What Are You Gonna See in 2023?

Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker asks: β€œWhat will you see in 2023?”


20 thoughts on “What Are You Gonna See in 2023?”

  1. Talking about UFO's, I believe that God created other worlds like he did our world, and that God cast Lucifer from the Heaven's and split up his spirit amongst the other worlds and they also had "the tree of knowledge of good and evil" like we did… The worlds that did NOT eat of the fruit are allowed to travel in the Heaven of God because they obeyed God whereas WE are NOT allowed… SIN is NOT allowed in Heaven… I question The Moon landing, "IF" we did go to the moon, that is as far as we can go because WE are ALL sinners on Earth… Star Trek will NEVER happen until Jesus Christ eliminates ALL sin on Earth in the millineial… What do you think???? Maybe i spoke too soon since you showed me Zechariah…??? I am learning too and willing to learn…

  2. These heart attacks are more common in young, otherwise healthy young men who have had 2 of those "certain jabs" being pushed onto the public…look it up!
    Unprecedented number of cases of myocardiditis happening in young men especially… and big pharma knew of the risk! Be warned.

  3. You know, your info is great and I am a believer in the one true risen God, Jesus Christ, BUT take off the tie! lol you look ridiculous! Don't be that creepy 1983 tacky evangelist! lol ugh…smh God be the glory! Look Up!

  4. It's true. I shouldn't live from bicycle wreck 60 yard steep hill landed on rocks from 1998. Came from death to afterlife and thank God for what he has done for good things are coming in the future. Evil will be gone in the future will be awesome.


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