What If Anakin Skywalker Was TRAINED From Birth

What would’ve happened had the Chosen One Been Trained at the Jedi Temple From Birth?

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25 thoughts on “What If Anakin Skywalker Was TRAINED From Birth”

  1. What if Commander Cody forgot to give Obi-wan his lightsaber? It would be so cool to see a clone use a lightsaber, and Obi wan would have to rely solely on his force abilities until he could get the chance to get his old one back or get a new one.

    Also what if palpatine wasn't stupid and never built the death star?

  2. What if Anakin 😂 jk.
    Hey I get what you mean. there is a lot you can do around Anakin. Hey man don't kill yourself. You first must kill the Disney 3. You know, *nodge nodge*… the trilogy that must not be named. What if jin took obi and ani to some peaceful place to train evading mauls detection?

  3. Well, Anakin, a Seer, for example, reached the level of the Crone. The Seer. The Kyra. And The Phoebe from Charmed. Alice level from Twilight. Level Alti from Xena. And perhaps, for example, he will acquire such abilities as longevity. And Semi-Immortality like the Elves from the Lord of the Rings.He could also be leaning towards Absolute Potentia . Because through Absolute Potential , Anakin develop. And use all abilities which he wants. Anakin can even resume using it. And the study of Form IX: Kaddish. Forms Zero. Light Whip. Double-bladed Lightsaber. And also to create a Quick Style instead of the New Jedi Order. Medium Style. Powerful Style. Trispzest. And Three Rings of Protection. And would create a fighting style that combines a Lightsaber with a Blaster. Or a special fighting style for the Blaster. But only as a Jedi who became like Je'daii. To the Gray Jedi. To the Dagoyan Masters. To the Warriors of Force. To the Altisian Jedi. To the Imperial Knights. To the Jensaarai. To the Yoda. To the Mace. And To the Obi-Wan.Not like a Sith, of course.Moreover, Anakin could become so powerful that he could achieve Enhanced Self-Preservation. And Danger Intuition like Victoria from Twilight. Necromancy. Time Travel. Elemental Manipulation. Event Manipulation like Orihime from Bleach. Reality Warping like Avatars. And Billie from Charmed. Chronokinesis like Tempus from Charmed. Telekinesis level Penelope. And Prudence from Charmed. Time Stopping. Astral Pojection. Empathy. Telempathy. Chronoskimming Katherine like from X-Men. Projective Levitation ike Shadow from Charmed. Atmokinesis like Storm from X-Men. Molecular Combustion like Piper from Charmed. Molecular Acceleration like Priscilla from Charmed. Telepathy like Charles. Jean. And Emma from X-Men. And like Christy from Charmed.Manifestation. And Banishing like The Triad from Charmed. Apportation like The Valkyries from Charmed. Become Like Jane from Twilight. Like Rex. Like Furies. Andras. Like Lord Dyson. Like Vinceres. And like Barbas from Charmed. And even become like Jean in X-Men 2. In X-Men: The Last Stand. In X-Men: Apocalypse. And in Dark Phoenix. Jean's Phoenix Power could make Anakin a very dangerous enemy for all his future enemies. And if The All. Nexus. And Hollow from Charmed existed in Star Wars. then Anakin could become powerful enough to possess. And completely control them.

  4. There are other abilities that Anakin could achieve and this is Omni-Precognition. Prescience. Flawless Precognition.Omnicompetence. Teleportation. Psychometry. Chrono Vision. Chronometry. Penance Stare. Darkside View. Lightside View. Evil Sense. Goodness Sense. Error Prevention. Destiny Manipulation. Karma Manipulation. Inner Balance. Supreme Observation. Essence Erasure. Wish Granting. Darkness Manipulation. Light Manipulation. Probability Manipulation. Opportunity Manipulation. Improbability Manipulation. Memory Manipulation. Hypnosis. Mind Manipulation. Mediumship. Conjuration. And Force Field like The Woogyman from Charmed. Thought Projection like Kevin from Charmed. Instant Healing like Kevin Woogyman from Charmed. Molecular Immobilization. And Molecular Inhibition like Piper from Charmed. Power Absorption. Power Negation. Power Mimicry like The Warlock Matthew Tate from Charmed. Balance Manipulation. Situational Synchronicity. Obligation Manipulation. Sin Sense. Aura Reading. Multi-Directional Vision like Members Of The Hyuga Clan from Naruto. Chakra Scalpel like Kabuto from Naruto. Supernatural Strength ike Tsunade. And Sakura from Naruto. Technopathy. Omnilingualism. Resurrection. Clairaudience. Touch Of Death. High Resistance. Sleep Induction. Teleportation Manipulation. Energy Ball. Cloning. Possession. Circumstance Manipulation. Water Walking. Fear Amplification like Elkin from Charmed. Floating ilke The Seekers from Charmed. Energy Sparks ilke The Crone from Charmed. Aura Choking like Grimlocks from Charmed. Discord Inducement like Hogan from Charmed. Telekinetic Deviation like Prudence. And like Billie from Charmed. Energy Waves ike Waytt from Charmed. Illusion Casting. Thermokinesis. All Type Of Divination. Levitation like Prudence. Like Billie. And like Phoebe from Charmed. Advanced Telekinesis. And Telekinetic Deviation like Brianna. Like Billie. And like Prudence from Charmed. Transmogrification. Telematerializationl ike Prudence from Charmed. Curse Casting like Melinda from Charmed. Thermovariance like Nicholas from Charmed. Soul Containment. And Necrokinesis like Charon from Charmed.Shapeshifting like Raven from X-Men. Sand Manipulation ike Gaara from Naruto. Reconstitution ike Cole from Charmed. Force Blast like Abraxas. And Zankou from Charmed. Magnetokinesis. Ferrokinesis. Metal Sense. And Magnetic Flight like Erik Lehnsherr. Soul Banishment. Soul Reading. Soul Restoration. Spiritual Banishment. Power Detection. Discouragement. Taunting. Psychic Shadow. Psychic Shield. Sensory Deprivation like Alec from Twilight. Mental Shield Penetration like Renesmee from Twilight. Psychic Energy Manipulation like Wanda Maximoff from Marvel. Death Recreation. Memory Walk. Death Prevention. Empathic Precognition. Precognitive Speech. Speech Prediction. Oneiromancy. Oneiric Prediction. Telepathic Precognition. Killing Eyes. Double Hit Kill. One Hit Kill. Oneiric Omniscience. Omniscience. Dream Manipulation. Nightmare Manipulation. Lucid Dreaming. Sleep Combat. Dream Combat. Precognitive Combat. Status Reading. Parachronal Cognition. Parallel Viewing. Event Experiencing. Visual Telepathy. Visual Empathy. Visual Telempathy. Projective Retrocognition. Projective Precognition. Projective Syncognition. Projective Telepathy. Projective Empathy. Projective Telempathy. Projective Omnilingualism. Projective Omni-Precognition. Projective Prescience. Projective Flawless Precognition. Projective Omnicompetence. Projective Psychometry. Projective Chronometry. Presence Manipulation like Kawahira Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Precognitive Vocifery. Meta Power Manipulation. Aura Manipulation. Chronal Anchor. Temporal Lock. Spatial Presence. Dimensioskimming. Temporal Slicing. Soul Healing. Soul Recovery. Life Preservation. History Recording. Recognition Inhibition. Misdirection. Identity Concealment. Social Masking. Accelerated Perception. Psychic Blindspot. Corporealization. Petrification. Sense Stealing. Spell Casting. Spell Nullification. Spirit Writing. Summoning. Soul Blasting. Transformation. Phytokinesis. And Textual Precognition.

  5. I've some ideas for What If:

    – What if Plagueis or Sidious turned to the light?
    – What if Anakin and Shmi were Mandalorians?
    – What if Palpatine wasn't elected the chancellor of the Republic in Phantom Menace?
    – What if it was Saw and not Steela who died on Onderon?
    – What if Tarkin died in the Citadel meaning there would be no Tarkin Doctrine for the Empire?
    – What if Qi'ra joined the Galactic Empire with Han perhaps becoming an ISB agent?

  6. What if rtj luke whent back to the clone wars I'd really love to see this like maybe instead of obi wan going to mustafar (please excuse the spelling if I get it wrong) it could be luke and his mom or instead mabey one where luke turns dark after some event in the world between worlds only to join the separatists and sidious instead of anekin with some kind of Ultimate battle in the end with with them both being mostly intact give or take a hand

  7. Awesome story of Anakin Skywalker jedi story it was really good and here is a good what if star wars story/ what if Anakin Skywalker have a harem with female girls/wife's to it would be a very interesting story please think about it please but still great starwars stories 👍👍


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