What if the Chaos Gods Were Starved of Power – "Purifying" the Chaos Gods

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I had an idea and I wanted to make it a video. I donā€™t, I donā€™t know what to make of it.

0:00 ā€“ Intro and ā€œGround Rulesā€
1:56 ā€“ Blue-Balling Slaanesh
3:57 ā€“ Medicating Tzeentch
6:02 ā€“ Disinfecting Nurgle
7:57 ā€“ Nothing of Importance
7:59 ā€“ Calming Khorne
10:09 ā€“ Conclusion
10:52 ā€“ I Couldnā€™t Think of an End Video Joke


37 thoughts on “What if the Chaos Gods Were Starved of Power – "Purifying" the Chaos Gods”

  1. I agree with pretty much everything except the depiction of Slaanesh lacking the ability to gather power from positive emotions. All 4 Gods are basically perverted emotions hyped on crack. Just like it's 3 other brothers Slaanesh started off with positive emotions – the enjoyment of art/music some may even argue love, passion, the pursuit of perfection and even just simple betterment of one's skills when it comes to things they care about, it simply went off the deep end pretty quickly.

  2. a couple of things about the chaos gods for me:
    one: they are literally unbeatable.
    because from what i understand they arent just "evil demon gods" but primal forces of reality Itself! as long as there is sentient life they CAN'T be destroyed!
    on the other hand,in a bizarre way,humanity needs them:

    It reminds me of a comic book where a dr strange villain called nightmare(a similar kind of entity that feeds on nightmares) is being attacked and says "whether you like it or not,i DO serve a purpose,,if you ever did manage to destroy me,you and the rest of humanity would be driven insane within a week" and he was right.
    I think the same thing applies with the chaos gods

    And the other thing is humanity,specifically the imperium itself:

    Not just the way the emperor approached the warp,chaos gods,etc.(which imo, caused many of the problems to begin with,,just my take tho,,,)but how the imperium treats humanity with living conditions,the overzealous hatred and dogma,among many other issues,,,
    It seems to me one of the strongest forces feeding chaos,,is the imperium ITSELF!
    It brings to mind the philosophy of "the more you deny the darkness within,just makes it stronger"that sort of thing,,
    It's a crazy complicated metaphysical issue in a fictitious universe,but just my take lol

  3. I feel like you could do more with slaanesh and its pleasure aspect. Like instead of an excess of pleasure at the expense of others, its sharing that pleasure with others. Everyone gets full bellies and a warm bed, and everyone gets to enjoy life. The same could be done with pain, sharing in people's suffering to help ease their burdens.

  4. I've wondered about a sort of anti-Abbadon, some character who earns each Chaos God's mark by virtue of their more virtuous aspects, building a kind of redemption cult. Which honestly, probably ends up corrupt anyway, but a fun thought experiment.

    Or just Star Child each of them. The small, discarded bit of self that epitomizes intelligence, ambition, life, and honor.

  5. "The chaos gods feed on emotions & prayers"
    Not exactly.
    They feed on raw emotions, thoughts, and actions. Prayer & worship is merely a "bonus" for them, in truth they don't really care if you believe in them or not, merely that you behave how they want you to behave.

    Wanna starve Khorne? Okay, no more killing, no more anger, no more hatred, ever.
    Wanna starve Tzeentch? Okay, no more individualistic thinking, no more searching for knowledge, and no more changing, ever.
    Wanna starve Slaanesh? Okay, no more pain or pleasure, no more enjoyment, no more satisfaction, no more relief, no more hunger or thirst for anything, ever.
    Wanna starve Nurgle? Okay, when you figure out how make reality non-existent, let me know.
    Wanna starve Malice? Do nothing violent. Really that's it.

    Wanna starve all of them? Disconnect everything in Real Space from the Immaterium (good luck), wipe out Humanity, Wipe out the Eldar & Dark Eldar, Wipe out the Orks, Wipe out the Tau, and (somehow) close every Rift in Real Space. Move the rest to the Webway.

  6. I'm pretty sure nothing good would happen, but I applaud being optimistic in the face of Chaos gods. First problem is, Chaos gods already regularly take parts of themselves to create their demons, so what stops them from just making a bunch of demons to suffer in the way they prefer within their box? I'm not sure if the law of conservation of energy exists in some form in the warp, but the crazy stuff it does suggests it doesn't. They could just make a perpetual torment machine, in a box, which I bet a lot of Dark Eldar would die to get their hands on.

    Next problem is that isolating the Chaos gods does not isolate the warp. Everyone outside that prison is still doing the things that made Chaos in the first place. What prevents new Chaos gods from just arising out of that? And if they did, will they try to reunify with the originals? Fight them? Merge with them? Whatever the case, now we have eight of them instead of four, at least for a time, and that is unacceptable. Chaos warriors are already unforgivably spikey, and they'd only get worse with sixteen-pointed stars.

    If you really want to neutralize the forces of damnation, I suggest something far more practical, xenos. The Mechanicus has the technology to build Necron pylons, sealing away the warp forever. But we still need the warp for travel, so you teach us how to build your Webways, or if you've forgotten how, let us study them. Then one of two outcomes is most likely. Either we figure out a way to secure and maintain them against what is sure to become a huge demonic assault, or we just don't have warp travel and will have to beat up the Tau for their lunch money and realspace drives. No, peace with mind control weeb collectivists is not an option. They already evolved too quickly, so we're both served by neutralizing them.

    Note, this is not a peace treaty. I am well aware that the Eldar have designs to reclaim the galaxy from humanity, and that is not happening. But at least this way, you get to live a lot longer and your souls won't be eaten. There are worse enemies to die to than each other, so we can kill them first. Or who knows, you may finally realize that the glory days of the Eldar are over, and resign yourself to Craftworlds or Exodite worlds beyond our reach. This is also acceptable, as well as what you have already been doing. Knowing the Administratum around this place, humans will forget you existed in a millennia or so. Out of sight, out of mind, and you get to survive. If you wanted to, you could probably even track the Tyranids back to whatever galaxy they fled from and occupy that. Surely, you have the sorcery to reclaim dead worlds, since the "primitive" Mechanicum does already. Or if not, you'll have millions of years to figure it out.

    See? All this has the bonus of being decidedly less chaotic than our current state of affairs, or gift-wrapping Chaos gods and whatever fresh hell that would unleash. Input Interface = OPEN

    PRINT "Do you wish to accept?" Y/N

  7. The two other big ones, Hashut and the Great Horned Rat are subjected to this, what happens?

    For Hashut I see him as becoming a sort of God of Frugality and Thankfulness.

    Basically Hashut is the God of Greed, he wants the Dwarfs to sacrifice things to him and do slavery and all that and he gives them legitimately great benefits without much of a downside in sight. You do good for him he does good for you.

    I imagine that once you cut him off from everything he might miss the Chaos Dwarfs, miss when he got sacrifices and miss all the shenanigans. Heā€™ll reminisce and think of his favorite sacrifices and stew on it. Give or take a billion or so years and I can see Hashut coming out thankful for his freedom and taking whatever scraps he can get with actual adoration. Put him on the other side of the slavery and heā€™ll understand their plight and pretty much hand out boons like candy to those who want them, and will cherish his worshippers just by being there. All in all good case scenario

    The Great Horned Rat is literally the incarnation of all the worst traits of the big four, murder, scheming, plagues and self adoration. Cut him off from the asshole rats and he literally loses the only thing that really makes him unique and he probably just shrivels away.

  8. The closest I could imagine to accomplishing this (or close enough) would be if you went back in time to GC era, stopped the chaos gods scattering the primarchs(specifically magnus but stop all for good measure) then use the Emperor, Mangi magic and the perpetuals to fire a blast of gold god energy at the chaos gods using the golden throne, then simultaneously have agents switch on the cadian pylons closing the eye of terror and maelstrom. The Chaos gods are crippled and their connection to material world is weakened. The only other way would be for the Tyranids to devour everyone and blanket the galaxy with their shadow in the warp but that's not a good long term solution now is it?

  9. As far as I've read, the gods don't feed on the energies, they are the energies. So in that way, you can't separate them from theire source of power, but you could change the energies.

    If the imperium of man enacted some social reforms that made the entire population happy, concent and moraly good, youd either starve the gods, or change them into non-destructive forms of themselves.

    They can't help being what they are, as they only reflect the souls of those living in the materium.

  10. Slaanesh's sensory deprivation chamber is basically just neglect play on a colossal scale. She'd one-hundred percent enjoy it, but I think that's where the victory comes from. At first it's fun because it's a sort of novel hell, but then it's fun because "Oh my god, this is new and interesting; having less or even none of something can be a sensation, too!" as Slaanesh realizes she doesn't need to slam monsters laced with heroin (or rather, heroin laced with monsters) to have a good time.

    And then Slaanesh gets to have a steak or something for the first time in ages, and suddenly it's the most delicious thing ever, far better than their usual steak order which consists of "crystal meth on crystal meth seasoned with some steak on the side." From here, Slaanesh becomes not so much a god of pleasure as a god of satisfaction, with an emphasis on enjoying responsibly; not because "safety first" or "respect others' autonomy" or some boring reason like that, but because if you bombard yourself with pleasure recklessly, you lose access to pleasures you once had, and the new stuff you have will never satisfy you ("learn from my mistakes, my children"). Also her followers probably become sex monks that practice having wild parties followed by periods of quiet, meditative contemplation until they're ready for another dose, or something.

  11. Gotta disagree with you regarding Slaanesh. Slaanesh isn't just about excess, but also about perfection. She could become a deity of striving for perfection, a patron of artists, philosophers, and mathematicians. She could very well come to personify beauty, sort of like an Aphrodite figure.

  12. The only thing I can see somehow is Slanesh's imprisonment itself is excessive and suffering due to her own nature and does a complete 180. She becomes some kind of suffering Buddha in that nothingness and comes out basically as one desiring nothingness and simplicity. Kind of like of an obsessive starving Yogi or emaciated monk abandoning worldly pleasure. That this singular devotion and casting all else aside is the only truly fundamental excess.

    For Tzeench he full on embraces hope, the one thing that not even his imprisonment can truly destroy. He focuses less on trickery but on inspiration and comfort for the desperate.

    For Nurgle I see him more into a more balanced god of life and death, that his stagnancy is forced into nature an the eternal cycle of life/death and renewal. He becomes a god of merciful death and beautiful life. His followers start wiping out huge hive cities where suffering is rampant and returns then to agri worlds, as well as seeding life in worlds that have them no longer.

    As far as Khorne, I kind of agree, he doesn't really become good…he becomes a god of only worthy battle, and just causes. That worthwhile battle, is all that is worthwhile and expands beyond war, into things like battling against poverty and ignorance and ideas Humans see as good.

  13. Slaanesh has some positive aspects, she/he/they stand for everything that makes one feel alive, from hiking and art to drugs and blood orgies, so maybe their isolation would yield different results than what you suggested here?

  14. Magnus kinda spells out the positive aspects of the Main 4 in TTS, and it does fit into your outline:

    Khorne is a bloodthirsty god of war, but he's also powered by honor and courage. He'd never scheme or stab you in the back, and the courage and devotion of a warrior facing down a horde of monsters to defend civilians is as empowering to him as Angron tearing a bunch of astartes to ribbons.

    Tzeentch is a god of change, plots and scheming, but he's also empowered by intelligence and cleverness. Seeing THROUGH the plots and schemes is just as empowering to him as the plots and schemes themselves. An Inquisitor ferreting out a Genestealer cult and its broodlord feeds him as much as Magnus and his boys playing Wizard.

    Nurgle is a god of rot and decay, but in so he is also a god of rebirth and renewal, the cycle of life born from the decay of the old. after all, flesh cannot fall to rot and disease if it is never born and healthy in the first place. Even the plagues themselves must evolve and grow to combat new defenses against them.

    Slaneesh is a good of hedonism and debauchery, but in the same vein as murder orgies and suffering empower he/she/it, the pleasures of happiness also empower it. if there is only suffering, there needs to be happiness to make that suffering mean anything. the Exultation of an Imperial Guard unit realizing they've successfully driving off a Tau attack strengthens them as much as a summoning orgy atop a pile of sacrifices.

    I wouldn't put it past the gods to take a moment and appreciate all their aspects, at least once in a while.
    Khorne giving the warrior a boost of berserker strength to kill the beasts menacing his family, Tzeentch delivering that Inquisitor a drop of insight to help them on their search, Nurgle admiring a newborn strain of plague that has never been seen before, Slaneesh reveling in the victory cheers and triumphant celebrations of the Guardsmen.

  15. Thank you for that clarification on what feeds Slaanesh, she was born of the most absolutely ridonkulous, over-the-top pains and 'pleasures' the galaxy had ever witnessed. If Slaanesh got power from just people having pride or being satisfied or even anything above an uncommon dopamine surge she would be the most powerful of the Chaos Gods bar none, instead of the weakest of the four.

  16. It was either this guy or Weshammer, but I watched a video on what the Chaos Gods used to be. Some ridiculously long time ago, they were actually benevolent gods. Nurgle was more about healing the sick, Khorne was defending the weak, the others I forget. At some point in real space time, everyone started becoming gigantic asshole and killing each other, and since the warp feeds off of the intangible emotions and thoughts of real space, it got corrupted into the modern Chaos filled hellspace. So maybe, in this hypothetical isolation room scenario, they just revert back to the original forms?

  17. The gods would probably nurture themselves since they embody aspects of intelligent life. Nurgle would rot into himself, reemerging constantly from his own rot, tzeentch would change himself to avoid stagnation, khorne would wage war against himself (does not need to punch for that lol) and slannesh would revel in the lack of sensation because it produces so much agony. They cannot be starved, the last one to feed from would be themselves and it would most likely work enough for them to survive this ordeal unchanged.


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