Wes Watson delivers PURE MOTIVATION once again | Becoming successful against all odds

In this video the great Wes Watson, now successful multimillionaire, share some of his life advice as a former ex-convict who spent 10 years in jail for pushing drugs.

Today Wes is an an actor, motivational speaker, and president of a large personal coaching, Watson Fit. It was during his 10 years in prison that he managed built his killer instinct, the unbreakable mindset that today pushes him to constantly reach now heights of success. Many find him real and brutally honest and if you want to see more of him you take a look at his channel @GPPenitentiaryLifeWesWatson

#mindset #discipline #motivationalvideo #motivational #stoicism

A shout out to @nuurhaq8297 for putting together a great compilation.


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