What happend to Glamrock Bonnie? FNAF Security Breach

Glamrock bonnie is missing in FNAF Security Breach and i have 3 little theories as to what could have happend to him…

music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Hpg7lOKFXo&t=3s

Hope you enjoyed!


33 thoughts on “What happend to Glamrock Bonnie? FNAF Security Breach”

  1. What if both of the theories that you explained were combined into one theory? I might sound a bit crazy here but it could be a theory on it's own.
    Vanny was sent on a mission to bring back Springtrap, to do this, she needed to grab the remnants of children to ultimately bring him back. This explains why Vanny was chasing Gregory and all the confusion Vanessa was in when the cops came by and the 'break in' (in messages). (According to another theorist) Vanessa/Vanny was a good programmer herself making all of the endoskeletons turn on when needed and make Chica, Monty and Roxy turn against their programming (as Freddy said it was against their programming to kill). Some theorists have stated it's most likely Chica, Monty and Roxy don't have souls possessing them (because Freddy seems more human compared to them), but if your 2nd theory is correct, they do have souls however half agreed to do harmful deeds. Monty wanted to be the lead star, the talk of the town, the front of every magazine cover. Roxy wanted everyone to love her, praise her (getting someone like Freddy out of the game helps). With Chica… Not sure for her yet (it could do something with Monty aswell as they both play the guitar). How Freddy wasn't influenced like this (again, according to other theorists) is because the soul that possesses him is Michael Afton as he too perished in the FNAF 6 fire leaving his soul in the building where the pizzaplex was built over (I'm not going into that). After Monty (possibly with the help of the rewired endoskeletons) disassembled Bonnie, leaving all the parts there for Vanny to later on collect.

    Personally, that would be my theory. But of course there could be a few minor details I'm forgetting (like how Moon is a killing machine while Sun adores their children friends even though they're the same person just with different personalities and thinking process which might have a link to Vanessa and Vanny) but it'll work out in the end. Let me know what you think.

  2. i feel like bonnie might have ran to monty's golf for protection because of molten freddy and monty wasn't able to get there in time and that's why monty breaks and destroys stuff in his room and that's why his endo was never found. also no one would see molten freddy because of the vents and in the cafe there is a message about the vents and the noise but the cause was never found and that could have been molten freddy and not the music man.

  3. These are really interesting theories! Especially the first one, I never even considered that and it, along with my research, made me realize a few possible things! πŸ˜€

    But first… (in regards to your first theory)

    After comparing pictures of Burntrap and the glamrock Endo's, Afton definitely does NOT have a glamrock Endo, not entirely at least. It seems to be a bit more of an amalgamation of different Endo's, some possibly from past Afton iterations? (Springtrap & Scraptrap)

    The lower legs and seemingly part of the torso are glamrock Endo parts, but the right foot, upper legs, and arms of Burntrap are different. I can't tell where any of the other parts of Afton came from (Springtrap & Scraptrap's Endo's are too obscured to tell), but they're not glamrock Endo parts.

    However, one more curious thing I noted that weighs either towards Bonnie being used for Afton or Afton being an amalgamation of the past: Burntrap's left foot has a 3-toed casing on it. It could be from glamrock Bonnie since the glamrock's & their Endo's are 3-toed. Or it could be from Scraptrap, who also had 3-toes. Honestly, based on the texture of the foot I'd think it was from Scraptrap, but it could be Bonnie if it somehow managed to decay that much?

    All the stuff below was my original input before comparing the photos so I don't really know if it's valid anymore, but maybe it's still useful?

    With your first theory… it would also explain why there's a Recharge Station all the way down there containing Burntrap. Plus explain the power being redirected down there, as described in a couple of the construction notes.
    I would think that the glamrock Endos would be designed to be almost solely compatible with the Recharge Stations, which would create a reason for Burntrap to be in one if he does in fact contain a glamrock Endo (even if it's not Bonnie's). The station could be used as like a jumpstarter for Afton, either zapping life into him or making the Endo functional & movable? Freddy said that he himself would shut down without a Recharge, but who knows if that would even apply to Afton?

    Considering how long Afton's managed to "Always come back" without a recharge station in the past, this is really the only reason I can think of for him being down there in one. Him being refitted with a glamrock Endo by Vanny and thus being dependent on a Recharge Station.

    …although Freddy can still be jumpstarted with a car battery, so was it really worth it for Vanny/whoever to lug that station all the way down there? Maybe it was more convenient in the long term.

    P.S. with the photo analysis I didn't mean to come across as harsh at all or anything! I just wanted to point out something I noticed, really loved your theories in this vid! πŸ˜€ Got my mental wheels turning in theory contemplation ^-^ Thank you!

  4. I kind of feel like Monty accidentally killed bonnie? Like bonnie went to Montygolf and Monty saw that and followed him… And bonnie was standing on the bridge or something and Monty approached him. Monty heard something behind him and turned around to quickly and to close to bonnie and accidentally pushed him off the bridge in to the water with his tail… And as we all know electronic and water does not fit together that well… That would explain his angerissues cuz he is putting a lot of pressure on himself and think he does not deserve to be in the band and always thinking that it was his fault and that he killed bonnie

  5. I don't believe Monty destroyed him, of course Monty is aggressive but Bonnie was always to most aggressive one. The first one is believable though, I personally believe that Bonnie just got decommissioned or discontinued because kids lost interest. However I also believe the first one

  6. My personal theory is that bonnie is burn trap conpletly. Why I think that is that burn trap has a circle upper torso and the only bunny with a glameock design is bonnie ( bonus edit the suit has a plastic beaten up look )

    Evidence against it is that it is he looks burned meaning that bonnie needs to be burned

  7. Wait I just noticed Bonnie had his own stage and show so does that mean he was kicked from the group or does he still go with the other animatronics>

  8. I like the second one I want that one to be true but on one of the new papers at the end of the game it states that Monty was more popular then Bonnie. So it most likely the 3rd one.

  9. My theory: i think glam rock Bonny and monty were friends, when bonnie wanted to see his friend he saw vanny just looking around. Vanny got his endo skeleton to give to burn trap.

  10. I have a theory that Bonnie was replaced by Monty because of spring trap in the world of fnaf William afton used the golden Bonnie suit to lure and kill the children and I think that it would have got to a point where there was such a strong connection between rabbits and child disappearances that fazbear entertainment figured that Bonnie was probably bad for business so they deconstructed him and used him for parts but left the endings for some reason


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