What Are X Cards? | iF yOu dOnT lIkE X cArDs YoU aRe A BiGiT!?!?!?


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30 thoughts on “What Are X Cards? | iF yOu dOnT lIkE X cArDs YoU aRe A BiGiT!?!?!?”

  1. I think they are a good idea if you are running a game at a convention or with a new group but after a while, there should be no need to use them as you get to know your players, but honestly just being upfront with where you see the maturity level of the game being is probably still the better way.

  2. The X card is intended to redirect away from scenes containing extreme situations or actions. It's a way for a player to say, "Hey, can we just fade to black or something?" I've heard too many horror stories about DMs who delight themselves in describing SA, torture, child/spousal abuse etc. I find it a useful tool along with a session 0 to set the standards for what players can expect, so those will be features at my table. The last thing I want is for someone to get up from the table to have a panic attack or throw up because of a story feature. If you like your games to be like GOT, great. You do you. Personally, I like games that might be a bit gory and scary, but without detailed descriptions of SA, torture, etc. and I doubt I would ever have those things happen to a PC because it takes away their agency. Telling your players that what happens happens and they have to participate whether that's good for their own health or not just seems like a dick move to me, personally. I certainly wouldn't play at a table like that myself.

  3. Bruh there's nothing worse than waiting the whole video to hear y'all tear into this, and then you both say "I can't say what I think about it"

    I swear just upload full videos on Rumble or something with unhidden opinions.

  4. Good to see that Dungeons and Dragons is getting back to its roots as being populated with social outcasts. The difference is that this time these ones are completely unlikable wastes of skin that have no talent, imagination, or rational thought and are best taken behind the woodshed and beaten ro death with a shovel as bullets are too merciful and too expensive.

  5. I look at the x card from GM perspective. It’s a tool that tells me of players are not comfortable/ not happy with what I’m creating and I need to decide if it’s integral to what I’m trying to weave or is it not necessary and can be altered to make the game more enjoyable for my players.

  6. If I need to use safety tools at the table, I prefer Script Change. Its more of a conversation rather than a veto card.
    – – –
    Script Change is a more complex tool than some of the others, but it is highly effective at giving everyone at the table more direct control of a scene when they feel uncomfortable. Three cards are placed in the middle of the table labeled “rewind”, “pause’, and “fast forward” that anyone at the table can tap to activate.

    “Rewind” – this card takes the game back to before the uncomfortable content so things can be retconned

    “Pause” – this card puts the scene on pause but doesn’t make any changes. Take a breath!

    “Fast Forward” – this card skips play forward past the uncomfortable content so that it isn’t described

  7. Curate the games you want to play
    Have session zeroes that defines setting and tone, list things you are uncomfortable with
    Be willing to leave a group if it is bothering you that much.
    Just leave me alone.

  8. I've gotten to the point if anyone of these cretins is crowing on about
    "You're racist! You're phobic! You're a misogynist!" or whatever
    I just say "Yes." and move on with my day. Let them fester on their own.
    Life is too short to give a shit about these people.

  9. At my table if it is reasonable and they just speak up and say hey I'm uncomfortable with this situation I'm willing to make reasonable accommodations, however if someone were to hold up an x card the situation would get exponentially worse because I will not allow someone's fragility to destroy a game over something likely insignificant, so much so they can't even be bothered to say aloud, "Hey, this situation makes me uncomfortable." I don't even need them to elaborate so long as it isn't something absurd.

    TL;DR – I will make reasonable accommodations but the x card will lead to being targeted and bullied at my table.

  10. there was a communist (can't remember his name) that was trying to figure out why britain wasn't having a revolution. the people were working long hours in hard jobs for little pay, but they weren't rebelling. he came to the conclusion that they had too much entertainment to be dissatisfied enough. They had their bread and circuses. so, he wrote a book detailing how to destroy entertainment so they'd get angry enough to go commie. the strategy involved subverting every single hobby, sport, art… etc and load it up with propaganda and political garbage until all joy and escapism would be completely gone. this is whats happening now. this is deliberate. gatekeep always, these people are not just enemies to your hobby, but to your nation as well.

  11. I'm fine with blood, and gore, but specific gnolls and how they do freaks me out so much that I had a panic attack. When my DM used them in a game and described their… 'practises' in horrifying detail, I could feel a panic attack coming on. What did I do? I excused myself, took 10 minutes to calm down and steel myself, then came back. End of. No big fuss, no accusations. I had a personal problem and I dealt with it.


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