What Happened To The Call Of Duty I Loved?

I miss when cod was cod


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20 thoughts on “What Happened To The Call Of Duty I Loved?”

  1. Absolutely nothing is new they couldn’t even come up with a new fucking name. Why call a game mw2 when there was already a fucking game called that in the first place that is 10 times better than any of the shit they’ve put out since bo2. How can they constantly fuck it up so bad to the point there hasn’t been a good cod for over a decade

  2. For the most part I do agree with you. But I do wanna point out a few things.

    You say if you want the old COD feel then go play them, in the US/ Europe that might be an option but im in Australia and I sometime struggle to even find games in the most recent COD let alone the older ones.

    But I also stopped playing COD for the most part when Mw2 (the new one) dropped. Its not the same at all. But in my opinion its not 100% the devs fault. Its the community. The COD community has become the single most frustrating community. Every game now has everyone jumping 30 times per gun fight with the latest CDL youtubers class, or like you mentioned are camping the whole game.

    While if I go back to Mw3 (the original my personal fav) camping was there but it was such a TINY fraction of the player base.

    So yes the games have got worse 100%, but the community has gotten FAR FAR worse. I personally think if BO2, Mw2 or Mw3 was released today brand new to everyone that they wouldnt be half the fun as they were in the past due to the cancerous community COD has become.

  3. Problem is its not the devs its more of the community, the reason why we are going back and forth with old and new content is because of the people who idolized nostalgia and never want to take a step forward. We did get new content this year, we did get alot of new weapons, maps, operators, and new gameplay mechanics. But instead of getting used to it and encouraging the devs to practically rework and upgrade those new mechanics (expect SBMM) we cried about wanting the old stuff back. We wanted the old maps, the old guns, the old game play, but the thing is we will never get that back. Not just because the old devs went out and did new things, it's because when we do get those stuff added back, we cry about wanting new maps, new guns, things we never seen before. And funny enough this is exactly how BO4 was hated on. They added all of these new things but the community did not like, and after a few years go by they started to change their mind saying "wow guys this game was so underrated". The community is the problem and some part of the dev teams. We will always ask for new things then when they do get added we cry and complain on wanting old things. And its going to be like this again, and again, and again. Watch after 3 years or so have passed we finna look at MW2 22 and MW3 23 like they were underrated as hell.

    So no this problem will never be fixed and COD can never be great again unless as JFK from the map 5 puts it "Time is the law of life and those who look back at it are certain to miss the future" the only thing that will make COD great again is to accept change and realize to re-experience the old CODs is to just go and play the old CODs and not cry on how the new CODs are too new and not like "how we used to remember it".

  4. People saying that mw3 zombies sound fun are delusional. The only fun thing about zombies has been killed when bo4 released (was still decent then) and when cold war came zombies just became boring easy and plain. Now we can see corporate greed.

  5. If Activision were smart they could've just added all the old maps, guns and perks into a remaster of MW2. I mean they did that with cod 4 and it was already kinda expected since they already remastered the MW2 campaign back from 2009. That would've been an easy cash grab and most people from the community would've definitely bought it.

  6. Hey, we do not know each other but I would like to tell u that despite all the bad that you have done in your life, GOD still loves you and wants you to be with him (GOD), all yoi must do is to trust in Jesus like how he would trust in parachute when jumping out of a plane and you must be willing to turn from your wrong doings and do what is right.

  7. The reason they are bringing this stuff back is because when they took it away people cried and smashed their hands in the table and said “no it’s awful it’s trash stop making games” this is a beast y’all created I don’t understand the hate for MW2 I really truly don’t learn the new mechanics and get over it I watch these out of curiosity and it’s always the same complaints about it the movement the reload all that crap and OFC SBMM it’s always the big complaint honestly once again another thing I do not understand the complaints about

    Also let’s not act like the game modes thing is a brand new thing they’ve been doing as far as I rembear it’s been an issue all the way back to black ops 4

    Also your demands for bring something new to this franchise where you hit your desk at the 4:12 mark runs contrary to your video title and what you had said about 20 ish seconds before where you want the old things you cannot have both either they do the new thing or they do the old thing however they can’t do both

    Nice attempt to appeal to emotion with the claims of they are robbing you however while incorrect it’s also rather rude to essentially say your in the wrong for looking forward to something

    Your statement to play the old cods doesn’t work for a handful of reasons the lobby’s of the old cods are choc full of hackers like black ops 1 for example

    I do agree the old Spec Ops needs to come back like it was in its hay day

    All triple A titles are cash grabs

    What happened to Old call of duty is exactly what you just said they kept trying new things and this is where they are because of the new things they kept trying to do also what you said at the 6:28 mark makes no sense “they didn’t change things just to be changed” on top of that how exactly do you get something new and innovative without changing things makes no sense to me in order to be new it must differ from what once had been in order to innovate one must change or remake the things from the past

    “Innovation is no where to be seen” while the game you have playing in the background is vastly different in many ways from the games you look at with nostalgia when the innovate they are wrong when they do not they are wrong when they try something new they are in the wrong it’s not helpful when it seems like even you yourself do not truly know what you want to see

    Also CAMP FEAST are you kidding me there are always campers in COD why do content creators complain about it so much do you want someone to be instant Killed for standing still for to long or something MW2 gave you shit to deal with campers and yet you hate it also the older cods we’re slower paced then the ones we get now due to the lack of movement abilities and the like and also overall slower movement in general

    Can’t ripoff your own brand

    Also it’s unfair to assume things without playing them

    Cold War zombies did the exact fucking thing your are begging for you fool they innovated do you know what the word means because I’m not quite sure you do

    I am excited it sounds fun and like it could be a good time

    Okay for fucks sake stop bitching about the new things then

    For legal reasons they cannot be named what they are in real life

    Then go Play the old games then that’s what your point was earlier man you love the old shit so much go and play it then people got tired of it and wanted something “new and innovative” that’s what happened to the old games but your can’t stop looking at the past with rose tinted glasses

    Your disappointed with it yet we all known your gonna drop cash for it and pre order it when the time comes also your statement “I’m not a fan of tac-sprint” it was new it’s been tried stop being afraid of change

    Imma quote you to you “then go play the old COD” 13:27

    You aren’t DUE anything the company will do what makes it money

    You don’t speak for the whole fan base

    You are saying again and again that you want something new the when it’s given or they do try something new you hate it before it comes out and the whole time the game is the current COD you hate on everything they have ch ages it makes no sense You want the old gameplay but you also want new things but you have made it clear you hate the new things

    I Honestly don’t know if your gonna read this but I wrote this whole things while I watched your video there are a ton of logical fallacies in it as well as contradictions and things that make no sense this isn’t meant to belittle but to disagree

  8. old cod is just a forgotten memory that most of the new player base don't even know. the original formula has been stripped and thrown away for another noob friendly salt fest of a modern video game. I feel bad for those still hoping for "the year" to come… I quit after cold war hoping the zombies would be good (it wasn't). when I heard they were making "Modern Warfare 2" I was like yeah sure they are… and never bought the game. Honestly the worst turn a game has ever made as a player since the actual modern warfare, cod4. they just completely ruined the legacy that was "Modern Warfare" and "Black Ops"… They didn't even trust their new idea with a completely new name its just pathetic… I hope the game gets better but I'm very doubtful as every trace of cod;s "charm" is completely gone, which is why I dont buy cod anymore. it has been a good run boyz…


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