What Elon Musk revealed about Starship's interior design is more important than you think

What Elon Musk revealed about Starship’s interior design is more important than you think

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Cosmic Perspective
Google: Everyday Astronaut
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What Elon Musk revealed about Starship’s interior design is more important than you think

Back in 2015 when SpaceX made its first successful landing, going to Mars was still a big question mark.
However, now that the final test of the Starship is happening and we can clearly see what it looks like, one cannot help wondering what the interior of the ship is going to be like.
So only in today’s episode of Alpha Tech, let’s find out What Elon Musk revealed about Starship’s interior design is more important than you think.

A critical element of planning human missions to Mars involves life support systems. The requirements for air, food, water, and waste disposal materials in human missions to Mars total well over 100 metric tons and possibly as much as 200 metric tons. Translated back into an equivalent mass required in low Earth orbit, this figure would increase by at least a factor of seven, depending on mission architecture, requiring at least half a dozen heavy-lift launches solely for life support, and thus driving the cost and complexity of human missions to Mars beyond any reasonable limit.
Previous “design reference missions” assumed that high-performance life support systems would function flawlessly for the ~ 2.7 years round trip to Mars. However, life support systems developed for the International Space Station do not appear to have the longevity and reliability needed for Mars.
What Elon Musk revealed about Starship’s interior design is more important than you think


27 thoughts on “What Elon Musk revealed about Starship's interior design is more important than you think”

  1. SpaceX has disclosed nothing regarding Starship's interior including health related matters.
    NASA's studies prove that no more than 17 humans can survive in the Starship for a trip to Mars. The speaker says, "Be patient with Musk." That the understatement of the decade. Believe nothing Musk promises. He's 99% promises and 1% follow through. It's almost always wait. wait and wait.

  2. I have no idea what you said in this video. Something about Mars. I couldn't focus due to the useless repeating musak in the background.
    I seem more sensitive to this than most, but stopped watching about 4 minutes in and came away with nothing.
    If you want to send secret messages when I'm watching: no need for cypher or encryption. Just play play droning, canned call waiting music in the background. I won't hear anything else.

  3. Life support would be biologicaly based. A plant base ecosystem that could convert CO2 to edible material that could be eaten by chickens and cows and give off Oxygen as a waste product

  4. All that is not important at all. Because the million colonists and 10,000 trips is just lunatic nonsense.
    The real importance of Starship is that we get cheap access to space for heavy and bulky loads. That will change things and start a revolution.

    …But maybe, farther down the road from there, there might be a colony on Mars. Who knows.

  5. The problem of surface power is solved with J&J Engineering’s ****** system better then nuclear that is planed now. Mars should have no connected power system, Mara should have same type ways of powering systems as here on Earth. Example, wire habitat the same as here on earth and each habitat have its own self powering system with a ****** system.

    A very possible solution for getting to Mars faster is with scaled up Mag Drive and ***** system together, best part it should allow for less fuel mass and more cargo weight to orbit and better thrust in space than rocket fuel.

    The a 250 KW system is easy and even a 1000 KW etc. system is. (Just cost about a million per 1000 KW)

  6. It will be awesome when Starship becomes operational.. I would LOVE to take a ride; however, I get motion sick WAY to easily so weightlessness is not for me. 🤣

  7. Artificial gravity machines (AGM)! This would eliminate all human accelerated decrepitude issues. We've learned about anti gravity, reverse that to antispace. In short magnetize 🧲 the platforms of the ship and install electro dial magnets in various parts of the suits to simulate the pulling effects of gravity primitively speaking. We have the technologies for this.

  8. 5:56 – how will people react to being that far away from Earth and for long periods without communication?! 😆 She surely has no idea about how many ships sailed to Australia in times before radio, the travel took 3.5 months one way and to get an aswer for your mail, of course double that. I don't think the forefathers of Australians who came there in 1800s bothered with these questions – they accepted the reality. So, why can't these pseudoscientists learn from our past? It had been already done!!!

  9. REUSABILITY is a big enough challenge that SpaceX is almost certain to have to make some of the earliest Starships expendable, so as to overcome the first hurdles of getting into orbit and delivering payloads.

  10. SpaceX needs to explore using a pair of full ship length lead screws so to speak along the sides of a Mars lander spaceship to be used as lowering jack legs to let the ship down on its side once landed. The ship lands and the jack legs immediately deploy nearly perpendicularly outwards and at Preferably about 30 degrees apart from each other. So they form an A frame. A little rocket boost will assist the ship to begin the tilt. The legs are off set slightly so that the screw nut mechanism which will comprise a helical array of ball bearings, can let the ship slide down the legs, and the legs will not hit each other as they progress above the ship as it slides down. Rest at about 10 degrees off level. An engine puck cutter is deployed to remove the engines and puck revealing a storage and shelter cavity. A preplanned doorway is removed from the remaining bulkheads and cargo can now be redeployed and removed from the ship.

  11. LOL ! ….. Musk is still figuring out his BF Lunch Pad ! … And by the looks of things , he has a Long List of other things to Fix , before he ever takes off … Then there is the Ludicrous Landing part ….. As for 100 ships to the Moon or Mars … just fuelling them up would be an Environmental Nightmare ! … Thank God for CGI Propaganda to bullshiit the fanboys ! … It's about the only thing Musk has that works …..

  12. Another too rare video without randomly CAPITALISED WORDS in the title or inconsequential exclamation marks or deceiving wording, stupidly hoping it will generate more views.
    Please keep this more mature southern accent voiced guy that I learned to appreciate and stop occasionally replacing it with the other prepubescent one.
    Maybe keep those shady (and, quite frankly, dumb) tactics for your other thousand Youtube profiles I unsubscribed from, but please keep this one free of bullshit.
    Otherwise, I'm grateful for this well presented informative content.

  13. Musk is rich but not THIS rich. So far he has build just empty shells with nothing inside. Remeber the transition SpaceX did to convert "cargo Dragon" to "crew dragon". Even spacex took 10 years and billions of dolars

    Noonw has ever built a mannd spacecraft that can survive years in space with no resupply or abilty to abort back to Earth. Do this will be a hared task then converting cargo dragon to crew dragon.

    Next we talk about launch aborts…

  14. It must be so hard to design something for space travel. Your working on a full 3 dimensions, something that makes sense on earth probably doesn't work so well once your floating.


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