What Changed My Mind About The Next Weapon In New World!

The next weapon in New World has been confirmed by the devs to be a Focus weapon that will primarily be used for healing or supporting. So far, most of the speculation is either towards the Celestial Gauntlet or potentially a one-handed Mace, both of which were present at some point during the alpha or beta of the game.

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The Celestial Gauntlet was originally the first healing weapon in New World and its abilities were mostly transferred to the Life Staff, which was the first healing weapon to be available on launch instead. But back then, most of the abilities, except Healing Wave which is now Sacred Ground, were very different. Supportive abilities included Holy Shield, a projectile block and Touch of Life, which was later Divine Embrace but with a very different function. But the weapon also had a much more aggressive skill tree, which included Siphon, a health and mana steal/drain, Speed of Light, an extremely fast dash and Smite, a damaging AoE. There’s a very good chance that some variations of some of these abilities may make a return with the future weapon since some of the mechanics are mostly unused so far, but very potent and fun. However, while I originally believed the Celestial Gauntlet would simply return, I now think the Mace is a much more likely contender for a variety of reasons.

00:00 – Why I no longer think it’s the Celestial Gauntlet
02:11 – More likely option & why
04:05 – On the Spellbook and other options
06:21 – Does this still match with NW’s current direction/team?
07:36 – Ele Aversion vs Shirking Fort 2.0

Sources: New World Database: https://nwdb.info/

#NewWorld #Focus #Weapon
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Paul Leonard-Morgan – Bells of Laguna Bend


27 thoughts on “What Changed My Mind About The Next Weapon In New World!”

  1. They could still go with celestial gauntlet.
    Instead of making a totally new mechanic, they should just make a contrast of VG.
    Instead of DoT/debuff from VG, CG gets healing/buff.
    Also give CG melee, something like celestial fists that does blunt as opposed to VG's slash/pierce.

  2. The direction i see them going with the mace (if the next weapon is s mace) is a mote frontline healer. Med gear with a kite shield for a good mix of healing and tankiness given the kite shield has more block stamina. Healing for the mace would boil to either a shield bubble buff for everyone in the party, a channeling aoe shield with the same range as sacred ground, and a skill that would redirect the dmg taken by allies to the mace user. For offense i can see a like MCUs Thor, throwing the mace and it coming back or the player jumping to the mace, an aoe ground pound of 2-3 hits that staggers or flattens the enemies and a 3 hit combo where you smack the enemy with both shield and mace. The mace would have long cooldowns for it to make sense why you'd wanna spec into focuse. And shield bubble hp and the dmg taken from the redirection would be affected by focus scaling as well. Thats my tin foil hat speculation.

  3. I would love to see duel daggers. seems like most people I come across are mostly strength or intelligence builds. would like to see something that make dexterity more popular.

  4. Agree. But if one thing, there is more strike damage in the game atm. Hammer before was only shock and pod. Now it's much more used as a 'main' light/heavy.

  5. A mace should have been in game day one. Most players are solo, so using a shield and mace is a must for the OP ancients… of course the moron devs will never put it in game.
    Also funny, there are enemies with shield mace combos, but those mace do slash damage. There are also some with shield spear combos. Of course the moron devs never give the same weapon combos to the players. The players are not important, just the fools that bought this POS game.

  6. It will be amazing to have ability for healers for stopping the time for mobs/player whos are in special area (technically effect is same as stunning/root), it can be with new weapon (book will be very good).I mean, the time stop effect can look very nice. πŸ™‚

  7. Ever play Ever Quest or older mmos?, Shield and Mace was the Prist and holy Crusader weapon, you are more of a battle priest. it was very common in mmos, back in the 90's. I am really hoping for a mace I will finally be a healer lol. But also a CON weapon would be nice.

  8. Yes let it be a mace! Healing Maces or Hammers or FLAILs would be fucking dope, STR / FOC scaling. Introduce other / more types of healing, like shields and hots if you want more weapon identity. Do moderate healing by dealing damage, like a Paladin class. Or be a more tanky heal support, like a Cleric. Bring back the Heavy Healers in tank armor. Make the healing scale with armor too, to circumvent the malus from heavy armor status, but don't overtune it.

    Mace and Shield, heavy armor, with kite shields. Make Kite shields relevant, because right now its tower shields for tank and round for light SnS users. The Idea of a spellbook offhand in the shield slot, as you suggested, would also be interesting as well for pure support / healers.

    Sorry just rambling ideas :>

  9. Controversial take here, but I don't really see a need for more new weapons. I think playing the same old content, just with a new weapon, isn't going to retain old players or attract new ones. I think adding new trade skills (provided that they make sense), expanding the MSQ, new quest lines, or frankly anything else that gives players something new to do would be a MUCH better use of time and resources.

  10. Having a tome would be cool, just having it equipped and using the abilities that are "inscribed" within it. The animations could be solely hand gestures and casting, that could have a solely healing tree, to help healers pump out more healing, or a slightly weaker healing tree, where the spells casted do significantly more aoe damage, or something like casting a stream of magical arrows, or perhaps even a conjuration tree which allows the caster to summon 'spirits' to assist in battle.

  11. I agree with you on the point regarding a lack of strike damage. I considered once making the blunderbuss damage half strike/half thrust considering the shotgun aspect of the weapon. It would make it more reliable as a primary damage weapon in pvp cause you can't counter it with purely thrust protection, which everyone and their grandma runs these days.

  12. Weapons I want to see in the future
    -Dual daggers/katar/tsai
    -Morning star mace
    -Flail/Chain mace
    -Spear and shield
    -Mace and shield
    -Short sword and buckler
    -scimitar/curved Spanish medieval blade

  13. An Idea I wanted to see was Mace / Flail, that would be a Str / focus weapon that had healing and temporary health or shields you buff allies with. This way you could add a secondary for both tanking and healing since both are pretty stale with what is viable to use.


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