We're too dumb to understand this horror game – Paratopic

Isn’t paratopic like just imaginary sunscreen?

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44 thoughts on “We're too dumb to understand this horror game – Paratopic”

  1. My guess is that there are two, maybe three versions of the main character- and it's a sequel to this other game about a dealer who hands out corruptive tapes. The reason why stuff keeps disappearing, and why we seem to be traveling with someone else….is because another alternate version of ourself is doing a similar job. While we deal in strange, reality warping tapes, our alternate self instead records things: taking pictures of birds. We're the shitty version of ourselves as a kind of drug mule, while the other version of us is a happy bird photographer. Because we looked at a tape (they're angry with us for a reason, they tell us not to watch the tapes because they'll know, so we must have watched a tape before) we segue between our two selves. The reason for why the tapes disappear, or the gun shows up, or both are gone is because we have briefly swapped into our other selves.

    However, whatever eldritch force we work for is using us, and likes us as the drug mule. The version of us that's a photographer is lured to a mansion and killed. We end up making our delivery, but also end up stumbling upon ourself- the realization at the end is that the female corpse is our alternate self. We hung up, because we realized we were about to have to explain to the police how we found our own corpse.

  2. I usually love overthinking these kinds of plots and trying to figure out what the creators purpose was, their inspiration, the symbolism, all that jazz, but at the same time, Game Grumps time is when I can just disconnect my brain and laugh at funny joke so my brain just refuses to cooperate right now.

  3. After Arin's half-intelligible summary of a Phoenix, I expected Dan to say "Have you ever had a dreamdt-"

    Also I expected them to directly call out that propane accessories reference. But I guess Arin's chuckle means he got it.

  4. Hey Grumpos. If you're really interested in this game I highly suggest watching the review by MandaloreGaming, just short of 15 minutes long and is an excellent video about different parts of the game. Chances are that's the video Danny found.

  5. “What’s your favorite episode of Game Grumps?”

    “I like the one where Dan explains what the everliving hell the game was and what we were watching the entire 40+ minutes and it still doesn’t make sense afterwards.”


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