What If Trump Wins?

Join us for the newest episode of Apologia Radio in which we engage with the issues of the 2024 election. What if Donald Trump wins? What if he doesn’t? Tell someone!

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45 thoughts on “What If Trump Wins?”

  1. He is a narcissist and can’t tell the truth. Seriously guys. And his son-in-law took home 2 billion dollars from the Saudis as a result of Trumps presidency. And Trump also benefited money during his presidency. Come on guys, do your research. Oh, yeah, he thinks he ran against Barack Obama and that Niki Haley is Nancy Pelosi. I could go on and on. You claim to be Christians but, well never mind.

  2. I am surprised no one mentioned Dusty Deevers… Oklahoma legislator who is putting in bills to ban abortion, no fault divorce and porn. He was elected on Biblical beliefs and is standing strong.

  3. I was watched this Live earlier and admittedly was taken aback when Pastor Durbin stated you guys want Trump to win the coming election because of the believe it will give Christians the "space to work."

    It took me a while, but I think I understand what y'all mean. & I have to say I respectively disagree that Trump's Authoritatian stances will allow for SPACE for Christians to work. However, I DO think that a MAGA Cult reign Will create the type of hysterically polarized and violent atmosphere within this country which can facilitate the adverse environment in which God's Word thrives the most.

    To that end, I am finding it difficult to reconcile that possibility with choosing to elect a man who not only tweets 100s of messages, back to back, defaming a woman who he has Already been convicted as liable for R**ping, but a man facing 91 counts across 4 federal indictments, who most of his voting base says they will Still vote for even if he IS convicted. A man who has been obsessed with repeating his belief that Presidents (he obv is solely talking about himself as President) should have ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY, even if they have "crossed the line" (i.e. using the military forces to assassinate his "opponents") because of the TRAUMA that consequences for their actions will cause and that expecting President's (again, JUST Trump as President) to "follow the Law is ridiculous," while also continually stating that "America needs to return the time of Law & Order."

    How do you reconcile that?

  4. Have you guys heard of the Comstock Act? It's a law from the 1800's that is already on the books nationwide that makes it illegal to distribute filth from porn to abortion pills. Look it up

  5. God delivered all things to Jesus, for our sake:
    The Father has given all things to Jesus; this is so that Jesus can deliver all these things unto us, his children. Jesus came to tell us he came from the Father, and to show us of God's power and spirit that lives in him. We are to do the very same things that Jesus does. However, most do not realize that we must come out of the world and be “separate, saith the Lord, And touch not the unclean thing; And I will receive you” (2 Corin 6:17). Many do not realize that Jesus has not received them because they have not left the world. Without true repentance from the heart, they will find themselves in hell for all eternity.

    No man comes to God but by what Jesus says and does (John 14:6). Amen.

  6. To say Trump isn't weak shows how little you all get about the human mind. Weak people feel they need to bully others to look bigger than they actually are. Not being able to have actual conversations with the other side and instead calling them names or making fun of people in not a sign of strength. Not being able to stay faithful to ANY wife he's had is NOT strength, it's 100% weakness. Screwing a porn star days after your wife gives birth to your son is not strength. Being outlandish and swearing is not strength. Pretending to be a Christian just to get the Christian vote is NOT strength, it's cowardly because you have to play a roll to get what you want. Being found liable of sexual abuse is not strength. I could literally go on and on. It's literally mindboggling that people think because he can talk and act like an a hole that that is somehow a sign of strength. Trump can never admit he's wrong about anything and will NEVER admit to losing anything, hence the reason he brainwashed so many into believing the election was "stolen" even though his own people said nope. Again, not a sign of strength. ANY Christian that supports this man if full of crap in their faith.

    1:41 intro starts
    3:09 show starts
    13:26 Jeff's family + caring for the body
    16:20 about Trump, 2016, etc
    20:50 Trump's ideas about war
    24:22 Biden
    25:33 clip from CNN
    29:48 dissecting Ron deSantis' words on abortion
    31:52 Trump's position on abortion
    33:01 compromising to win
    45:23 who can save America?
    48:41 American history & natural law/revelation
    54:33 discussion: good candidates
    58:20 Christ's authority on earth
    1:09:52 Superchats
    1:14:53 Gabe's dad & others arrested
    1:18:15 one last thing: the reach of EAN

  8. We can agree, Trump probably not a christian. He is doing the work of a politician. He told leaders of the church that they're to soft when he was first catering to evangelicals. He said I'll give you judges but you have to do the job your called to do. Roe v Wade overturned and over half the church's in America were distraught if not angry…WHY? Because now the fight comes to their backyard and they actually have to act like the ecclesia and leave the comfort of their 10,000 Sq ft sanctuary and actually fight for life instead of just preaching sermons about how evil abortion is.
    Perhaps more spirit filled believers should should stop being pew warmers and fill their local, state and federal offices.

  9. if you are in your 40s NAD+ is really helpful. From my own experience with liposomal pills, that stuff is great. Helps with sleep, recovery, healing, hormone levels etc. Feel much younger physically with it then without. I do a 2 months on, 1 month off rhythm.
    I am a father of 4 kids. My youngest is 2 years old. As she suffers (just like my 3 year old boy) from cystic fibrosis, I need to be physically able to take care of them. If I think 20 years ahead, I will be 60 years old and my two cycstic fibrosis kids will be in their 20s. There is a high chance that they will be rather weak and in need of help when they are in their 20s. So I need to be healthy and strong then as I am now. So doing my daily cardio, have been lifting weights for 23+ years, taking my supplements simply for the goal of being able to help my kids when they have grown up and will still need help. As a father I cant just live for me, I have to be there for my kids (and not just the two with cycstic fibrosis, but for the "healthy" two too).

  10. The problem with US standoffishness as a policy is that this will lead to a power vacuum. That then in turn will lead to an increase in Chinas and Russias political and military influence. That in turn will lead to the dethroning of the dollar as the world currency of trade, which in turn will deeply weaken the USA. There is a reason why the dollar has not collapsed so far. Its simply because of the military force of the USA. The US navy controls international waters and thus secures international, global trade. Once the US navy withdraws, international trade will slowly erode and collapse. That then means that the world does no longer need the dollar for trading. That in term means that the dollar looses a lot of its value in a short time. Thus the dollar collapses and in term the US government.
    Sorry, but there is a price to pay for becoming a global empire. Look at what happened to great Spain and great Britain and their respective empires. Today they are nothing more then rather weak, local powers. That will be the fate once the US stops being world police.
    And, as a german, I would rather have the US policing the world then come under the atheistic, evil rule of the Ruski Mir or the CCP. Those are waaaaay waaaaaaaaaay worse then the silly, self righteous (while at the same time self beclowning – lgbtusbhdmi…) USA. At least in the US american paradigma the concept of freedom still exists. In the Ruski Mir there is only Lords and serfs, and in the chinese communism there is only corruption of the leaders while the people exist as "human mineral" to be harvested for the benefit of the CCP.

  11. I believe Trump was given to us by God , it’s sad to hear people say , well Jesus is my savior and afraid to say Trump was sent. I am happy man is not perfect it makes Jesus more to declare is our lord . Who was perfect Gods grace is perfect. Whoever claims Christ Jesus as lord and for me Trump has more has and clearer no others has. For me truth is right in front of Us. It’s Gods time like no other. That’s where I stand, thank you brothers.

  12. Why do Christians ignore what the bible teaches? The bible clearly teaches that abortion is the best thing for the majority of humanity in Mark 9:42-48. If hell is real then abortion is the most humane thing that could ever happen to any potential human being ever! The risk of eternal torture will always outweigh bringing any finite life into this world if hell and eternal torture is real. So the question for any Christian is which is it? Do you honestly believe hell is real? Are you ignorant to what eternal torture is? Are you in denial that exponentially more people will be tortured for eternity than claim a life in your heaven belief? Or do you just disregard and hate conscious life and don't care about those who will be tortured for eternity? And this flawed thinking by the so called pro-life movement is what makes them so dangerous. They think they are moral but are far from it. They place their belief of what they think a fetus is or isn't above all other humanity. You see this in their support of Trump's authoritarianism, supporting those that do nothing about climate change or gun violence, supporting those that do nothing about America's unsustainable health care costs and the list goes on. They love the fetus but hate conscious life.

  13. For all those in the comments who can't seem to understand that Trump rushing the vaccine actually gave you a choice in the matter, I pray that you find wisdom. The vaccine ended the Plandemic. Don't you realize the whole COVID narrative was a hoax? Fear porn? And people were eating it up. So much so that they thought face diapers would protect them unless someone else was not wearing theirs. The media and the deep state had complete and total control of the situation, worldwide.

    Trump talked about alternative methods. Remember what he said about HCQ or Ivermectin? Probably not because you heard the media saying that Trump said to drink bleach. Their plan was to keep us locked down for decades, create economic collapse, civil unrest, collapse of society before they eventually "developed" a vaccine (patented years prior to 2019 btw) that at that point, would have been forced on everyone. Don't believe me? The New York Times told us how long developing a vaccine would take. They were saying 10-13 years.

    Trump knew they were using Convid to steal the election. He said so over and over. He said he was a wartime President. So what does a wartime President do, knowing that he has less than a year to defeat this and the only way the sheep are going to believe that Convid is over is if they have a vaccine and the only weapon he has that the deep state cannot counter him on is a vaccine because it is their own weapon? You implement Operation Warp Speed. Make sure it is "experimental" so it can't be forced. You give the people a choice.

    With their plan you would have had no choice. Endless lockdowns would have been forced on you. Economic collapse would have been forced on you. Civil unrest and societal collapse would have been forced on you. Then if you survived all that, the vaccine would have been forced on you. Trump gave us a choice and beat the deep state in their own game and exposed big pharma and Fraudci and CDC in the process.

    You all need to read up on 5th Generation Warfare. Would do you some good.

  14. My biggest concern is that the 2020 election cheating will happen all over again. We are already seeing plenty of election interference which I think is preparation for what will happen. I believe the democrat party leaders are intentionally breaking the law allowing illegals into the country to pack the ballots and cause more chaos and confusion. The illegals will be their smoke screen. I'm hoping that the conservatives will be out in force watching every move at the ballots and recording everything; though even with recordings we have evil judges who do not look at evidence.

    It's not who votes, it's who counts the votes. That's the concern.

    I"d definately vote Durbin for president. Just imagine have a Christian in the white house.

  15. If you believe in the true sovereignty of God and not a theology of not compromising, how can you pass along the misinformation that there are only two parties? No Christian should justify voting for Trump by saying there is no other strong choice. There are several choices, you just have to be willing to not compromise and look beyond the two part fallacy.

    You realize there is no middle ground when it comes to saving the unborn, yet you choose to compromise by voting for Trump.

  16. Child killing regulations – Ron Disantas/Trump. I wonder in Trump's case though If he isn't manipulating the wicked to gain power (He could also be manipulating the righteous as well..) – it's not inherently wicked to deceive the wicked – gain power (get enough votes) and then do true justice within your political/legal power. "Yeah, I support all that – vote for me!" gain power and do all you can to outlaw it to save as many lives as you can.

    Is that tactic inherently Godless? I don't think this is what Trump is doing – but I don't see biblically why if he was – that it would be sinful. God deceives his enemies throughout scripture and rewards those who do the same (Rehab/midwives etc) (Midwives lied/deceived the murderous Pharoah in the triune God and HE blessed them…)


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