'Went to lunch and lived happily ever after': RBA feel 'unfairly' treated by govt

There is a sense of the Reserve Bank going rogue after the Albanese government treated both the board and Governor Philip …


17 thoughts on “'Went to lunch and lived happily ever after': RBA feel 'unfairly' treated by govt”

  1. Philip Lowe is a very courageous and principled person. Even though the Albanese brigade have tried to bully him and threaten his career, he still stuck to the disciplined professional line.

  2. Last month, this guy said rba would to sit and reviews further economic data before further movement on rates. data release then suggest aggressive rate hikes is working inflation down a bit. But wait. the moron this time is not going to sit and wait. hell in we trust this governor's words. Let hike further kill the bloody citizens and economy.

  3. They Gave Albo and JIM the Finger. WHO does this GOVT think they are.?? Jim Insulted the people in the Reserve bank. The MINUTE they Got in POWER it ALL WENT to SHI… AND THEY STILL WANT TO SPEND TRILLIONS.


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