We're Level 1, Naked, and Going to the TOP! – Challenge Accepted

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Ring the (tiny) GONG! Or will our contestants get to ring it this week? We’re playing 7 Days to Die and trying to get to the top of Dishong Tower. Only thing is we’re Level 1 and we’re naked. So we have our work cut out for us this week.
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47 thoughts on “We're Level 1, Naked, and Going to the TOP! – Challenge Accepted”

  1. This is a prime example of a game that doesn't have to rely on good graphics to still be good. I personally can't play this game because it looks like crap. However, I can spend hours on end watching these goons play.

  2. honestly, I enjoyed the video outside of watchin Michael. It is painful that the guy who rags on Fredo as fumbling his way through Minecraft didn't pay a lick of attention to what was goin on IN THE VIDEO HE IS IN. That just annoyed the hell outta me. Watching Jack pave the way through after Trev went twice, and yet Michael still had no clue. If Jack and Trev didn't give pointers, he definitely wouldn't have made it far. I never really complain on their vids, but I'm sorry, if you're in the video, pay attention so you can entertain please.

    Edit: So, he finally starts doing things just to Mcgoo in circles a lot in the end. He was so close but refused to try and defend himself until cornered. Sigh…

  3. Just so you know, yes, you're supposed to go through the thin piece of wood. You get to the roof and you go down into the 'massive locked door' room, through a roof window.

  4. Getting to the end of any given POI without breaking anything or placing any blocks isn't a challenge, it's how you navigate through POIs if you know the game. All POIs are mazes and none of them require you to alter them to get to the "treasure room" at the end of the path. Some of them require you to walk back to the entrance, but most have a shortcut out of the area.

    Next up they'll get challenged to kill the bears in rhe Bear Den without getting hurt. πŸ˜‰

  5. There's no way you're breaking that last locked door with a basic level 1 stone axe. I love Matt to pieces, but he's talking out his ass saying 'no you're not supposed to break that thin wood wall there'

  6. Cant believe how long this game has been out and still not optimized at all. That frame drop was horrendous. Used to love this game, but couldnt take dealing with that anymore

  7. If it wasn't for Darkness Falls and Undead Legacy, I would have dropped 7 Days to Die year ago for its dog shit geometry optimization and piss poor code, but Khaine's good people and have optimized the hell out of their version of 7 Days. They know how to keep people interested in the game and are very transparent about how everything works. I would never recommend vanilla 7 Days to anyone, but if someone were to get it on sell (or by other means) then Darkness Falls and Undead Legacy are the only true (and fun) way to play.

  8. It amazes me that they play this game this much but still didn't figure out they can clear any building without breaking anything (or they did but think that breaking through is faster). The game never forces you to spend minutes hitting an obstacle in order to proceed (or when you have to break something, they're things that are supposed to be broken like very frail blocks). I think I heard Michael once say that he knows about this but still prefers to break things. This is a valid option ONLY if you know where the good loot is or if your quest is a fetch one and you don't want to, for some reason, clear areas, kill zombies for experience and loot things. By proceeding through the 'intended' path you'll automatically clear all areas and kill all zombies, which is actually the fastest and safest way (by that I mean not skipping an area and then wander around looking for the zombies you miss) of doing kill zombies quests. The amount of times I heard Michael try to do a level 4 or 5 kill zombie quest in his streams, break through every door he finds and spend dozens of minutes shouting that he can't find the last couple zombies is unnecessarily high.

  9. Love 7DtD!! Great challenge for some new players to learn how to prioritize moving away, closing doors, and looking vertically! Was going to mention that the game capture felt choppy (despite restarting my computer and 4k tv) but you all said its just how the game is, aka "Chugging" sadge Awesome video and excellent runs!!!

  10. So stealth is weird in this game, and mostly works with a bow and arrow which it was unclear if you could make within the rules. Crouch all the time and break the pieces of glass and trash on the ground because if you walk on them they wake up the zombies. I definitely would have scraped a few chairs or beat a few desks and made a wooden club so you can power attack and knock them down. Having the settings too high with frame rate issues wouldn't help if you were trying to kill them without being hit. There are some zombies that wake up if you get close to them, even if you're crouched and barley visible


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