What if China Launched an Attack on USA

In an era marked by nuclear threats, cyber warfare, psychological operations, and military buildups, the potential for conflict between China and the US is a looming concern. But what would happen if the United States were attacked by China? This video dives deep into the historical context, examining their relationship, military advancements, and the various factors at play. 🤔💥

From the Korean War to the US-China trade war, and even the impact of COVID-19, we explore the complexities that shape this delicate relationship. 🌏🇨🇳🇺🇸

We also analyze the threats of nuclear, cyber, biochemical, and psychological warfare, and how these could impact the conflict. 😱💻☣️🧠

Join us for a comprehensive look at the potential scenarios and the importance of diplomacy in maintaining global stability. Do you think a conflict is inevitable? Share your thoughts in the comments and subscribe for more military analysis from our experts! 📢👥👉 #ChinaUSConflict #MilitaryAnalysis #themilitaryshow


44 thoughts on “What if China Launched an Attack on USA”

  1. Without a massive barrage of nukes in a first strike, 0% chance off success. But if they did nuke us that way, a few ohios would make sure most of that country would be meeting us in the afterlife.
    Conventional forces would not have a chance. The 3k miles across the pacific would be insurmountable now and for the forseeable future. All naval forces, including subs would be destroyed before they were within 1500 miles. Their airlift capability would not be able to travel that distance similarly without being attacked. They do not have any friendly nations in the immediate vicinity of the us to stage suitable people, equipment, expendables without drawing attention. They are decades away from a credible air and naval power risk to attack the us mainland. Their last and biggest problem wouldn't be getting to the us. We have more weapons than people, been involved in various conflicts almost constantly since our inception, thus plenty of combat experienced people outside the military that are probably armed by their own means.
    For the forseeable chinas biggest threat would be from asymmetrical warfare. Cyber attacks on the infastructure, banking, medical facilities could do some substantial damage. But would not be able to disable the military enough to mask the vast distance just getting to the us.

  2. I'm too tired to go into details about what you guys got wrong with this video, but here's the basics. China is Not the world's largest navy, not even remotely close to it. When comparing Naval power, you look at it by Tonnage, the USN massed over 4.2 million Tons, China is just over 1 million tons. the USA could shell out dozens of cheap boats but that wouldn't do jack for the Navy's operational goals. Add to that the Chinese navy is, as of yet, untested, it has never been involved in any large-scale naval battles whereas Uncle Sugar Navy has been Kicking international Ass for over 200 years. I have Zero doubt that a war with China would be Bad. Maybe not world ending as I don't believe anyone is stupid enough to go down that rabbit hole, but in terms of Economic, Military and Allied power, China wouldn't stand a chance in hell. Its only real ally is North Korea, and let's face it, they are a joke. They know it. The only reason we haven't made South Korea an Island is because we don't need the paperwork. Let's also not forget that China's military is based off of Russian models. and we All Know how that's been proven to be total garbage. China does have a threat, that much is true, but at this moment, its threat is minimal compared to the United States, because if China did ANYTHING aggressive, it wouldn't be just the US it's fighting but NATO and the EU as well. When the whole of the world cuts you off from EVERYTHING to the point that in weeks you can't feed your own people or put gas in your military vehicles, you aren't in a position to do jack. Which is why I think we need to end this bullshit "One China Policy" and give Diplomatic and Military Recognition to Taiwan Now, Before the CCP can do anything about it. At present, they don't have any way to threaten Taiwan as their Navy lacks Amphibious transports. Meaning that aside from pitching fits they can't do jack. IF they tried, USN Blocks their trade routes, NATO and EU smash them with Sanctions that would cripple any country in days, USN Bombs their Overland trade paths and Oil Pipelines, all well Taiwan shoots down their missiles with AEUGUS equipment that we've already sold them. Wars over. China Loses.

  3. More like the evil warmonger might attack China, China has no interest in going to war with any countries the history proved it, But the evil US regime has gone thru 19 wars since ww2,Only the evil warmonger keep threatening china wanting to start a war with China.

  4. the psychological aspects of this are fascinating. we in the west are so obsessed with race and equity and past trauma, meanwhile the east seems pretty unaffected by those issues. i wonder how that plays into this scenario?

  5. The split second the Chinese attempt any sort of invasion of Taiwan it's going to be an absolute disaster for them.

    First off, they are going to BURN through their salvos of missiles in the first few weeks of the war but will have no way of replacing them as Taiwan is, ironically, their largest supplier of chips needed to make them, meaning they'll effectively be cutting off their noses to spite their faces.

    Secondly, the US and its allies will use naval blockades to strangle China into submission as the Chinese import the majority of their fuel and food from overseas. This will lead to energy shortages and famine which will quickly sour the Chinese people's taste for war as they are unable to power their homes or feed their families.

    Third, the Chinese economy is going to completely crash. Their money will become useless overnight, the world will sanction them into the stone age and the CCP will take all of the blame leading to riots and civil unrest beyond anything the Chinese authoritarian government could ever handle with even their own soldiers and police, their main enforcers, turning on them.

    Fourth, even IF the Chinese manage to take Taiwan, it'll be a Pyran victory. Sure, they'll have Taiwan, but by then the destruction to the chip production infrastructure will be so massive that the island will have lost all value. There won't be any capability to produce the chips necessary for the Chinese to recover from the war. Their fleet, air force and military will be in ruins as well as the rest of the world will continue their blockades to punish the Chinese for their aggression and force them to leave Taiwan.

    Fifth, Taiwan knows this attack is coming. They have been preparing for years and are turning the island into a fortress. From pipelines that will pump oil and other accelerants onto the beaches to burn Chinese invaders to death to massive missile batteries ready to rain down hell on approaching Chinese landing craft, the Taiwanese government has been prepping for an all out war with China and the odds are not on the Chinese side. They will lose scores of ships, aircraft, soldiers and other equipment. Couple that with the strangle hold the world will place on China, they will not be able to fight for long and will lose in a protracted war with Taiwan, the US and its allies. China fights this war alone and alone they will fail.

    All in all, this war will not go well for China. They will suffer catastrophic losses in terms of soldiers, ships, fighters, money and civil stability to the point where they MIGHT take Taiwan, but they will lose their station in the world and suffer ultimate collapse that will take centuries to recover from, if they even manage that.

  6. Worst president in the United States history for moving our work overseas was Clinton so you can put trumps picture of her all you want. Yeah, the decline our job started way way way before Trump.

  7. It would take about 800 nukes to take out USA fully china only has 300 the us has almost seven thousand so china using nukes is highly unlikely the USA would end them permanently

  8. In Chinese culture there is a saying: "if you can cheat, cheat."
    Any war they become involved in, will be filled with the worst violations of human rights and dignity imaginable thus far;
    they have already decided to cheat humanity even at their own peril.

  9. That would be incredibly stupid of China and mean the end of Xi-Jiping.
    US allies with Japan, South-Korea, Austalie, Philippines and very likely India would the US against China.
    China with Russia (which can even win a war against Ukraine) North-Korea and Iran (great distance).

  10. There be Chinky Kibab on the house.What u think only the Chineese wall will be standing and maybe just maybe the statue of liberty and thats going to have a good clean.Ffin nutters u.Well we get to know soon.

  11. China & USA will never have a WAR as they both depend on each other in so many ways. They both pretty much support the world economy on both sides. This is actually absurd & both are really friends 😂

  12. Israel attacks Iran in response to Hezbollah attack Israel in response to Gaza being invaded for their terrorist attacks. China attacks Israel by defending Iran, which the US response in counter attack. Which Russia aides Russia and Syria attacks Israel and the U.S. article 5 is invoke and NATO & its Asian-Oceania allies attacks Russia and China and their Allies in iran & Shia Islamic states.

    Arabs states sides with the Atlanticist against the Kremlin Eurasianists from Shia Muslim.

    India aides the US. North Korea attacks Japan and South Korea. Eastern Europeans invades Russia, and U.S. forces obliterates all of Russia nuclear and aerial arsenals.

    World War Three will be mostly a Eurasian conflict, but will include African countries who will side with anti-western forces and pro-western forces. Same in Southeast Asia and Oceania. Mexico and US could end in war too, with Mexico being close with China. Half the the US loyal to Trump will be loyal to Russia an d could start a civil war. Latin America will be divided for anti-western forces and pro-western forces.

    The West could win, but the countries that come after it will be different. Newer economic blocs, massive cultural change, post war civil wars that could see Beijing & Moscow change for good.

    Poland effectively making the EU into a new Polish Empire, while the US divides into various independent republics along with Canada & Mexico; which makes them vulnerable to new groups creating newer economic blocs while they recover after the war.

    Various African states could get the true rebuilding they need. Islam based on the action of World War Three would go into a massive restructure and cultural reforms to make it impossible for radicals to take charge without being excommunicated out of the religion for heretical oversimplification on wording & restricting freethinking that could had been used to question radical leaders on their motives.

  13. This cannot happen anytime soon. China can use intimidation or inveigle other countries to fan up the flames everywhere or use international organizations to achieve its goal but only has it have the overwhelming dominance over its foe can China launch an attack on its target countries.


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