What It Means to Choose Freedom by Bari Weiss

This past Sunday, Bari Weiss gave a speech at 92NY called “The State of World Jewry.” The address is a historic one. Over four decades, it has been delivered by the likes of Elie Wiesel, Abba Eban, Amos Oz, and more.

But for a sense of the state of Jewish life in America these days, you only need to have walked by the building in the hours leading up to and after the speech. You would’ve found that police had cordoned off the entire block and for good reason: anti-Israel protesters, many wearing masks, gathered to intimidate Bari and those who came to the lecture. On the way in, you would’ve been screamed at—told you were a “baby killer” and “genocide supporter” among other choice phrases. You might have even glimpsed Jerry Seinfeld being heckled and called “Nazi scum” on his way out of the talk.

The NYPD and the entire staff of 92NY made sure that everyone who attended the talk was able to do so safely. But everyone must ask themselves: Do you want to live in a country in which simply giving a speech about a Jewish subject requires police protection? What does that reality say about the state of our country and our freedoms?

Bari’s words offer some measure of explanation about the moment we find ourselves in and how we might emerge from it.


41 thoughts on “What It Means to Choose Freedom by Bari Weiss”

  1. I don’t hear so well so I listen with the closed captions on. At 29:20 she mentions Ramen D’Angelo. And then Candace Owens. I only have the close caption spelling for Ramen D’Angelo and maybe it is incorrect but when I Google him I find nothing. and then there is the reference to Candace Owens. it seems like she is calling them liars. Is that what she is saying? Who is Ramen D’Angelo?

  2. University of Manitoba just BANNED Palestinian political analyst Bassem Eid, from students' union campus spaces, and suspended the pro-isreal students who organized his talk, because some students CLAIMED they were HARMED by his socalled Islamaphobic remarks…he said Muslims weren’tready to change.
    It is VERY OBVIOUS he is correct, I cannot BELIEVE one girl, who claimed she suddenly felt ‘unsafe’ at any criticism of her beliefs, was able to MANIPULATE academia, some fellow students, and the students union simply by PRETENDING SHE WAS HARMED BY (completely non-aggressive) WORDS!!!

  3. I just wish we could discuss these issues without dehumanizing people on the other side. What happened to the hostages is unspeakable. Anti-semitism in any form should not be endorsed or tolerated. Jews are human beings with human dignity. But… so are the Palestinians. Their lives also matter and the death of thousands of innocent people, many of them children, should not be ignored either. Muslims and Palestinians are also human beings with human dignity. I refuse to choose between innocent lives. It’s tragic for everyone. And I pray for all of them.

  4. Great insight from Bari that Jews prosper where freedom reigns and all humanity reigns. Sadly, many who are tearing down safeguards to freedom are led by misguided jews who have embraced Marxism in virtue signaling their place in history.

  5. We're Egyptian Jews who had to leave Alexandria in the 50's. There were almost a million Jews in the Arab Middle East who were kicked out of the countries we've lived in for thousands of years b4 Islam. We are the natives in the Middle East and nobody brings this up.

  6. Jewish first and foremost. Her target group is the 2% of Americans. For her, American values are generally way down in priority. Absolutly no committment to equal rights.No committment to anti-racism. Absolutely no empathy for those of other ethnic backgrounds. She judges others based pon whether they are Jewish or not. This is what is commonly called a "bigot". Yet she will not live in Israel, the land devoted to inequalty and lack of empathy for others. Weiss is a simple tribalists incorporating modern LGBT+ values but nothing else remotely liberal or American. Interesting that Hasidics would despise her values. She is a Fifth Column in the 4th Estate. . A hater of minorithy groups. Particularly complicit with the Genocide.

  7. Bari Weiss; practicing the oldest profession in the world …& I don’t mean journalism. What a pro. She’ll never get up off her knees. This propaganda peddler is a perfect example of everything wrong with society & she knows absolutely nothing about what freedom means. Pure filth.

    Defund 🇮🇱

    Rest in Peace Aaron Bushnell 💖

  8. Let's talk about facts.

    What did the Jews contribute to their world?

    212 of Jewish origin won the Nobel Prize. 22% of all winners in all fields from Albert Einstein in science to Bob Dylan in literature.

    One and a half billion Muslims 5 Nobel Prizes.

  9. What an exceptionally spectacular speech by the honorable and indefinitely appreciated, the beautiful, Bari Weiss 💙🤍🫶

    B”H, we must learn from our experiences and undoubtedly fight for our freedom, both here in America, Israel and for all of us in the world 🌎

    #AmIsraelChai 🇮🇱🇺🇸🇮🇱🇺🇸🪬

  10. Truly inspirational. With the number of absurdities that we are asked to believe and repeat today it has never actually been easier to tell the truth. Yet people are so desperate to be accepted that they willingly repeat the lies. It is so sad to realise how weak-willed the majority of people are, becoming part of the mob without even thinking. Thank you.


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