What Makes This Villain Pure Evil In Roleplays (Part 69)

Name: Adam Taurus

Kind Of Villain: Vengeful Terrorist

Moral Event Horizon: Cutting Off Yang’s Arm

“I Am Making Humanity PAY For What They Have Done!!!!!” – Adam’s Misanthropic Nature

Goals: Get Revenge On Blake Belladonna For Her Desertion

Voiced By: Garrett Hunter

Enemies: Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Kali Belladonna, Ghira Belladonna, Velvet Scarlatina, Ilia Amitola, Sienna Khan, Raven Branwen, Sans, Papyrus, Deathstroke, Rose Wilson, Sapphira Wolfsbane, MC Teen, Invisible Enenra


1 thought on “What Makes This Villain Pure Evil In Roleplays (Part 69)”

  1. He hates people plus he killed the white fangs leader and became the new one I can Imagine me fighting him
    Meanwhile in a wild west universe with ninjas cowboys and samurai
    Me/Rodeo Ninja: walked to a village and saw adam and some of his men adam. glared for a fight


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