have genuinely helped me and saved me from the darkest days, you give me hope. Thank you for what you do and hope you are okay with all the grief ❤❤❤❤❤

    All love to you man❤️♥️

  21. I started watching your videos because I was looking more into Omori. Watching your video made me cry and it just hammers in the point of how much people’s lives are impacted by suicide. Thanks for making these videos. I started following your gaming with grief segments and it’s amazing listening to your story as you talk about the games you’re playing. Especially when you picked up Majora’s Mask (one of my favorite LoZ titles). I recommend taking a look at this game called Gris. It’s incredibly beautiful. I’m looking forward to more videos from you.

  22. I'm not sure if you're going to read this comment or even put this game on your "to play" list, but I highly recommend that you play the game Disco Elysium. It is the most beautiful and poignant game about life, death, mourning, and recovery that I have ever come across. I genuinely believe that you will adore this game. I certainly do.

  23. I found your channel by chance alone on my recommended page, and I just want to say that this tribute and mission to your daughter is beautiful and truly one of the kindest ways I've ever seen from a parent to their child. I've lost more than my fair share of loved ones and know that grief is the one of the hardest journeys but as a daughter who loves her dad, I just know that if my dad did this for me that I would know how deeply loved and adored I was. My heart is with you in your journey and I'm so sorry for your loss, but so glad that I found you. ❤️‍🩹🫂


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