What Is THE PITT? – Fallout 76 Lore

The history behind the location known as The Pitt.

This video is sponsored by Bethesda Softworks, a ZeniMax Media Company. All Fallout 3 and Fallout 76 gameplay footage in this video was captured from the PC version of the game.

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37 thoughts on “What Is THE PITT? – Fallout 76 Lore”

  1. The history behind the location known as The Pitt. Bring your best hazmat suit!

    This video is sponsored by Bethesda Softworks, a ZeniMax Media Company. All Fallout 3 and Fallout 76 gameplay footage in this video was captured from the PC version of the game.

    ๐Ÿซ MERCH – https://camelworks.creator-spring.com/

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  2. Bethesda asks Camel to do a lore video on The Pit

    Camel asks about the lore

    Bethesda: "it's literally just post apocalyptic Pittsburgh"

    Bethesda: "oh, and could you make the video at least 15 minutes long?"

    Camel frantically reaching for the thesaurus

  3. Congradulations on becoming sponsored. I would be hard-pressed to find a YouTube creator whose devotion to their craft outmaches yours. Although it may not mean much coming from some internet stranger, you have my admiration, and my thanks. Cheers

  4. Yinzer here – Camel is an absolute legend with correct pronunciation of Monongahela (this name always trips up people not from here).

    Also – with or without a nuclear apocalypse, there are no blue skies here…Only grey

  5. I find Bethesda reusing The Pitt for FO76 to be uncreative and devoid of imagination especially when they made it a worse place than what was in FO3. Microsoft needs to terminate Todd Howard and hire someone with a tiny little itty bit of imagination to fill his position. He is devoid of imagination and think's reselling Skyrim is good when Oblivion was the best game he directed.

    And why The F does everyone talk about radiation in The Pit as if it was extreme? I can go from the the entry to the end without taking any rads as long as I do not step into water. The capital wasteland was harsher when it comes to rads, The Pitt was rad free compared unless you entered the Arena. The Arena was the only part of the DLC beyond puddles that had rads and you got to see the radiation barrels being dropped. Normal game world had less rads than anywhere else in FO3. Where the F does anyone get increased rads from when FO3 itself has less in any region of The Pitt compared to base game?

    Makes as much sense as a mudcrab vendor does.

  6. This is going to sound lame but I think the Pitt and all of Pennsylvania deserves the fallout treatment for a full game either FO5 or a FO spinoff
    With how lenient Bethesda writing department is sometimes going back to already established world space helps shape things up

  7. So Bethesda is willing to even ruin the few good bits of fallout they've made the pitt and point lookout are the only good fallout that's come from Todd Howard they actually came up with their own stuff instead of destroying the established lore with their stupid retcons but no we could let it be they have to sacrifice the pitt for the abomination fallout 76 Microsoft please take fallout from these clowns they don't care for or respect fallout


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