Welcome to Godhome – Hollow Knight | Blind Playthrough [Part 27]

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27 thoughts on “Welcome to Godhome – Hollow Knight | Blind Playthrough [Part 27]”

  1. Carefree Melody is so much better than the Grim Child charm, it sucks that you have to skip the epic NKG fight to get it. You should really give a try to Quick Focus charm, it would make your life a lot easier in all of the pantheons.

  2. Godseeker mode is where you start in Godhome, and have all gear. This isn’t different for you since you’ve already got all the gear, but it lets you practice pantheons without starting a new save.

  3. NGL, even if it's your first Metroidvania that was amongst the cleanest blind runs of Godhome I've seen so far. Your improvement since the beginning is truly far above average, good job! The hardest challenge is yet to come though, but don't worry. All have learnt so far has prepared you for this. Take your time and steadily press on, you can do it!

  4. There is a secret in the hall of gods that I would be absolutely, completely shocked if you ever find on your own. Might be worth asking your trusted mods for help finding it.

  5. I really suggest to look into Rainworld. It's lore is really deep and left me in awe. Did not expect the game to be this good as it has it's hidden secrets and charms

  6. if you actually want to beat all the pantheons i suggest this charm combo: unbreakable strength, quick focus, deep focus and grubsong, that is by far the most noobfriendly and easiest way to finish the pantheons, also you havent seen anything yet, the ones you have finished at this point are basically babies first challenge or whatever you wannna call it, the actual difficult part hasnt even started yet. as for an explanation why this charm combo is so good: it lets you heal 2 masks at once, thats really all you gotta know, it allows you to be at full hp at the start of every boss since after you beat one you always have enough time to get 3 heals in which will top you off to full. also it allows you to heal in fights where you couldnt before, especially those that deal 2 masks of damage, if you only heal 1 you will never be able to keep up with healing and will eventually die, or you just play flawlessly and dont get hit, up to you. this charm combo is so good that it also lets you cheese the bindings as well, as long as you have access to these charms all of the other bindings dont really matter, its only the charm binding thats difficult as a result, it will always be the most difficult binding in every pantheon.


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