What KILLED Tri-Brigade?! | Yu-Gi-Oh TCG

Sometimes in Yu-Gi-Oh, decks get too strong and get murdered prematurely by a banlist.
Other times they get power crept out of the meta by newer stronger releases.
On today’s video, we explore what Obliterated Tri-Brigade, and what it’d need to come back!


30 thoughts on “What KILLED Tri-Brigade?! | Yu-Gi-Oh TCG”

  1. I just built spright tri brigade in master duel. Pretty underwhelming to be honest. And going second is just an auto death sentence. Might give zoo tri a go but unless some major supports comes soon it’s gonna be dusted

  2. I'm so annoyed that Tri-Brigade died off. It was one of my favorite decks to get good at and I did way better than usual. I hope we get a good wave of support soon that brings the deck back into the limelight. Or maybe a new crazy engine.

  3. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I think Drydent at 1 is probably fine. It doesn't do too much trouble on Master Duel. So, that could maybe help Tri-Zoo come back?

  4. Tri-brigs got outclassed by decks with better support. Bearbrumm while it allowed the deck to search Revolt (the best card in the deck IMO) had a restriction which severely limits the deck's ceiling. I think the deck needs a main deck monster similar to Martha or Circular and a better link 3 target to be competitive.

  5. I remember Tri being EVERYWHERE and then overnight it was just kinda gone. Artwork is very nice, I'm sure after a bit of game balancing (minus a teir 0 format) we could see them again, for better or worse.

  6. Tri-Brigade was one of the first decks I kinda sorta made in Master Duel during the game's first month or so, but I hardly ever used it and I don't really know why. It's one of about a dozen decks I have that I keep telling myself for nearly that I'm going to really finish or revisit, but I definitely can't do that now, since someone had the bright idea to release the goddamn Tears at basically full power. My Dinomorphia and Exosister decks are pretty much the only ones I can play in ranked right now.

  7. I think Konami should adds ruling, that cards that can be chained multiple times, snow, Zeus, apo, shouldn't be able to use it's effect multiple times in the same chain IF it's being responded to by a negate.

  8. I don’t agree at all with most of these comments asking for new support specifically for the Tri-Brigade deck theme. Historically, Tri-Brigade would shine the most as a supplementary engine for another Tri-type archetype to help the strategy accelerate with easy extra deck access to link monsters and to further extend the end board essentially for free with additional interruption in DDL and/or revolt. If we ever get another above-average tri-type deck theme come into the game it’s more or less guaranteed for tri-Brigade to make a return.


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