What one lawmaker says Ukraine must do to be admitted into NATO

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) tells CNN’s Jake Tapper he thinks Ukraine should be admitted to NATO after the war, but they would need to meet certain qualifications. #CNN #News


39 thoughts on “What one lawmaker says Ukraine must do to be admitted into NATO”

  1. Little Mike McCaul
    He never served at all
    But that doesn't stop him from pushing the insane
    And getting us all nuked for the glory of Ukraine.

  2. McCall has it right. But Tapper/Zelensky is hidding one point and both are missing a bigger point. Tapper and Zelensky calls it admitting Ukraine to NATO. What Zelensky wants is NATO/US to declare war on Russia. Tapper is hidding that. But what both are missing is that Zelensky is losing. All we see are videos from Russia showing Lepard tanks, Bradley fighting Vehicles, MaxPro MRAPs being blown up. It's rumored the Ukraine army (not just zelensky) is saying enough is enough. They've suffered 350,000 casualties. How much more blood does NATO want? Ukraine is not willing not fight Russia alone. Ukraine's nuclear option? Accept peace on Russia's terms, if NATO does not declare war on Russia.

    Look the neocons all along think of Ukraine as the pawn to be sacrificed. We will support Ukraine until the last ukrainian. The war can't end now, we need time. Time for what? FOr the sanctions to totally destroy the Russian economy. Russia will collapse in 1yr. (after 1 yr, Russia will collapse in 1 more years, Ukraine is brave, strong, smart, noble, Zelensky is the Churchill of our time. After2 yrs (Wait a third year) We'll get Zelensky the noble peace prize. After 3 lyears (just 1 more year Russia is about to collapes) did we mention Zelensky is the Churchill of our time?. Many years later, well there are only two Ukrainians left. Zelensky and one soldier whose 14 years old, born 10 yrs after the start of the war. USA, Keep fighting. But we can't send you any more weapons or ammo, We're fighting a war with China.

  3. The strategy of having Belarus and Ukraine as a buffer zone between NATO countries and Russia is mute since Belarus turned into Russia's frontyard. With the geopolitical situation as it is, Ukraine has no other chance then becoming a NATO member in the future. It's nice btw. to see a republican politician staying on topic, not making foolish claims and stringing together coherent sentences. Maybe there's still hope…

  4. WOLYN – Volynha – Why is the world so silent about the most disgusting m…assacre in the World's history made by Ukrainians against Poles. Does the world know about M…..assacres in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia 43-45?

  5. America they don't whent Africa United Asia United look like European union because currency even market because if get technology and currency dollar not working Africa Asia European when killing kezafi Libya presedanet crossing refugee from eritrea Ethiopia sudan Somalia to Europe because haw can economic Criss for European Africa Asia war each other for example Ethiopia Eritrea Somalia each other China Taiwan Russia Ukraine north Korea south Korea Pakistan Indian Israel filestiene all brother America pushing to war each other all the world they don't whent growing

  6. These people who run America call them and their corrupt friends “the people” and they are actively pursuing an agenda that dehumanizes your children, it’s a big secret. Are you going to sit idly by while they dehumanize your children? Which historically is the precursor to phasing them out.

  7. Please light a candle today to remember Poles genocide in Wolyn by Ukrainian nationalists who brutally murdered Poles just because they were Poles, sawing pregnant women in half alive, nailing children to tables by their tongues alive etc. That's Ukrainians mentality for ya gullible Americans.

  8. Congressman McCaul knows full well why this war broke out in Ukraine. The good voters of Texas should do their research and find out where this plan was hatched! This war was pushed by International Financial Globalist Cabalist who wanted to take over the profitable energy supplies from Russia to Europe. They wanted to crash the Russian stock market to take over Russian Companies for pennies of the ruble! McCaul is supporting these Internationalist Globalist and he knows it!

  9. West: make sure ukraines counteroffensive is not that powerful or fast

    Also west: gee this offensive Is so slow

    Also west: Ukraine can't join us until their counteroffensive is over and they let Russia have more land

  10. I want Ukraine to win THEIR war. We are already making sacrifices by funding their fight for sovereignty with our taxes- it is in the best interest of Democratic nations to protect global sovereignty. I do not believe we should also sacrifice our soldiers.

  11. This good American puppet bought a mansion in Florida with our blind American tax paying money. His wife makes thousands of dollars spread shopping in Europe. Those who want to be blind. Don't expect others to see for you.

  12. Fair treatment of minority used to be a condition for Nato… Remove that and democracy is merely opression by the majority ethnic sect. Ukraine will never join nato or Nato chain of command will be full of Russian spies….

  13. For those specialists, joining NATO or not is just fallacies and corruption! War between NATO and Russia only lasts half an hour and a half!
    Total despair for those sustained with the fraud practiced with the dollar. So that they don't make a mistake that could make global warming the least of their problems, they usually salute the ships of the Russian Kaliningrad fleet entering and leaving the Baltic Sea.

  14. Rsrsrs! NATO soldiers can work in the home office system! NATO at war with Russia? The war will last minutes.
    How many troops can Spain send to reinforce the NATO flank in Slovakia and Romania?
    Pedro Sánchez announced at the Vilnius summit the deployment of Spanish troops to the Eastern European flank as part of the alliance's new defense plan. A contingent will be deployed in Slovakia and an air mission in Romania will be reinforced. But without mobilization, troop shortages will limit a battalion's contribution, experts warn.

  15. 3:54 "because this administration has been so slow to get the weapons in",,, LMAO! yeah, I'm sure a guy from the "I'm not in power so now I care about the budget" party would be quicker…

  16. Mr Zelensky your insane if you Believe the USA or any other country gives a shit about you or your country, wake up man you’ve put your country in debt for the rest of its existence and will be kissing americas arse forever 😂 America didn’t become the worlds leading power by having friends, there power comes from pissing on country’s like Ukraine, I wouldn’t be surprised if every country soon stops providing anything to Ukraine then you will see who your true friends are. Zelensky has made this worse by crying to nato and America

  17. Why not, admit them conditionally, article 5 covering everything west of the Dnieper river and send troops and aircraft to cover the western portion of Ukraine, this would allow the bulk of their forces to focus on the east while NATO forces jointly protect the western parts of Ukraine. I mean NATO forces will be stationed in Ukraine eventually might as well get a head start.


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