What Happens To Your Humanity When You Are In An MLM SCAM

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*These videos are published for educational purposes. All opinions are my own, everything I say in these videos are my opinion unless it is proven through facts. Please do not send any hate to anyone involved in MLM’s, instead in an assertive, polite and caring manner try to help them see the light. Not all people in MLM’s are bad. Manipulation and lying to get ahead however, is bad. Everything shared is protected under fair use.


31 thoughts on “What Happens To Your Humanity When You Are In An MLM SCAM”

  1. I hate that she was pushing you have to 'buy the books'. The subtext being if you can't afford the books' you aren't worthy. go the library. They have free books. If you are looking for books of any kind

  2. Maybe this was the right day to watch this video. Was miserable today and the same bad thoughts spinning around and around. Somehow seeing you be open helped, maybe just made me feel like I wasn't alone. Thank you ❤❤❤

  3. I think as a creator. Also, these MLM girls always talk about being relatable, but I feel like if you block yourself off from learning about what’s going on in the world it takes away a lot of relatability. Because, like you said you can’t emphasize with what other people are feelingso it kind of steam that you’re having this amazing life no struggle

  4. The finance theory, these people have where you’re the average of the five people you hang out with the most, how does that even make sense? Because all of my friends have different jobs. A lot of my friends are in business, where they make quite a bit of money,and I work in a charity so I make money but there’s no way that hanging out with those friends more is going to increase my paycheque

  5. Your videos always make me so happy! It makes me want to start a channel of my own someday… maybe crochet for my actual small business while talking about the dangers MLMs. Thank you for being wonderfully you and for doing what you do! 🎉

    This woman just makes me so angry… I can see where she’s coming from, but there is a HUGE difference between setting boundaries and just full-on cutting someone from your life because they’re struggling. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for my friends and family who have helped me every step of the way.
    With that being said, it’s also okay to set a boundary with someone who needs that help. Telling them when you can be there or setting a boundary when you can’t pour any more from your own cup to help is good too. Making sure they have the support they need without necessarily always being there is just as valid.

    I know I’m preaching to the choir at this point.😅 I look forward to seeing your next video! ❤

  6. 21:00 "Nothing makes you feel more positive than your inability to breathe."
    What kind of training wheels darkness and negativity has this person barely experienced in her life? I could go on for hours about this, I'm sure, but I won't here because of how dark that rabbit hole really gets.

    Few things get me as upset as people who've clearly never battled, let alone almost lost to, depression to the extent of self-destructive, self-injury, and self-ending trying to give advice on how to get through. Especially when that advice is dripping with so much toxic-positivity. If you've never experienced it, shut up and listen for a change. If you have experienced it yet talk like this, congratulations on selling your humanity. I hope you got at least a couple brass farthings for it, as that's as much as it seems to have been worth to you.

  7. What gets me here is some of this is actually good advice, but she’s such an asshole about her implementation and her reasoning about it that it laces it with poison. Like the part of us surrounding yourself with positive people? I made a choice to surround myself with people that I want to emulate, it’s been really good for me, but that’s not at the exclusion of friends who are struggling! Her stance that it is fundamentally draining to support people who are struggling just isn’t true. Being willing to share a burden with someone close to you is a wonderful trait. However, it does have to come with your own personal boundaries about it. Like it’s important to keep yourself healthy as well and know when you can’t handle sharing someone else’s pain. But what she’s saying implies you should just give up on people who are struggling. This advice, “just cut em off if they bring you down,” is meant for truly toxic, vulnerable narcissistic types who consistently bring others down with them and take their shit out on others. But that’s not most people! Most people who are struggling totally deserve our compassion.

  8. The that she is presenting the information makes it sound like it’s hard to cut off a toxic person from your life like having a narcissist in your life and cutting them off. And that’s fair. There’s some people in your life that really tear you down all the time and maybe you need to cut them off. But I’m pretty sure the people that she’s talking about are not toxic but they’re negative because they doubt her business model. And if you’re constantly cutting off people who have slight differences of opinions than you that is not healthy but she’s using a good concept when it comes to abusive people or toxic people and applying it to anyone that’s negative.

  9. I think not having empathy makes it much easier to scam people and you can see that with the current state of the world but if you don’t have empathy, then you don’t feel the need to look at something from someone else’s perspective so you don’t feel bad

  10. "Nobody's coming to save you." Miss Ma'am Girliepop- isn't your husband a pastor/clergy of some nature? Isn't the main tenet and purpose of the Christian faith to spread the gospel of a savior who is going to return and deliver us from sin and evil? But nobody's coming to save us? 🤔So, along with being cruel and a scammer, you're also not living your supposed faith. Nice.
    That aside- thanks for being so vulnerable with us, JJ. I'm glad you're still here

  11. I've never commented on one of your videos before but I watched for over a year. This one I had to comment on. Thank you so much for your perspective. It is so impactful considering your past experiences. That was powerful. Thank you so much for sharing ❤

  12. I’m fairly new to your channel, as you popped up in my recommendations on my YouTube page. You’re crying did not make me uncomfortable at all! I really admired your courage and vulnerability. And I am so glad that you are here in this world!

    As for this lady’s video and her toxic positivity… it’s cringe at best and very dangerous at worst. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard sermons that emulated what she was saying when I was deep in evangelical Christianity. And the use of the AAVE unironically is just plain cringe and the type of white woman I stay far away from! I’ll watch the other video of hers to get a good laugh out of it tho 😂🤣

  13. It's ironic that she is yelling about self-awareness when part of being self-aware is understanding you impact on others. This was the most negative talk on positive mindset. I felt beat up after listen to her rant.

  14. I have imposter syndrome my job all the time but that’s pretty typical for people in my field and I feel like I’m still doing good work. I also feel like sometimes having imposter syndrome wakes you up to help you get better at your job because it inspires you to grow.

  15. Becoming who you are around isn't a given. It can be indicative of many different things, such as neurodivergence, enviousness, low self-esteem, or a lack of confidence in one's identity and purpose; if you find that you lose yourself, your identity, in your relationships woth other people, please seek therapy to figure out why and develop coping skills. Who you are is valid, and you don't necessarily have to default to the identifty of those you hang around. Remember Ann from P&R? She lost herself in her boyfriends until ahe figured out who she truly was.

    Obviously, this is a manipulation tactic, meant to control people's social lives so that they stay in the cult for longer and continue to give their money to the organization. Consider that she doesn't say the reverse; she doesn't say that a poor person having a bunch of rich friends will make those friends poor as well. It's all about controlling her downline. They are the problem, they are weak-minded, and they are the ones who need to do pErSonAl DeVEloPmenT to become stronger. This is a crock.

    Please, if you struggle with self-advocation, or knowing who you are and what your standards and beliefs and ethics are, take time to sit with yourself, seek a therapist, write down your unaltered, unfiltered thoughts. Don't sit on a zoom call where an angry hun is gonna yell at you about your negative broke mindset. You deserve better.

  16. A few translations:
    Stay positive = ignore the loss of money, ignore your downline leaving, ignore your upline being mean or hopping to another company

    Leave negative people behind = ignore the people who encourage critical thinking

    Hard work isn't fun = you will be miserable in this scheme because it is meant to benefit your upline. Accept that as fact, and smile about it

  17. GIRL. The personal development books! It has been so liberating the past couple year to just read whatever I want to read. To read FOR FUN! It's amazing, and I am so much better personally developed.

  18. Never apologize for crying! I cry all the time. I got really irritated when she said the part about snapping yourself with a rubber band every time you have a negative thought. That's sooooo unhealthy.


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