What If The Flood ALLIED With Humanity?

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Today, we venture into another alternate Halo timeline – another Halo ‘What If’ scenario – What if the Flood ALLIED with Humanity?

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0:00 – Intro
0:35 – Setting The Scene
3:17 – Halo 1
6:16 – First Strike
10:15 – Halo 2 / Halo 3
16:29 – Post-Halo 3 Era
18:46 – Halo 4 / 5 / Infinite
20:00 – The Problem…

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48 thoughts on “What If The Flood ALLIED With Humanity?”

  1. With all that being said: why didn't the Flood ally with humanity? And I of coarse mean long term. They could've had an easy win against the Covenant and then wipe out humanity easily without the threat of the Halo Array

  2. There's so much I just don't get about the Flood.

    Why don't the Flood, in all their intelligence, create sustainable sources of life/food? If all their food died, how did they even survive? If they consume everything, how do they have worlds in which they continue to exist? They can't all be in hibernation. And if they are, how do they communicate? Why did the Forerunners kill themselves when they were capable of shielding themselves from the Rings? I know they were on the backfoot after the betrayal, but nobody was near a safe place? No other prisons existed?

    Which makes even less sense to me, since if the Flood were literally on the ark or ring, had a corrupted bias, and were capable of corrupting the installation ais, then why didn't they do anything after the firing of the rings? They wouldn't just drop dead/hibernate immediately when all the food died. There are flood on the rings for research that they should be able to communicate with too right? If their food died, why did they just sit there instead of destroying the ring? Since they are in an array, corrupting the AI would have given them the locations of the other rings too. Its not like they weren't capable of travel either.

  3. It's similar in Halo 3, The Flood is the most invaluable ally you never thought of, a restless and immortal army of super soldiers march towards their enemy and bring glory to Humanity and it's species. However, this concept is too good to be true, because we must not forget that they are also the master of manipulation.

    When humanity has no enemy left to fight, we will return to fight ourselves once more, as the Flood sit and watch us humans killing each other, it is like a dog waiting for the chef preparing a banquet of blood so they could chow us down when the time comes.

    "Resignation is my virtue; like water I ebb, and flow. Defeat is simply the addition of time to a sentence I never deserved… but you imposed." – Gravemind

  4. Dang, was hoping there would be some plot twists where the Covenant could actually stand a fighting chance. Plus with high charity uninfected, you have a fighting force that could possibly consist of billions of personnel

  5. How would the story of the Spirit of Fire be involved with this? Since in halo wars, it takes place before Halo CE and they fought the flood. Do the Spirit of Fire find out the truth about the flood and go against the UNSC and the Flood alliance or simply join it?

  6. I'd be surprised if this scenario got off the first Halo. Cortana learned so much when she was in the control room. I don't think she would have let this alliance fly. She'd know the threat the Flood pose. But it's an interesting video still, and if somehow she did allow the alliance to happen… man. Things get crazy.

  7. Great video. It touches on some of the questions I've had about Halo's overall plot.

    Directly related to the video:

    01. We know from Cortana in the control room during the "real timeline" that Halo kills the Flood by starving them, but how long does it take to starve them? The flood outbreak that consumes Keyes (or helps humanity in this timeline) has been sitting there for 100K years. Not frozen. No stasis devices like in Librarian flashback terminals. They are just there, not "eating" anything. This folds into a later question not directly related to the video.

    02. What were the Flood infecting for 100K years on Delta Halo in order to have combat forms fighting the sentinels, and ultimately, form a Gravemind? If some intelligent, space faring "mystery species" had ever landed on Delta Halo (similar to the still unexplained vessel crash on Alpha Halo in the Anniversary terminals), the Flood would have infected them and commandeered the vessel. They could have escaped Installation 05 and begun infecting various species tens of thousands of years before they had the slightest chance at evading the Flood or fighting them off.

    03. As mentioned in the video, the Flood have no problem diving into corpses and using them bolster their forces. What good does wiping out the galaxy do if they are capable of this? Does infecting corpses versus live hosts mean no information is gathered, and they are "starved" of further intelligence?

    04. There is mention here of The Flood turning on humans and consuming the galaxy. There have been previous videos about theoretical "flood galaxies", and the "transgalatic stage" is, as far as I know, canon. Do we ever get an exact number on how fast human and Covenant "FTL" ships are? Even 50x light speed would mean a 100,000 year trek to Andromeda, and who knows if they even arrive at a part of the galaxy with life in it. Does the Flood hibernate to avoid starvation? Would they even need to given their timeline on Alpha and Delta Halo?

    Slightly less related to the video:

    01. Rounding back to my initial starvation timeline question: How much time did Truth think he had to excavate the Forerunner portal and get to the Ark? He didn't send Tartarus to fail, and he had no idea about Cortana's "unoriginal" idea to use In Amber Clad to blow up High Charity and Delta Halo, if needed. How long would it have taken a successful activation to hit Earth?

    02. Why didn't the Flood use their own slip space portal to attack the "Lesser Ark" (Installation 00) 100,000 years earlier during their war with the Forerunner? They were perfectly capable of wrecking the "Greater Ark" and knocking the twelve ring array down to seven, with no "Omega" Halos remaining?

    03. What species occupy the habitable worlds 25,000 light years in every direction from Alpha Halo? Did Chief and Cortana inadvertently create a "safety void" where the Flood could find hosts after a successful firing of the remaining six rings in the array?

    Disclaimer: I've played every mainline Halo game, but not the spin off RTS games. I've read a few books, including Greg Bear's Forerunner trilogy, Fall of Reach, Ghosts of Onyx, Glasslands, and The Thursday War, but that seems to account for less than a quarter of all Halo books at this point. I don't read comic books, but I'm familiar with how Didact actually "died" from channels like this. I watch the show, but I know that counts for Grunt doo doo in actual lore discussions. 😂. Any gaps in my knowledge are entirely a byproduct of the extended multimedia universe simply being too damn much to keep up with. 😅

  8. Here's a question, we know what happens when someone is "taken over" by the flood, the different forms etc

    What is we got an alien cross over? What would the xenomorph look like if a brute or Spartan comes across a facehugger one night

  9. Fun scenario but there are a few plot holes. 1. The flood that attacked Keyes and Johnson's crew were in their Feral stage so they wouldn't have even had a Proto-Gravemind at that point to do any sort of talking and negotiations.

    What about Cortana? The reason she sent Chief to the swamp was because she uncovered data about the flood inside the Control center. She would most definitely protest this whole "alliance" knowing exactly how grave a threat the flood poses.

    As for Thel Vadam, he had ordered the carriers to shoot down any ship they thought was infected after the outbreak in the swamp.

    Idk man its a fun what if, but theres just soo many liberties to the lore that have to be taken in order for this to even be plausible.

  10. Like some people have pointed out, what is Cortana doing during all this? Cortana would tell chief that the floods not good, so chief would probably end up AWOL, MIA or dead. Only away this would work is if master chief never went back to the control room and got cortana or ends up not believing her (which is unlikely).

    I also believe it make more sense for the flood to target humanity, considering we're the only ones who can activate forerunner technology.

  11. I think the Flood's method of assimilating any and all sentient life, dead or alive. Would make Humanity naturally fear them. Throughout the entire alliance. The ONI and other UEG intelligence groups will be constantly gathering data on the Flood to develop counter measures.
    One counter measure they come up with is deploying an automated facility in orbit around a Blue Super Giant star. That is set to open hundreds of slipspace gates to all Flood inhabited worlds and fleet colonies the moment it goes Super Nova. Exposing each one to a full blast from the Gamma-ray Burst. Just like they were planets from the system.
    A secondary weapon is the creation of a a combination bio-chemical fungicide bomb. Similar to the 40k virus bomb. But made to target specific genetic structures. Instead of all.

    And finally a series of fast medium ships built around giant fusion bombs posing as science vessels or civilian freighters with stealth scout craft. They tail the main Gravemind and other active lesser Graveminds.
    When activated. These ships accelerate to top speed. The scout craft transmit the slip space coordinates of the Graveminds locations. The bomb is armed. The command bridge detaches from the main ship with the crew and it slip jumps point blank range, doing 100,000+ km/h directly into the Gravemind like a giant bunker buster and detonates a 5 teraton bomb.
    If the target is on a space vessel or part of a fleet. Except for the reinforced penetrating bow, the rest of the ships is designed to fragment.

  12. I think the Flood would turn on humanity after the attack on Earth, they've gotten within our ranks, for an order 66 level betrayal. And Earth will be beaten before we even know what has happened. They don't need our help to finish off rhe covenant, our number will become theirs.

  13. forerunners are alive and were alive in all the halo
    before the firing of the halo array the forerunners had samples of all species for reseeding they must have samples of themselves for reseeding too and the forerunners are probably waiting to be reseeded in the halo universe

  14. My only criticism is: Wouldn't the flood need to reach the coordinated stage before they were capable of making this kind of alliance? Before that stage they don't have any centralised intelligence and act primarily on instinct, unless I'm mistaken. Engaging in a, ahem, coordinated (pun intended) alliance with humanity would surely require at least a proto-gravemind to be in place.


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