What is the Least Worst Apocalypse? | Fact Fiend Focus

It’s not exactly controversial to say that an apocalypse is bad. The question we’re answering today is… which is the least bad?


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The Walking Dead (2010 – 2022)
Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
2012 (2009)
Supernatural (2005 – 2020)
Contagion (2011)
I, Robot (2004)
Independence Day (1996)
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)
Lucifer (2016 – 2021)
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Outbreak (1995)
South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (1999)
Terminator Genisys (2015)
The Day After Tomorrow (2004)
This Is the End (2013)
War of the Worlds (2019)

“Waltz Primordial ” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
“Dream Catcher” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
“Evening of Chaos” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
“Dama-May” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
“Unwritten Return” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
“Despair and Triumph” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
“Ice Demon” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License


19 thoughts on “What is the Least Worst Apocalypse? | Fact Fiend Focus”

  1. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: if an apocalypse ever happens, I’m ending myself in a funny position surrounded by mannequins for the real protagonist to find and get a chuckle out of

  2. To be fair as an 'murican.
    We do have the best military tech and we handicap ourselves on war games because you learn more from defeat than you do from victory.
    So of America was able to figure something out before the rest of the world, it sort of make sense. (I'll admit what they did figure out is target stupid and very Deus Ex Machina)

  3. The least bad apocalypse. Every human is provided with a perfect droid companion that perfectly satisfies every emotion and physical need. No one reproduces because other humans just aren't as good.

  4. I think the WORST apocalypse is definitely characterised by SCP 3984: The End Of Death. Suddenly one day (spoilers its the Foundation's fault actually) the fundamental concept of death in animals is erased from existance; animals, and people, can no longer die. It's found out relatively quickly, as some guy gets hit by a bus and suffers horrific injuries but somehow doesn't die, and as the word gets out humanity goes nuts with celebrating before they stop to think about what it means. People are doing all sorts of dumb shit with no consequence. You might not be able to die, but you can still be disabled or a vegetable for the rest of eternity.

    The Foundation know that this means a fundamental shift in how the life functions, and immediately start trying to figure out what the limits of this are. They take people and monkeys and try to kill it in every conceivable way possible, but brains never stops generating electrical impulses. They get to the point where they take its brain out, blend it up, and dissolve it in acid, and there are still brainwaves coming from the slurry. Shit is fucked.

    At this point the Foundation is panicking about how they're going to stop insects from crushing us to death with their endlessly multiplying bodies within 24 hours. Which they do with 3 anomalous gasses that either A: sterilises the bugs, B: somehow also rewrites history so that the bugs were always sterilised, and C: retroactively also makes it so the bugs PARENTS also always sterilised. Dodged a bullet with that one, but also super fucked up.

    By this point humans realise that not being able to die fucking sucks, especially when you're old or sick or have grievous painful injuries. Suicide attempts skyrocket everywhere, but only puts further strain on healthcare systems as they are left trying to look after all these vegetables with bullet holes in their heads or snapped necks from hanging cutting off oxygen to their brains. World governments start trying to implement population control measures for both people and animals because there's no way they could house all these things forever.

    MC&D (a corporation in the anomalous community that has Bezos level money) get their hands on a pill that puts people in a deep enough coma that its as close to death as possible; like one heart beat per 8 hours or something. Of course they charge extortionate prices for it, and the millionaires crawl over each other in droves to try and take it and get buried comatose in coffins in their estates. There are cheaper but still extortionate knockoffs of the drug that laymen try to get, but it does not work as advertised and causes mass suffering.

    After a few decades of awful agonising immortality, human society is restructured enough to return to some sort of -normalcy-, kinda. Rich people start transplanting their brains into younger bodies to try and avoid all the consequences of endless aging, but that doesn't stop them going senile. Everyone is still in agonising misery, but the human race still goes on. It is implied that this goes on for long enough that eventually a subspecies of humans evolves that become our caretakers, as they load every undying human into a big hibernation machine while they try to figure out how they can stop the flow of time so they can also finally 'die' (SCP 4935). Oh and also a giant space bug is trying to eat its way into the big hibernation cube and absorb our bodies into its flesh where we will suffer torment forever.

    And this whole thing started because one of the O5 in charge of the Foundation got brought back to life, and was infected with a cognitohazard that made him believe the one true afterlife was just never ending torture as your soul remains trapped in your corpse experiencing everything that happens to it. So he came up with a project to literally assassinate the grim reaper to end the concept of death. What an ass.

    Exploring Series gives a good summary of it, but man these stories are a grim reading.

  5. Runaway climate change is what turned Venus from a planet very similar to us, maybe even capable of sustaining life, into the firey hellscape it exists as today. That is not the preferable apocalypse.

  6. 10:23 Regarding alien "invasions", I recommend the novel "Constellation Games" by Leonard Richardson. Highly advanced aliens turn up and offer us access to their advancements in return for our… trash. They want to collect our trash. And take it to their space station. Turns out they are archeologists and it'Äs quite difficult to find civilizations out there to study 🙂

  7. I really don't think a walking dead zombie apocalypse would be bad at all. The zombies are slow, dumb, and despite how it's depicted, the bodies decompose rather quickly, the muscles deteriorate, and anyone should be able to outsmart, outrun, or overpower a zombie. And military should know how to deal with it because the only reason it becomes an apocalypse in those worlds is mostly b/c in universe, the concept of a zombie doesn't exist, so people just think they are sick, try to treat them, get infected, don't understand how to kill them, etc. Now infected apocalypse like "I am legend", or 28 days later is terrifying b/c they run, and think or plan to an extent.

  8. Most alien invasion stories end with humanity winning. Independence day, the alien technology is too advanced to get through with our weapons, but computer viruses bring them down. War of the world's, the sicknesses and germs of our world save us. Battle L.A. we are able to fight back and find weaknesses. Resistance games, we repurpose alien tech into new weapons, and even make super soldiers from alien DNA. Mars Attacks……..again…weakness.

  9. once joined a discord chat while friend were discussing how long they thought they could survive in a zombie apocalypse, when they asked me how long i said i think i could manage at least 2 months. then my power went out for an hour and my ears started ringing from the silence and i changed my answer to i would off myself immediatly just to stop the ringing

  10. The book of Revelations has some real fucked up events before the final battle. Oceans turn to blood, giants locusts sting people and inflict them with unending pain for 7 days, there's plagues and famines everywhere, and THEN the final battle starts.

  11. I know one thing:

    Most of the people who survive The Walking Dead…probably wouldn’t survive Reign of Fire. Flesh-eating zombies are one thing.

    Fire-breathing dragons that simply want to watch the world burn are a whole other deal.

  12. No offense asking a entertainer to grow a garden is like asking a gymnast to fix my toilet, the likelihood of success goes down, the further removed you are from the thing you need to do.


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