What boots would you wear? #shorts


20 thoughts on “What boots would you wear? #shorts”

  1. Thorogood, like many others have said, is the only boot I will wear at work. Not a fan of boots without laces because they provide way less ankle support. They also look presentable and professional.

  2. Only one honest fella here. Anyone who works on their feet all day knows damn well there’s almost no such thing as comfortable enough to be called comfortable. Feet are gonna hurt the same no matter what after you been on em for 12+ hours

  3. Mannn he did Justin’s dirty with that one 🫣 Justin Tankers have been my go to for years! The cheaper ones I’ll admit I didn’t like, but same could be said with any company. I’m rocking Tankers at work and Stampede Rush off the clock! My first pair of Georgias on the way and Becks cowboy specials on the mind.. if this keeps going I might develop a problem 😇

  4. the best thing for boots is to make sure theyre the right size and then get some nice orthotics. i thought orthotic inserts were only for old men until i started working 10-12hrs a day on concrete. Everything from my feet up to my shoulders would ache until i found the right inserts. made all the difference in the world.

  5. I’ve worn Carolina’s for a couple years then gave Chippewa a try, I’m definitely satisfied with the Chippewas I have. I’ll probably end up buying more pairs in the future


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