What Actually Happens When You Have A Near-Death Experience | Dr. Jordan B Peterson

Watch the full episode – https://youtu.be/x7ZlXD7COMU

Hamza Yusuf and Dr. Peterson discuss Hamza’s near-death experience at 17, how it led him to study world religions from the perspective of the afterlife, time dilation during bungee jumping, and the difference between those who are ready to face death and those who simply aren’t.

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38 thoughts on “What Actually Happens When You Have A Near-Death Experience | Dr. Jordan B Peterson”

  1. I am so glad to see Sh. Hamza and Dr. Peterson have a conversation, both are my favourites from their respective fields. I had always wanted them to have a dialogue because they seem to be intellectual equals.

  2. I have had 3 near death experience !! I can say I saw the light ! Warm and loving ! Not telling me to join any religion but to be pure in heart !!! That was a transformation I went through when I came beck !! I follow Christ who is Alpha & Omega . John ; 14:6 . ♥️

  3. As a Muslim Arab from Algeria ,I pretty much enjoyed the conversation from start to finish between two these great minds because I am big fan of both of them .I hope Mr Jordan Peterson invites sheikh Hamza again to cover more topics .
    my best greetings to both

  4. I had a NDE. I had experienced many things. I believe we are not allowed to recall them all. However do remember two : ONE We have no control of anything ,that's an illusion . Secondly, man has no true knowledge of God, it's greater than anything we could imagine. I still wonder why I came back. Now, I have to die again lol. We never die we leave our bodies.

  5. Finally we got this long- awaited conversation. Hamza Yusuf is really a humble human being. Just look at the calmness he answers with and he never interrupts . In the whole conversation,I never found the two voices overlapping .

  6. Everytime I listen to Jordan I feel like I’m listening to the most real thing I ever heard.And I get waves of sound booming around me like a didgeridoo.I hear the hum.Really.

  7. We’re here to be conscious, and learned, as much as possible, and makes experiences, and be a knowledgeable person, and be prepared for the next journey of life, if you noticed my words and yourself is the same in general, but I explained more to giving you more scenes!

  8. Near death hallucinations, are not real death. It is all in the "wording." Had Raymond coined the term “Near death hallucinations,” rather than “Near death experiences,” would he then have had a "following?" Raymond A. Moody, Jr. (born June 30, 1944) is a philosopher, psychologist, physician and author, most widely known for his books about life after death and near-death experiences (NDE), a term that he coined in 1975 in his best-selling book Life After Life.

    From Prime television, on the program "Science of Death," came the following words (verbatim). "Hours, even days, after the official death of their owner, stem cells, protected deep within the brain are still alive. Even after a week after death has been pronounced, they possess the power to heal disease in a living person."

  9. He's bullshiting. He didn't really have a near death experience. I've heard hundreds of testimonies of NDEs and his version lacks the passion and sincerity of those who REALLY have an NDE. His story smacks of fabrication. There's NO spiritual element to it at all.

  10. Sheikh Hamza Yusof was given guidance towards Islam as the chosen one by God just like Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam). Both experienced near death experience in their youths. These were their turning points in their lives. Alhamdulillah.

  11. My dad always said in a very aggressive way "Hey! When I die it's a day of the Eid (Islamic festival), celebrate it as it is"
    I always thought it weird and how could anyone even say death is a celebration. But then the day came, and there was happiness all around in a sense he got all he dreamt of and passed away in most miraculous ways possible. Every moment leading upto his death and after there was a miracle of sorts. It was undeniable we ought to "celebrate" it. He left a very happy man and that actually made us all very happy. Off course I broke down days later with immense pain in the heart of him "passing away" which is definitely the natural thing to do but to this day I still "celebrate" his passing away. He was 100% ready for it.

  12. Dont worry about the twitter Sir. we still loves you. please be healthy. but about the model, truly Sir, i think she is beautifull. every people has different beauty standart. beauty is really sensitive issue especially for people working by selling their looks

  13. Preparing for our own death is so important, it is a disemboweling process otherwise; a series of struggles of letting go and bargaining and clutching to life. Very challenging.


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