What Do Angels Actually Look Like According to the Bible

You’ve seen hundreds of pictures of what angels look like, white robes and wings with a bright halo hanging above their head, but the way the Bible describes angels is much different and way darker! Check out today’s video to find out what the Bible says angels really look like!

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22 thoughts on “What Do Angels Actually Look Like According to the Bible”

  1. If you believe God always intended to let them eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge, then you likely believe the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil are the same tree. The Bible does not say they are the same tree, though the NIL version of the Bible eludes to it.

  2. Angel: Do not be afraid.
    Me: Ehh, I've seen worse things in video games. Hey did you know there's a video game called Doom where you slaughter evil demons? It's great you should play it.

  3. I have a big question mark why this atheist dont believe that there is God.
    Believing that there is God wont cost you nuh? In fact, you will live a peaceful life if you follow God. You will learn how to forgive, you will learn how to help, you will learn how to love- its like paradise.

  4. In the Islam there is no such thing as a fallen angel. Angels are creatures with their own personality. However. Angels have no free will, what humans do have. So when God (Allah) orders something from the angels, they obey with no hesitation at all. Lucifer (shaitan) is not a (fallen) angel. Lucifer is a Jinn. Because Lucifer does have freewill.

  5. I dont agree with what they say on the video , Those fallen angels were rebellious , they were indulging in things they shouldnt, they saw that earthly women were good looking to the eyes and said "let us take wives for ourselves," and they did it becausr they were trying to corrupt Gods creation, Man, by corrupting mans dna with there dna and creating abnornal hybrids mutations , war like, and superior intelligence, the bible says the nephilim went out to corrupt all of creation, theres evidence of a cave in gabon where someone was trying to make a natural uranium reactor, obviously the nephilim new about such things, because they had superior intelligence. Inherited from the fallen angels.


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