What If Boba Fett JOINED the Clone Army

Boba Fett became a Bounty Hunter after his father’s death on Geonosis. What If Boba Fett Joined the Clone Army? What would get him to return to Kamino? How would Boba view the Jedi Order and their war against the CIS? Which Jedi would Boba be paired up with, if any? How would Boba’s perspective of his clone brothers change by joining the GAR?

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46 thoughts on “What If Boba Fett JOINED the Clone Army”

  1. That was pretty nice, Boba and Omega got to be siblings and eventually a big loving family, shame they had to lose Shaak Ti in the way, but clearly her teachings and the moments they spent together will stay with the twins.
    Shaak Ti vs Sidious was a pretty cool fight, and congrats to Agen Kolar for finally getting one over the Sith Lord.

    What if the encounter between Obi Wan and Vader lasted longer, keeping him from getting back to Tatooine in time for stopping Reva, but she was then stopped by none other than Barris Offe, who would then take Luke with her to protect him from inquisitors, not knowing she accidentally took him from Obi Wan? I'm curious how this one would go, maybe Reva killed the Lars, maybe she didn't, Obi Wan would still likely think she either killed Luke or, if Barris stopped her by talking her out of it rather than fighting her, that she might have taken him to turn him into an apprentice as revenge on Vader. On the other side, Luke might think his family is dead, or maybe Barris tells him about inquisitors and he decides to stay with her so his aunt and uncle aren't in danger because of him. I'm curious how training for Luke would go if his teacher is predominately a healer, and if Obi Wan would either try to find him or go to Leia to train her instead.

  2. I can see after the fiasco Ahsoka delt with on the Pikes she Rafa and Trace would maybe make deals with the generation's finest mechanic Boba especially fellow Trace another fine engineer wanting to scout the competition and Asoka to make sure she doesn't cause too much offence and was surprised to find her sergeant younger brother and from there Omega and the whole Skywalker family again forming close ties with both the found families from siblings once wholly united separated and through the will of the force return as one.

  3. Please think about this.

    What if Anakin was cloned to start up? This story is about the Kaminois. The clone device they use to create the army can also replicate other people, so on the last year of the clone wars, when Palpatine was talking about Darth Pladeis the Wise, he took a piece of Anakin's hair and replicated it, and this machine could keep Anakin's memories, so Anakin went off world to go to the force priestesses because Qui-Gon told him to, or a disturbance took him there either, and Anakin had the ability to rewind time, and then order 66 was executed. The same story, but two Anakins. There will be confusion between Yoda and Obi-Wan, but then Anakin will tell Yoda and Obi-Wan that he has the power to rewind time and Force heal so he won't get crazy about Padme, but he's not going to say that to them because then Yoda's going to, I guess, be upset or disappointed a little bit, and then he rewinds time, Yoda and Obi-Wan's memory, but everyone's memory goes back to the past, but the clone version of Anakin is not the best duelist compared to the actual version. Don't ask how, then Yoda and Obi-Wan tell the council about the grand plan and how Anakin got cloned, and in the end, Palpatine and clone Anakin are defeated.

  4. day 45
    1) what if Luke and Mara, post union comics, traved back to the clone wars.
    2) what if The Pius Dea returned
    3) what if ahsoka raised mara
    4) what if the Republic Outland Regions Security Force formed the base of the republic army
    5) what if Etain Tur-Mukan survived
    6) what if Siri Tachi survived and her and Obi-Wan Kenobi fell in love
    7) what if the yousong vong attacked during the clone wars
    8) whist if Meetra Surik, Jedi Exile, trained anakian.
    9) what if the Eternal Alliance reterned
    10) what if the Je'daii Order returned

  5. Boba and Omega Amidala-Skywalker-Fett, orivod'e of Luke and Leia Amidala-Skywalker.

    I'd like to think Boba did get Jango's armour back, and in the end that armour is safely in the Amidala-Skywalker household, with Slave-1 part of the family's complement of ships. That way Boba keeps bits of his Buir, and he and Omega sit and he tells her stories of Jango. Both of them absorb stuff from Clone Culture (a mix of Mandalorian and Kaminoan culture tweaked for trooper life), taught to Boba by 501st troops, who came to see Boba as something of a mascot ori'vod'ika, whiel Omega was the home support ori'vod'ika. On becoming Skywalkers, that makes the pair not only ori'vod'ik'e, but also honorary Jeti'ade and the 501st's unofficial "Lady"'s ade too.

    (Yes, I use fanfic Mando'a as I like fanfic Clone Culture having a Mando'a pidgin.)

  6. Video Idea:

    What if the Qu (All Tomorrows) was in Star Wars? (More specifically around the Clone Wars Era)

    Just a quick rundown: The Qu are an near billion year old race of extraterrestrials that fuck with people’s biology via genetic manipulation and modification. You can listen to an All Tomorrows audio book that’s 3 minutes short of 2 hours long on YT

    So what would happen? Who would win? Would the Qu destroy all of the Galaxy or would Light and Dark somehow join forces to battle a common enemy?

  7. Freaking beautiful and the Force is with THIS, you rocked this. A few things, you didn't tie Boba and Omega into the Clash on Kamino which would have actually bolstered Boba's anti separatist and negation of clones BOTH sides that strikes to Shaak Ti's canon clone wars and if Alpha and Omega had witnessed would have been the perfect time in alternative universe what ifs to strengthen the alternate character arcs for BOTH and Anakin and Ashoka and Shaak Ti and the virus and gives inhibitor chip would have much EARLIER resulted in separatist losses and negated the chip, PLUS it's even MORE likely that Boba, Anakin, Obi Wan, Shaak Ti, Ashoka and Omega would have all ended up surviving the underwater chaos during that scenario which would have also provided an even better storyline for this alternative what if scenario. If you don't think that by the time clone com links came across from BOBA no SEPS LEAVE the surface end of story that's kind of a hilarious which would mean Grievous and Assajj would be caught or dead. All clones on Kamino would be 100% full survival warrior mode regardless of chips or training, and Sidious would probably kill Mas Kanada from sheer outrage at his plans going away. Which when the Jedi Council realized electrocution of that ilk could only come from one source would guarantee they'd KNOW and unravel that he was the Sith Lord in the shadows so many signs pointed to for years, his control of the Senate would've been challenged IMMEDIATELY because even though Dooku didn't show up for the fight on Kamino, his records would already BY Kaminoans have been offered up as a basically truce to secure Jedi favor and common goal concept even if the Kaminoans kind of a little protested for science yet also OUTRAGED at the audacity of such a blatant attack the result would have still reached that end. Negating millions of 2 more years of wars living sentient being casualties vs clankers. And that's NOT by any means negating badass clankers. Just wanna make that clear and morally straight. Some droids through lightening or by the very simple explanation of the Force itself Qui Gon gave are still part of the fabric and matter. Droids teach the Force through a different means. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it. But I really did like your story. I just see an alternative that could have earlier timeline saved more lives and also ended up boosting Boba's moral journey we're all now aware is a canon reality. So if we're doing the alternate let's make it even more on point and feed into alternate results. Dooku would've been fully exposed, without his greatest generals, and left to drastic OR fleeing to escape his master's wrath in an alternate timeline where Boba and Omega with the Jedi foil the whole scheme. Busted red handed to steal the evidence of inhibitor chips would have been the PERFECT time to have BOBA get his due. I still love him more as anti-hero and morally grey, but just saying it could make for a happy story the beauty alternate timelines can do! Thanks again, it was good and I enjoy your content because it makes me think of this creative too!

  8. What if Bail Organa was in Kamimo during the attack, and had to defend an infant clone?
    He would make a request to adopt this clone and raise it as his own.
    He would naturally become the catalyst for the organa's to fight openly for clone rights.

  9. Amazing video my dude you never stopped making these Soo damn good 😜. Tho I do got a question for you, when Boba said 'how come Jango didn't found out or adopted Omega' in that moment I thought What if Jango Fett raise both Boba and Omega? That's a good idea for a story, don't you think?


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