What If Mars Hit Earth?

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We all know how planets in the solar system all revolve around the Sun, and they have been doing so – and they will keep doing so – for a long time. When ancient astronomers first began to understand the motion of planets as seen from Earth, they started believing in some kind of harmony, some kind of perfect balanced dance among the planets, known as the “Harmony of the spheres”. For example, Copernicus thought the planets move in circular orbits around the Sun. 
But belief in the harmony of the spheres assumed a decisive role in the cosmology of Johannes Kepler. Kepler goes beyond Copernicus’ static model of circular spheres to hypothesize a dynamic one. He transforms into ellipses the orbits traversed by the planets at variable speeds. He attributes to each planet not a single sound, but an interval in which the lowest note corresponds to minimum velocity, the highest to the maximum.
This perfect equilibrium, this harmony of the spheres seems immutable. If you could leave the Solar System and come back in 1 million years or so, you would not expect it to have changed a lot. So it’s very unlikely something catastrophic happens, but what if it did? What if, for example, Mars hits the Earth?
Follow Insane Curiosity and join me on this journey as I explore this terrifying yet interesting possibility. I will guide you through the theories and simulations that scientists have done to answer this question. Discover what could happen and how, and understand the dangers of such an event. Also, consider how we can protect the planet from such devastation.

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“Some of our visual content is under an Attribution-ShareAlike license. (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/) in its different versions such as 1.0, 2.0, 3,0, and 4.0 – permitting commercial sharing with attribution given in each picture accordingly in the video.”

Credits: Ron Miller, Mark A. Garlick / MarkGarlick.com
Credits: Nasa/Shutterstock/Storyblocks/Elon Musk/SpaceX/ESA/ESO/ Flickr

00:00 Intro
1:20 If Earth collided with mars, what would happen?
5:50 Theia Impact

#insanecuriosity #mars #earth


34 thoughts on “What If Mars Hit Earth?”

  1. I don't believe we would be alive well before Mars hit earth anyway. The tidal forces long before a collision and the orbital disruption, would kill us off long before a collision anyway.

  2. Sorry but the description you give is faaaaaar to tame to depict the reality of such a collision. Tiny objects of a few kilometer in diameter cause damages of the sorts you describe in your video, not planets (!!!!). If mars collides with earth, both spheres will violently destroy each other, melt completely, and depending on angle and velocity either merge to a completely molten sphere of rock or separate into new bodies that orbit each other in various ways, potentially remerging and recolliding many times over! The extent of such a catastrophe is so apocalyptical that it cannot be stretched enough with words – it would total utter destruction of both worlds with incomprehensible damages. No rebuilding, no 2nd chance. Instant meltdown of the entire planet, possibly vanishing from existence completely.

  3. As somebody watching YouTube its cool that scientists are looking in to things like this and it gives us something to watch… but other than that it leaves one thinking "Really? They're wasting money researching things like that? Its not like we'll be around in a few billion years"

  4. 0:50 I love your videos, but the audio from the clips sometimes drowns out the voice over. Especially on AppleTV. You guys should work on your volume leveling. I can barely hear the guy in the section labeled "intro".

  5. Maybe such a collision could happen in the far distant future but it will be of no use. It would be better if we could bring some ocean moon, like Europa, into a habitable zone and make a living on it.

  6. Simple: everyone and everything would die. There would be nothing left not just people being homeless. If a rock thousands of times smaller than mars killed off the dinosaurs then imagine what a planetary collision would do..

  7. Humanity (or should I call it inhumanity) will destroy itself wayyyyyy before any kind of cataclysm of that kind happening. Sometimes it seems to me that our planet was some kind of experiment launched by who knows what or who to check out how a planet inhabited by life would go. Everything was ok when "primitive" forms of life were thriving but when first humanoid creatures appeared, then our planet's faith was sealed. Humans are hardwired to self destruct (quoting Metallica)

  8. This video is one of the most poorly researched videos I've ever seen if Marth were to hit Earth it would destroy Earth we are close to the same size and the title forces would rip each other apart

  9. Uhhh…that would be equivalent to the collision of Theia with Earth which led to the creation of the Moon. Earth's crust would be rendered completely molten. NO life – or any FRAGMENT of ANYTHING humans have EVER created – would survive.

  10. Are you kidding? Famine? Climate shift? REBUILDING???! The planet would liquify, think giant ball of magma! There wouldn't even be evidence that any life ever existed. Not to mention the moon probably wouldn't even survive, the gravity from Mars before collision would pull the moon with it, or it would be shattered or at least bombarded to a second ball of magma just from the chunks of Earth and Mars impacting the surface after being ejected during impact. Do your research, and don't present topics you know nothing about.


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