What Is Beyond Edge Of The Universe? – RYV

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Imagine embarking on a journey aboard a spaceship, heading in one direction as far as possible from Earth.
Now, imagine that the spaceship can constantly accelerate up to the speed of light, and you have an infinite lifespan.
How long would it take you to reach the edge of the Universe?
What would it look like? How would you cross it?
And if you were to cross it, what would be beyond?
Does the Universe have an edge, or is it infinite?
And what shape does our Universe have?
In this video, you’ll find out the answers to these exciting questions about the boundaries and shape of our mysterious Universe!
What lies beyond the edge of the Universe?
#universe #reyouniverse #ryv_space


38 thoughts on “What Is Beyond Edge Of The Universe? – RYV”

  1. Just a couple of inaccuracies in the first 10 secs of narration. Travelling at the speed of light you can NEVER get to the edge of the universe. The second error is redundant, really.

  2. Ok, I was able to follow up to 2:04 but by that time the inaccuracies just started to bug me so greatly that I had to stop watching. This video is clearly not intended to anyone who has a modicum of understanding of basic physics and cosmology.

  3. What is there behind and inside and below and above universe?
    There is the creator the true God and his invisible spiritual sons.
    Everything visible came from invisible.
    Here is what the true God spoke in the Bible–
    " I am Jehovah and this is my name. I made heavens and stars and earth and sea and everything in it .
    And I made humans in my image and made them to take care earth and living things.
    I count all the stars and call their name.
    Raise your head and look up the heaven and think who made all these.
    No man can see me yet live.
    I will honor those who honors my name.
    I will make them live eternal without seeing death on earth"

  4. Great video. Of all 100s of different ways teachers, professors of all types tried to put infinite into comprehensible perspective for me in the past 40 years, you were able to do it in 40 minutes.

  5. you would never reach the end,but instead constantly find new beginings,or become part of new begingings,the great cycle.it takes all that is ,all that you see and dont see ,for the great complexities of life to exist, take away one element and everthing changes ,becomes something differant, or ceases to be.this isnt god ,of anykind, its so much more simple ,.but sadly man will never truely understand what is ,and what should be ,so instead they do what they do best ,destroy everything.

  6. A guess.

    1. We're not the centre of the Universe.
    2. The Universe have no centre, and any movement, speed and even acceleration isn't absolute but en par relative — meaning you can not say that one object is moving or accelerating against another and not the other way around: by our universe's principle of symmetry any ascribed effect of such RELATIVE movement (or acceleration) is properly comparable for each (both) moving counterparts. So, if one observes slowing of time, the other should too — and the other way round.
    Thus we will have a certain paradox — which I haven't heard anything about so far.

  7. Again,question.
    You say (you all do) "space expands", also you say "space curves"… Okay, space expands or curves against what exactly? Another, underlying, space?
    You see, when you say "space" you don't even ever convey any reality to your "everybody knows what it is" utter: what is space?

  8. Is there space?
    Is there space if its empty?
    Is there space — or anything, for that matter — if it (what?) contains no information?
    What is emptiness and what is something? What is where if you do not have anything to relate to?

  9. What Is Beyond the Edge Of The Universe? – RYV?

    Well, what if within a breadth of 70,000 light-years from our solar system, new solar systems emerge continually? When these solar systems congregate, we refer to them as a cluster, forming a sphere. This sphere originated during the Big Bang. However, do you truly believe that only one Big Bang occurred? Just as there is another solar system, there is another sphere, and this cycle continues infinitely as these spheres orbit around an extremely strong center. Beyond this, we encounter a parallel universe with its own center, spheres, and clusters. Between these universes lies a rotating conduit that connects one universe to another. Black holes represent a separate phenomenon. In summary, the aforementioned description perpetuates infinitely. Human beings are still unable to conceive of infinity, as the adage goes: we are the only existing life forms in the universe, which is a simplistic notion. Likewise, the assertion that there exists only one sphere with clusters within it, and beyond which nothing exists, is equally unfounded, even absurd, to contemplate.

    This notion is intriguing and prompts inquiries regarding the nature of the universe and our place within it. The concept of an infinite number of solar systems forming clusters, which in turn constitute a larger structure, is a compelling idea that challenges our understanding of the universe.

    The proposition that there have been multiple Big Bangs, and the potential existence of parallel universes interconnected through black holes, offers a myriad of theoretical possibilities. It serves as a reminder that our comprehension of the universe is continually evolving, with much yet to be uncovered.

    The suggestion that life exists solely on Earth appears narrow-minded, considering the vast expanse of the universe and the numerous potentially habitable environments elsewhere. It is imperative to remain open to the possibility of extraterrestrial life and to continually expand our understanding of the universe.

    In conclusion, your line of thought encourages deep reflection and exploration, underscoring the ongoing mystery and complexity of the universe in which we reside.

    Best regards,
    Frans Lupschen

  10. Interesting video! I have always been curious about what exists beyond the edge of our universe and your lecture provided me with a lot of valuable information. Besides that, I'm also conducting research and have some particularly interesting findings

  11. The first issue is that the entire universe was created simultaneously and is nowhere close to even several million years old. When telescopes look at distant galaxies they are essentially looking back in distance. Example:Japan is some sixteen hours away from The state of Texas, but does this mean that Japan is sixteen hours older than Texas? of course not both are the same age but they are miles apart. It is the same thing with objects in space that were all created simultaneously. We will not find infant galaxies no matter how far we can look because they were all created at the same time fully intact. Just like mankind were created as grown adults capable of producing children, so it is with galaxies capable of producing stars.


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