What is VS Equalization in Power Scaling?


21 thoughts on “What is VS Equalization in Power Scaling?”

  1. Kinda foolish to argue that different systems cannot affect each other. I mean we see those same energies effect regular matter like rocks or in naruto pre kaguya her being able to manipulate people with chakra. Overall a weak argument

  2. The amount of OP fans Ive interacted with that think being a Logia user means no other verses would be able to hit them cause they don't have Haki is ridiculous.

  3. Here's the issue I have with verse equalization, in my experience it often times becomes a way for others to nerf another verse in favour of another.

    What I mean is, they don't just equalize 'energy', they equalize physiology, they headcannon resistances etc.

    I use verse equalization myself because it makes things easier, but I do think it needs to be properly explained because people in the anime/manga community abuse it a lot. They ignore the nuances that comes with each verse regardless of equalization.

    For instance; Dr. Strange can basically knock out his opponent's soul or astral body and leave them physically incapacitated for a time.
    Bring this up against most characters without resistances to such abilities and it would be considered a win condition, no problem (from the comics side of things).

    In the same vein, bring up how Urahara can also knock out a soul out of a mortal's physical body rendering it incapacitated, and you'd have people trying to argue against it due to verse equalization.

    I guess, my main issue is the disconnect between "energy equalization" and "physiology equalization" or resistances that come with said physiology.

    Making it possible for character interaction in a hypothetical match up doesn't mean you grant them abilities or resistances to things they done have.

    OP fan: Haki = Chakra therefore Genjutsu can be resisted with conquerors haki.

    Naruto fan: Water based jutsu is a oneshot to most devil fruit users.

    OP fans: unless it's a natural body of water it won't work… (forgetting that chakra is equal to haki by their own admission, therefore water made out of chakra a.k.a haki SHOULD in fact be harmful to devil fruit users)

    See what I mean, one side abuses the concept to bypass an advantage the other side has while also denying the possibility of the other side bypassing an advantage they have even when using the same logic as them.

    It's weird.

    Chakra = Reiatsu

    Naruto fan: Naruto is MFTL+ scaling off of the Raikage's lightning cloak, Haku's keke genkai, Madara's light fang etc.

    Bleach fan: Ichigo is MFTL+ scaling off of Ceros, Quincy arrows etc.

    Naruto fan: ceros are "spiritual light" so it's technically not light speed. (forgetting that their metrics for LS scaling is also based entirely in Chakra lol)

    Again, very weird.

    I think I made my point clear, verse equalization is great if you actually understand how to remain consistent with it.
    You can't use verse equalization to say Omni-man is weak to kryptonite from DC, or Superman is weak to sea prism from One Piece. Apart from characters being able to interact as though their energy source is the same, everything else should work as it normally would.

  4. The problem is that Energy equalization is impossible to use. There are other ways to measure that. Also Magic nullification of Asta actually only works on mana and not on the other types of energy withing their verses. Other example is meliodas Fullcounter, that could only counter magical attacks, but not attacks based on the Soul/body aspects of the verse. I think would be better to count abilities itself and hax/brute power in energies common for both universes instead of the ones that aren't equal

  5. Tbh i dont like stuff like Energy Equalization because of a few things

    1: You have to prioritize one system's rules over another if they contradict. Like ki being able to over power hax while stand hax are definitive in every outcome as long as your abilities are vastly different. You cant just say ki negates stand intangibility because of its rules, because jojo has a rule that states any non-stand cant harm a stand directly.

    2: In linear systems you have to assume how far they are in the scale. If you have great enough haki then logias aren't a problem, but how are you supposed to scale the haki of superman when he doesn't even use an energy system?

    3: There will always be an argument about which rules take effect because people are just like that. Time and time again I've argued with people on how ki anti-hax don't apply to every single verse simply because they don't have ki to begin with, and you need to make assumptions on who has a higher power level

  6. I remember someone saying that giving Asta "power-nullification" because of verse equalisation would be a "no limits fallacy"…
    I still nearly get an anurysm from that

  7. So you're saying that an Asta who scales to a continent can harm any character in fantasy just because it nullifies the person's energy.
    This means if we assume that Goku can block an attack that has beyondlas AP Asta can kill him only by cancels this energy because basically the energy in 70% to 90% of fantasy works is basically the person's life energy.
    This means that Asta who scales to Continent can solo all fiction just by cutting them off with ease.
    This seems dumber than some idiots saying that Goku is not an outerversal.

  8. Verse equalization cusses other problems like for example by saying asta has a completely different Ability that’s not anti magic me may with the fight unrealistically due to the equalization buff

  9. I mean it's a proposition I wouldn't use it in reality because the power systems should be treated like rock paper scissors why are we just gonna say water now counters ameteratsu just to make it fair when it doesn't work in the show like this already or how a kamehameha wave should be able to stop fires like it did when master roshi did it. Some things are just meant to be a loss instead of arguing they are all equal why not just argue it how they are just because you made up some rule to make your favorite character win if goku gets hit by magic it affects him regardless of strength so ameteratsu should just work if it hits goku unless you'd argue he can instant transmission away from it I guess

  10. Basically what I do (and it might seem stupid but it's a simply way to do it IMO) is that if an energy such as ki which is basically life/spirit energy and I use that against another life energy like hamon/the ripple than since they sort of act as the same thing, I would say they act the same therefore they would clash with each other and not simply phase through each other or something


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