What Is The Best Year Of Video Games?

2023 had a ton of notable game releases, and that got us thinking, what has been the best year for video game releases ever?

#gaming #BaldursGate3 #TearsOfTheKingdom #gamespot


35 thoughts on “What Is The Best Year Of Video Games?”

  1. I got excited when 1998 was mentioned, since my favorite game ever came out that year. But of course, Brave Fencer Musashi will never get the recognition and respect it deserves 💔

  2. 1998 was insane:
    Gran Turismo
    Resident Evil 2
    Fallout 2
    Metal Gear Solid
    Grim Fandango
    The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
    Thief: The Dark Project
    Baldur's Gate
    Panzer Dragoon Saga

  3. Having experienced all of the years mentioned (basically a snap shot of the video game industry as it developed up until today), I really appreciate you covered what is now considered "retro" games e.g. 1998, etc. Some of my best memories were with Half-Life, Counter-Strike, Soldier of Fortune, Max Payne, Medal of Honor, CoD before MW, etc. It's amazing how far we've come. The industry isn't perfect, but I hate it when trolls use extreme cases like microtransactions to make false generalizations about the industry, for no reason other than to hate on it because games are are the premiere form of entertainment in the 21st century. The games industry isn't "dying". It's growing. And I'm glad I was able to be there at the start and can't wait to see what comes next!

  4. 2001, the goat year for video game releases:
    Metal Gear Solid 2, Silent Hill 2, Halo 1, GTA 3, Smash Bros Melee, Final Fantasy X, Devil May Cry, ICO, Luigi's Mansion, Pikmin 1, Max Payne, Phoenix Wright, Animal Crossing, Conkers, legendary games!!!

  5. This was a very interesting video. Loved hearing all your individual takes on game history. Looking, back you realize how far games have come – and how many amazing games were created along the way.

  6. 2001. The release of GameCube, PS2, original Xbox and Game Boy Advance. Games were Final Fantasy X, Gran Turismo 3, Pokemon Silver, Animal Crossing, GTA 3, Tony Hawk 3, Advance Wars, Smash Bros Melee, etc.

  7. honestly 2023 blew me away with a lot of games and that's crazy given the industry shift from fun/creativity to monetisation/greed. The stand outs for me were;
    BG3, RE4R, Alan Wake 2, Spiderman 2, Dead space R, the cyberpunk redemption with 2.0 and phantom liberty, hogwarts legacy, tears of the kingdom, jedi survivor, Hi-fi rush and last but not least dredge.
    And an honourable mention for finally getting the GTA 6 trailer. has been an insane year for gaming with lots of highs and lots of lows

  8. Definitely 2011 was the best year for gaming which is surprisingly not in the list

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
    Portal 2
    Uncharted 3
    Batman Arkham City
    Gears of War 3
    Mortal Kombat 9
    Dead Space 2
    LA Noire
    Forza 4
    LBP 2
    Total War Shogun 2

  9. But every game is a “masterpiece” in your 2023 standards … it was way harder to have a “masterpiece “ back in the day one late 90’s early 2’s … think people are more obsessed with finding and getting clicks from that … genres were still being defined back then .. 2001 , 2007 , 2013 , 2017 2018


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