What Hearthstone Needs in 2023! | Why is Hearthstone Viewership FAILING??? | Mogu Mail Ep. 9

Trust me, Blizzard. The community needs more to thrive.

HSReplay Deck Tracker Download:

0:00 Introduction
0:40 Hearthstone Viewership HURTING
2:17 Hearthstone Community Events
6:46 How to Implement Community Events
8:36 My Suggestions
12:18 Closing Thoughts / Conclusion

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20 thoughts on “What Hearthstone Needs in 2023! | Why is Hearthstone Viewership FAILING??? | Mogu Mail Ep. 9”

  1. Big time agree with this video. My interest in Hearthstone has waned dramatically this past year. I miss FUN CONTENT and watching amazing/exciting tournaments/events ON TWITCH.

    HOLY CRAP – I need Hearthstone to go back to Twitch. I can't stand it being here on YouTube. YouTube's great but it's just a place to watch videos for me. That means that I'll watch clips or amazing plays here on YouTube but I won't touch it for live events. I can't stand it here.

    lmao, and dude, I'll be shaving down to baby face sometime soon as well. I know how ridiculous young I'll look but I'll probably be doing it anyway. xD

  2. Saying Marvel Snap is an alternative to Hearthstone is like saying checkers is an alternative to chess. They are both games, but massively different. Also Snap's shop is yet another mobile cash grab dumpster fire ( MONTHLY season passes that you have to get to play competitively, daily system that promotes spending, a currency system that doesn't match the costs of things in the shop). It's cool that you enjoy it but I wish people would stop comparing the two simply because Brode is the head of it.

  3. the fact that someone can play perfect and lose to Rng Shenanigans is why this game is no longer considered a competitive card game its been years let's be honest.. is it funny rng memeing ppl sure lol but large amounts of rng reduce skill mattering to a degree period. take an average to above average hearthplayer vs a "pro" not that big of a difference tbh.. and this gap is made immensely smaller with massive rng.
    take a top tier pro tour mtg player vs the same thing u see a massive difference.. less rng infact almost zero.

  4. The whole qualification process for grand master is crab and shady. So base on what these invitations came out ! And this really kill the competition. All other e sports has a very clear path to qualification to the finals or whatever next stage is. That's make competition meaningful and giving ultimate goal for being legend or laddering or whatever these stupid tag is

  5. Trash balancing team, Rng being actually META, why would you take a game like this seriously? Higroll decks highrolling every game like that is supposed to happen, devs hating on attrition basically means they don't care if you setup clear or trade better, everything rotates around the solitaire game your deck is playing.
    Fun? Yes, definitely.
    Worth of respect from players? Hell fucking no, a 10 years old would design a better meta.

    I have a friend who got top 100 legend multiple times in a row, didn't get called for regionals, absurd, this company is fucking shady.

  6. Random factors kills excitement. You want to make the game exciting and not just a memefest? They need to reign in the ammount of RNG. When the nr1 player in world can play his very best then just get blown out due to an RNG element, something is wrong with the game. I'll die on this mountain.

  7. Agreed. Blizzard need to engage the community more … Perhaps something like a community tournament with low barrier to entry for all players. Think they tried to do something like that with the Heroic Tavern Brawls, but the price to entry was RIDICULOUS :/

  8. Hearthstone is dying bc the content creators are garbage tier. The majority are boring af. There's no toast, no reynad, no reckful, nothing. You get some creators with actual personality, unlike the human wallpaper slyssa or the phoning it in kripp, and the numbers will rise.


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