What if POLAND Won WW2? Animated Alternate History

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Poland is often overlooked in WW2 as they quickly collapsed and fell under Soviet control. However they almost formed a federation, known as the Międzymorze, or the Intermarium. This would have combined many eastern european together. Today we will examine what would have happened if Poland won World War 2 through the formation of the Międzymorze, or the Intermarium. What if the międzymorze formed? What if the Intermarium formed?

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50 thoughts on “What if POLAND Won WW2? Animated Alternate History”

  1. 3:06 The other countries wouldnt agree without getting concessions. No way the Lithuanians would agree while Poland was holding Vilnous. Latvia and Estonia Would almost certainly agree as they had no diputes with Poland, polish help against the soviets and they were allies in our timeline. However Belarus and Ukraine would need something from Poland to agree to this. Also whatsup with Odessa? That wouldnt loop good on the international stage
    3:40 I can see France helping but Britain would see this as a threat to their "balance of power policy". Unless the government of UK is filled to the brim with anti-communists who would see the Intermarium as good anti-sovet allies, they would likely work against intermarium and might even be more soothing towards Germany as a counter-balance towards the Intermarium-French sphere.
    3:46 wait.hold up. "convince the french to push the maginot tothe atlantic" how would they know? Thats hindsight.
    4:00 If Czechoslovakia joins then Hungary likely wouldnt.
    4:18 that might actually convince Hungary to join but then Romania wouldnt unless it is a completely subjugated puppet but that has its own problems.
    Eiither way west would see that intervention as anti-democratic and waging unneeded war so French might stop their support and UK would likely support Romanian territoriall integrity at least diplomatically, even the soviets might get involved to create an image of "liberators".

    There is a lot of wishful thinking in this video.

  2. Yeah timelines where Poland manages to survive the two times history decided there was no Poland usually are better timelines, even if you use optimistic outcomes in your scenarios. Don't really see Poland not retaking the Polish corridor after the war though, and just letting Prussia have an open border/access agreement through that area.

  3. Just a single criticism: I doubt Mussolini would have joined Hitler in this timeline. Plus, if he did, I feel like Mussolini would have tried betraying Hitler after he attacked Austria considering Mussolini nearly went to war against Germany in OTL after Dolfuss was assassinated. Otherwise, interesting video!

  4. I'm glad to see your voice is much louder in your new videos. It's such a significant improvement, but you could probably turn the background music down slightly. Also I appreciate you making subtitles

  5. All of this was widely fantastical 😂 But I don't mind because the title of the video basically told us this would just be for fun. I mean for one if Poland/Intermarium was getting that big and powerful the rest of Europe would have allied themselves to cut them down. European states are always obsessed with the balance of power, it's literally the reason why they all went on the Scramble for Africa. We would have seen Germany allied with the West and the Soviets to counter them. And no neutral Italy. Not to mention it's extremely unlikely that Yugoslavia or Romania would ever willingly join. That's all that really needs to be said about this timeline but again I can see it was all just for fun and wasn't intended to be realistic. Because Poland didn't have a chance in hell of ever winning WW2

  6. Crazy, “What if Poland won WW2”, no way this actually happened in real life. I see why it must be a what if.

    Edit: How does a channel this small, make such quality content.

  7. There is one issue that needs to be corrected.

    Józef Piłsudski's command led to the siege of Warsaw by the Red Army. At that moment, Piłsudski submitted his resignation to Wincenty Witos and fled. General Tadeusz Rozwadowski was appointed to defend Warsaw.

  8. Videntis
    What would happen if Germany has Belgium, Netherlands, Poland, Kaliningrad Oblast, Czechia, Slovakia, Estonia, Leningrad Oblast, Saint Petersburg, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Southern Federal District and North Caucasian District?

    West Germany Area: 1,239,872 sq miles
    It's name the multi party republic of Germany

    Difference from Federal Republic
    The Bundesrag members are democratically elected not handed picked

    Children are given paramilitary training, military training, survivalist training, nature training and prepping training.

    They have their own youngster organization like the Freie Deutsch Jugend called the German Warriors.

    In the German Warriors they learn Judeo-Christian values, democracy and capitalism.

    In the multi party republic of Germany they wear gray shirts with black pants or green shirts with green or black pants or navy blue.

    They have gigantic gatherings playing musical instruments carrying flags giving the thumbs up because it's shape like the letter d which stands for Germany.

    George Patton doesn't die he still educates German children for forty years.

    It's easier for right wing populists patriotic parties and nativist parties to govern Germany than for left wing socialist and green parties to govern Germany.

    Central Asia is East Germany.

  9. As a Pole I don’t belive in Polish attack on Moscow. Maybe Piłsudski even would have been cabable of doing so but still he was not crazy. No one in Poland has ever discussed attacking Russia. Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine – they would be in Polish sphere of influence and everyone knows that but there would be no gains of conquering Moscow. Actually historically speaking Poland was the only power to conquer Moscow but it didn’t end well and Poles were driven away and now it is the national independece day in Russia. I love the first part of your movie – it was great, Intermarium could have been a significant power in Europe but annexation of Russia is a complete nonsense.

  10. Even if it is an alternative video. But the narrative that Nazi Germany annexed Austria by force (annexation is such a negative term, meaning that the people of Austria supposedly did not want it, but they did) is not entirely true. One must understand the past of the Austrians. Austria lost its dual monarchy, was completely weakened and rightly wanted to be under Germany and join it. What the Entente forbade, however, and that completely angered the Austrians, the desire to join Germany was never lost. Hitler did what should have been done long ago. There was also a vote of the population beforehand, and over 80% voted for Germany. What do you do when you want something but the others forbid you? Right it with a rule violation simply get.

  11. Best Ending Ever
    Poland will become a superpower
    Jews doesn't need to get a new home so no Israeli-Palestinian conflict
    Ideology which kill people disappear ( Except some )
    Eastern Europe Having Peace
    Million of people will be safe
    The Eastern Europeans Economy will be much higher
    No Communist Vs Capitalist so even more people are safe

  12. Suggestion 1 : what if the First Mexican Empire survived
    Suggestion 2 : what if the United States Continental Army under Benedict Arnold conquered Canada during the American Revolution


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