What if Russia Launched ALL Their NUKES at Once

The Doomsday Clock ⏰ inches closer to midnight 🌑 as nuclear tensions rise. With the war in Ukraine 🇺🇦 ongoing, President Vladimir Putin’s chilling rhetoric 🔥 about using nuclear weapons if Russia’s sovereignty is threatened is alarming. Is it just posturing, or is the threat real? 🤔 Explore a scenario where Russia launches its entire nuclear arsenal 🌍💥. What would happen next? Watch now to find out! 📺👇 #NuclearWar #Putin #DoomsdayClock #GlobalThreat #russia #nato #usa #america #fallout #postapocalyptic #nuklear #ww3 #militaryanalysis


31 thoughts on “What if Russia Launched ALL Their NUKES at Once”

  1. The US did actually use them on civilians. and thretened to use them in Korea the second time. Russia never used nukes in combat and the USSR disintegrated in the 90's without using them to save the situation. Can the US disintegrate without using nukes considering the past history?

  2. It’s the West pushing this and if anyone was on top of the proper news they’d realise this is more the case than Russia just sending nukes our way!! The West is pushing more and more for a nuclear war than what the MSM is portraying!

  3. well, none of us was present when humanity started, but it looks like we will be there, when it ends. not too bad to have a front seat for the most important show there is!

  4. Formerly, the expansion & collision of nations may have contributed to the sustainability of civilization.
    Resource or disparity problems were “solved,” infirm like me, or old schemes were “selected” in that process. 
    However, with global integration, the rise of life standards, and the weapons’ power increase, it’s risky & costly now.    
    I hope we improve wealth production & distribution, plus our abilities & cooperation with new techs & policies.

  5. USA/NATO Forced Russia's Hand in Ukraine with the USA led COUE in 2014 throwing out an ELECTED LEADER and Backing its Replacement (that's Freedom and Democracy Hitler WARNED About), In Syria RUSSIA was INVITED by the Syrian Gov. USA was NOT. let's Keep the Facts Straight who ever made this Video. and I'm only 1:53 into this video with making 2 comments

  6. I think the West will strike first but will have a NEWS Blackout and paint the picture for what comes after. No matter WHO launches First in the coming Months
    ultimately only the real people will suffer.

  7. I hope to heavens US has a top secret weapon that can disable those nukes, land based and submarine launched ones, they have to have it, there has to be a way, this is pure batshit insanity, or let’s hope putlers minions are not suicidal to press those buttons….

  8. Good question! Okay, lets do this scientifically! 100% buttons pressed = 75% actually launch + 25% failure rate. Anyhow, 75% launch = 50% go off target and explode on Mars. BUT 25% still get through and of those half fail to detonate! BUT still the remaining 12.5% hit and detonate! Meaning all you people on the Isle of Man better take cover!!!!! (No disrespect to you guys, honest!) 😂😂
    In short, I'm saying "Aw hell, who cares! Bring it on!" this world is done for anyway! Right??🤔

  9. Why will Russia start a nuclear war? Russia is huge country. It has been a nuclear super power. Russia is currently surrounded by NATO and by occupying parts of Russia Latvia, Lithuanian, Estonia and Ukrain , USA is trying to deliver a strategic defeat on Russia. Russia has support of China, Iran, Brazil, North Korea, Africa, most of Islamic world, even India but USA being the hegemonic super power is trying to intimidated Russia. That, for Russia, has become an existential threat. This un declared war between two super powers has finally become active as USA with its allies has finally engaged Russia into an unending war hoping that war and sanctions will bring Russia on its knees. The whole thing has become a complex riddle with multiple dangers to world peace. It’s the end of Russia or US hegemony with final consequence of a nuclear tactical strikes. I hope they will come to a negotiated peaceful understanding. It’s the hope of humanity that a new world order will be acceptable to both sides.

  10. A way out of a nuclear war would be to have a Ches match as in the bond film, keeping to tradition, The West gets its best players, and Russia also, the match would be held in neutral territory and the rules being would determine who wins and the result over borders territory fixed in the peace agreement.

  11. Thankfully, Putin cannot 'Push the Button' as the button does not exist. I'm thinking he would be taken out by his own people because they have to live with the consequences even if Putler is about to die of cancer or whatever.
    As a side note: I love how the Russian media acts as if they can launch on the West without any repercussions. It's called MAD for a reason.

  12. I like the part where you say Russia has Junk in Ukraine. If Russia has Junk in Ukraine what does NATO and all the Cash have , if Putin is Winning with Junk ? another thing Russia Nuclear subs aren't sitting in the water of northern Russia , they are just off the coast of America !


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